Saturday, December 31, 2011


As the closing moments of 2011 become history, may we be aware of all that we have learned and all that we have accomplished in the last 365 days. As Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts, we realize the value and the dignity of each person that we have met for the first time and for all of the strangers that have become our friends because of our positive attitudes towards life and love.

In 2012, we hope to discover who we are, what are we doing in our environments, and where are we going ultimately. In a very special poem entitled, "A Place For Me" by Grace E. Easley, Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts will fully understand the meaning for this special poem for 2012.

"A Place For Me"

"There is a special place in life that needs my humble skill. A certain job I'm meant to do, nobody else can fill. The hours are demanding, and the pay is not too good; and yet, I wouldn't change it for a moment, if I could.

"There is a special place in life, a goal I must attain, a dream that I must follow, for I won't be back again. There is a mark that I must leave, however small it be, a legacy of love for those who follow after me.

"There is a special place in life that only I may share, a little path that bears my name, awaiting me somewhere. There is a hand that I must hold, a word that I must say, a smile that I must give, for there are tears to blot away.

"There is a special place in life that I was meant to fill, a sunny spot where flowers grow upon a windy hill. There is always a tomorrow, and the best is yet to be, and somewhere in this world I know there is a place for me!"

From all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts throughout this world, may you have a Happy and Prosperous Holy New Year and find your special place in life that is your legacy for all of your friends and loved ones. WELCOME, 2012!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


For so many years, Christ was taken 0ut of Christmas as the world and its secular approach to being "politically correct" influenced many people of good will. Today, the time has come to recognize the "First Holy Family" in Jesus, Mary, and Joseph who were Jewish faithful persons who lived in extreme economical conditions. However, these Holy persons accepted the Will of God in their lives by living ordinary exemplary examples in an extraordinary way. Their "First Christmas" was an exceptionally challenging situation since they were being occupied by foreign rulers and troops who gave their allegiances to Rome. Nevertheless, this special Holy Family was following God's promise to His people that a Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. Many prophets foretold the coming of Emmanuel, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Even innocent children who were two years and younger were martyred because the king at that time felt threatened by the possibility of his kingship would be challenged. Today, more than two thousand years later, many persons have accepted the notion that elective abortions, being secular legal, kill innocent unborn babies daily in the name of "reproductive rights" or "an inconvenience" in a throwaway mentality promoted by socially elected and unelected officials. Human life is a continuum from conception to natural death by those who respect and honor the dignity of each human life. Although the socially-moved individuals push an agenda of human rights, these individuals are unable to touch the "soul" of each innocent unborn and born human beings who suffer each day a death to the "physical body." Yes, each human life is precious and deserving of total sacredness and dignity at all stages of human development. In America alone, more than 60,000,000 unborn babies have been destroyed because of the legality of protecting "reproductive rights" since 1973.

Image if these persons who received elective abortions for whatever reasons were given a chance to live a life with love, there may have been many new ideas that could have benefited other Americans since 1973. Amanda Bradley in a verse that captured my attention many years ago, expressed her thoughts in the following verse entitled, "Only One Life,"

"It only takes one smile to offer welcome; blessed be the person who will share it.
"It only takes one moment to be helpful; blessed be the person who will spare it.
"It only takes one word to lend real comfort; blessed be the person who will speak it.
"It only takes one truth to light the darkness; blessed be the person who will seek it.
"It only takes one word to lift a spirit; blessed be the person who will give it.
"It only takes one life to make a difference; blessed be the person who will live it."

During these days of celebrating many cultural holidays, let us remember the reason for the season...THE FIRST FAMILY OF CHRISTMAS...Jesus, Mary, and Joseph...Yes, for this cultural celebration, saying "Mary Christmas with Joseph" is all right to say; and saying Mary Christmas because Joseph was a Just Man is also a way of honoring and respecting the First Family of Christmas!"

Saturday, November 19, 2011


P.R.I.D.E. has a way of touching many persons on a daily basis in America! For the letter P, here are a few ideas on which to reflect. "There once was a PERSON who was born in an obscure village, who worked in a carpenter shop until the age of thirty, and who then became a dedicated teacher. This PERSON never held an office, never had a family, never owned a house, and never went to college. However, this PERSON'S credentials were unique. Twenty centuries have come and gone, and today this PERSON is the central figure of the whole human race. All the armies that ever marched, all the navies that ever sailed, all the parliaments and legislatures that ever sat, and all the presidents and kings that ever reigned have not affected the cause of history of this earth as much as that ONE SOLITARY LIFE.

With our PRIORITIES, God, Family, Work, Community, and the Common Good are challenged to PRIORITIZE our Human Resources. With our PROUD AMERICAN Heritage and with a PROMISING FUTURE, our cities, our counties, our states, our Nation, and ourselves have a Proud Heritage and a Promising Future. PROMOTING economic growth and quality of life for all citizens is paramount. PROFESSIONALISM in our work environment, in our community networking, and in all of our person-to-person relationships projects the image of a citizen who values the dignity and the worth of each human being from conception to natural death.

REACHING out to others less fortunate in our communities is a responsibility all year long by sharing our time, our talents, and our treasures for the marginalized. RESPECT for ourselves and for others by accepting others as they are and keeping the lines of communication always open is a challenge for all Americans. Taking RESPONSIBILITY for our own actions reflects our attitude about living the American Dream and preparing for our Eternal Dream. What we do does make a difference to ourselves and to others. REALIZE that we are RICH in human resources because every American is respected for their uniqueness.

Your RICHNESS may be the key that will move the unlockable door of someone's mind and heart. You may be the only key PERSON that will gain access to someone's thoughts and behavior. You may be the key that will clear up a human problem that was once considered unsolveable. You may be the key that explains or gives useful information about persons, places, or things. Your RICHNESS may be the only key that will unlock a very difficult situation with people that you respect and love. You may be the right key to keep harmony rather than see discord in community and neighborhood relations.

To be continued in our next blog: I, D, E in the power of P.R.I.D.E. Remember, as an Achievement Ladder Enthusiast, you may be keyed-uped to influence others through your great intensity of feeling or the inner drive to do something great.
Make this Happy Thanksgiving a special memorial for all those who are PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN and who take P.R.I.D.E. in everything they think, say, or do. In remembering my Dad's favorite saying: "If a job or activity is worth doing, DO THAT JOB OR ACTIVITY RIGHT or not at all." In God We Trust!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


To all the men and women who served in the United States' Armed Services, THANK YOU AND GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES! Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts worldwide salute and honor and respect your service to your Country, the United States of America! In addition, we especially honor and respect the many men and women who laid down their lives over the years in defense of freedom, justice, and patriotism. Also, for the many men and women who were injured, wounded, and disabled by war's nasty and cruel weapons of destruction, may they continue to have the courage to endure the misunderstandings of people who ignore, overlook, and retreat from dealing with the challenges of our physically and mentally wounded Americans. Thank you, All Veterans both living and deceased, for your desire, dedication, discipline, and determination to make our Country...the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. Your bravery in battle is respected and honored every day of the year...Veterans' Day is everyday. You wore your uniform with distinction and persons of Courage and of Bravery. Be patient with all of us who may have not had the opportunity to serve in the Armed Services. We all have much to learn from your total enthusiasm of service to your Country. Have a safe and memorable Veterans' Day, 2011, from all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts. Yes, make 11/11/11 the best ever in remembering your service to God and to Country.

China Sells Us a Trojan Horse

China Sells Us a Trojan Horse

Phyllis Schlafly decries “Race to the Top” grant process, assesses presidential field, looks back fondly at Robert Taft, Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan

Phyllis Schlafly decries “Race to the Top” grant process, assesses presidential field, looks back fondly at Robert Taft, Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan

Questions to Ask Presidential Candidates

Questions to Ask Presidential Candidates

Interview: Marcello Pera — Can Democracy Survive Without Christianity?

Interview: Marcello Pera — Can Democracy Survive Without Christianity?

Personhood voted down

Personhood voted down

Thursday, October 20, 2011


On October 20th of each year, my parents would enjoy their Wedding Anniversary by attending the Ice Capades in Philadelphia, PA. Today would have been their 77th Wedding Anniversary if that had been given more time on earth. However, today my parents are enjoying their eternal citizenship in Heaven with God for all eternity. Each one of us have dual on earth and hopefully, eternity in Heaven. "Render to the earth what belongs to the earth and to God what and who belongs to God." My parents priority was their family with their love of life even during the days of the Great Depression. My parents had a wonderful sense of humor that provided a good substitution for the material things that many people today feel is the real answer to happiness. My parents never owned their own home; and they never owned their own automobile. They used credit wisely; and they always knew how to make the most with the least resources available. These wonderful persons were ordinary people who lived extraordinary lives in the ghetto of a metropolitan city setting. My parents lived the "spirit of poverty;" yet they were "rich in love" for their children even with the many challenges that life presented. My parents were very appreciative of persons who made a point of good conversations and social activities that were family oriented. Yes, Mom and Dad, thank you for the Gifts of Life and Love...It is great to be alive..Enjoy your eternity with God because you gave from the heart rather than from the "pocketbook or wallet."

You made time for all of your children even when life proposed many challenges. Choosing Life rather than opting to destroy life was never in your agenda. In God you trusted for your family! Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts thank you for your total dedication to your family and to the world in which you lived. You both made a difference and you have left a proud legacy that has been passed on to your children and your grandchildren and great-grandchildren. May you rest in peace with God for all eternity. Happy 77th Wedding Anniversary from all of your earthly family!
You believed in a hand up and helping others rather than a handout! You earned the trust of all of those who were fortunate to know you!

Saturday, October 15, 2011


To be acknowledged as a true American Hero, many individuals and groups seem to determine their decisions on name, title, geography, and wealth. However, Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts believe that the uniqueness of each human being living an ordinary life in an extraordinary way contributes to American heroism. Do you know of anyone in your community that does this?

Many outstanding educators who have made their marks on the learning curve of Americans are often overlooked because of the blindness of the criteria established by the educational and political establishments. For many years for whatever reasons, the learners with potential for greatness and leadership were often "dumped" in the business courses in middle schools, high schools, and post-secondary schools. The business education instructors realized that this was an opportunity to work with students who wanted to learn technical and soft skills that would open doors in future careers. With the enthusiasm that learning requires, these dedicated business educators have make an difference in the lives of many individuals who have a proven track record of successful achievements. Their attitudes were developed and enhanced by a determined business educator who sought and accepted the uniqueness of each learner.

Today, Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts salute an outstanding business educator who made a special mark on business leaders through her work in the classroom and in her work beyond the classroom. She nurtured and developed future business leaders by her unique enthusiasm beyond reproach. She prepared competitors for the real world of business by her coaching, by her mentoring, by her leadership, and by her desire to make a true difference in her community especially for her family. Her multiple D's (desire, dedication, determination, discipline, diplomacy, distinction, etc.) was exemplified through the Florida Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda organization. Her many years of service showed how doing the ordinary tasks in an extraordinary manner may show the positive attitude of 100 percent accomplishments. You will always have a special memory for all of us, Sherry; may you rest in peace. You are a true American Hero! The Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts salute your par excellence contributions to American Education!

Margaret Thatcher -- a True Heroine

Margaret Thatcher -- a True Heroine

Ronald Reagan's Private Speech Notes

Ronald Reagan's Private Speech Notes

Saturday, October 8, 2011


For those who drive on the nation's highways and byways, remember to bring your safety and courtesy manners to your driving every day. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts applaud all efficient and effective drivers who observe the rules of the road and act accordingly. Signaling when making lane changes at least three or more car lengths before moving to another lane makes the road safer for all concerned. Observing the posted speed LIMIT means just that...the LIMIT! Creating your own speed limit is putting everyone in danger with your LETHAL WEAPON (Your vehicle). Obviously, focusing on the road ahead means good defensive and assertive driving skills that have been abandoned by the "weavers" and the "snakes" who float in and out of traffic patterns. Playing music at the highest decibel level with windows wide open shows your unique intelligence or lack of the same. Courtesy respects the air waves of other music lovers. Yes, for those addicted to smoking, remember to avoid "fires" from your lighted cigarettes or cigars by disposing of them in a proper safe manner. Tossing your "lighted butts" on the road or in dry leaves area is a hazard for all drivers and non-drivers. The life you save may be your own.

Effective communication is the beginning of understanding. However, using your cell phones while driving with one hand or "no hands" takes your concentration from your driving to the conversations that you are having with your friends and acquaintances. Social communication dictates that you respect the many persons on the road who will wait until the time is safe to use their cell phones. To even think that you may use "texting" while driving is beyond comprehension. Think before you endanger the lives of so many innocent persons on the road. If you need to text someone, pull off the road wherever safe to send your messages. Emergencies are the only exception to use a cell phone or to text while in your motionless vehicle that is off the road.

When Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts put into practice the courtesies on the road, our roads become safer; and our premiums for automotive insurance will have a tendency of coming down rather than going "skyrocketing." Creating unnecessary risks by inefficient and ineffective driving and communications will continue to drive our automotive insurances out of sight for the average policy holder. Think first before giving in to selfish and rude acts on the road. Your rethinking of why you are on the road and the safety of your family and friends will be honored and respected by all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who drive the American roads every day. Arrive Alive and be a Safe and Courteous Driver.

Friday, October 7, 2011


During this weekend, the Saint Joseph High School Class of 1961 will be celebrating their 50th Reunion Anniversary. Congratulations to all of the members of SJHS Class of 1961 on your special occasion. You will be remembered for all of your accomplishments this weekend. During my professional career at SJHS from 1956 to 1960, your positive influence on my life has always been a memory worth remembering. Those golden years have culminated into your special celebration this weekend. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts were nurtured and cultivated during those special high school days into the Leaders in your communities today. All of the members of your Reunion Class of 1961 have made a difference in the lives of many persons including me. Let us also remember the many persons of your special class who have gone on to their eternal reward. They are smiling down on your influence on them; they will never be forgotten. May they rest in peace. In God We Trust! Choose Life!

Our prayers during this weekend will be for your special intentions. Continue to be an influence in the years ahead in your communities with your desire, dedication, and determination to make wherever you are God's special mission.

"Always remember what you have learned. Your Education is your Life. Guard it well!" (Proverbs 4:13). All for Jesus through Mary with a Smile!

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Today our daughter reached her 40th birthday! Congratulations! She has accomplished her goals one day at a time to make the 100 percent...I DID IT! Her positive attitude has contributed to her career successes. Yes, this is the attitude that you want your children to acquire...never give up, get up and bloom where you are planted! Yes, Thank God, all of our children have achieved this positive attitude with their response to life's make where they are better than when they first found their environment. That is what makes a family a honest- to- goodness family...they are always there when they are needed and are the first to respond to challenges. Life gives us challenges to overcome with the assistance and the support of family members. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts join me in thanking God for our entire family; and in particular, for our daughter who is celebrating her milestone today! Happy Birthday, Sweetie! May the Guardian Angels continue to protect and guide all of our children as we celebrate the Feast of the Guardian Angels today, especially the special Angel Anastasia who intercedes for her family now and always.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


For all of those Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who are looking for the extraordinary, remember that doing the "ordinary tasks" in an "extraordinary way" is the key to success. The boring, the humdrum, the waste of time events, and the challenging circumstances that we are expected to accept are the "ordinary opportunities" to excel par excellence with exemplary dedication. St. Therese, the Little Flower of Jesus, lived for 24 years; but she has spent her time in eternity listening to the ordinary concerns of ordinary people. Her intercession has had a tremendous impact on the lives of the childlike who want more from life. However, St. Therese has proven that doing the ordinary chores in an extraordinary way is the answer to chasing away the distasteful, the dirty jobs, and the apparent meaningless challenges in every day life. Making the most of every opportunity is the theme of all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts.

What determines the value of each human being is the approach that a man or woman accepts in their environments. "Bloom where you are planted," as many flowers have learned in the realm of nature, determines the essence of sacredness and dignity to be honored and respected of the "Who" the person is rather than the "What" the person is. Thank you, St. Therese, for your outstanding example of doing the "ordinary tasks in an extraordinary way." That is the reason why you are considered the Patron of the Foreign Missions even though you never set foot on foreign soil for missionary work
. St. Therese, Little Flower of Jesus, intercede for us with God. Remember to send us Roses from your Heavenly Garden as a reminder of God's love for each human being, unborn and born.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


During my grade school days, September 24th was always a blessing in disguise. My instructors were members of the Sisters of Mercy Congregation; and these dedicated nuns were an inspiration to me during my eight years of grade school. On the 24th of September of each year, the Sisters of Mercy celebrated their special Feast Day on that day. Yes, for eight years my birthdays were celebrated as free days, thanks to the Feast Day of the Sisters of Mercy. Walking to and from grade school every day was a special opportunity to enjoy the metropolitan City of Philadelphia. Our home was located in the ghetto of South Philadelphia; but we were proud of our heritage as Americans in the City that was the birthplace of our Nation. As an Achievement Ladder Enthusiast, my privilege was to have a total holistic education from dedicated educators who assisted the learner in gaining the basics for life. Thank you, Sisters of Mercy, for giving me the tools that have enhanced my total life during these past 76 years. For those dedicated Sisters who have gone to their eternal reward, may your souls and all of the souls of the faithful departed through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Also, on this special birthday, my thoughts go to the parents who gave me an opportunity to gain the tools to meet the challenges of life. Thanks, Mom and Dad, for the gifts of life and love...IT IS GREAT TO BE ALIVE! In addition, thank you, Paul and Kathleen, for your continued support of my endeavors over the years. May you continue to enjoy life eternal with God forever! And to my only living brother, Rich, thank you for being a loving brother to me for all of those years of adventure. May you continue, Rich, to be happy in this life and to gain the eternal happiness that you richly deserve for all that you gave to others and to me. For those who take human life lightly by their limited understanding of the value of human life, may you some day believe in the dignity and the respect that is due to each human being with potential, unborn and born. Choose Life!

Friday, September 23, 2011


For all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who are celebrating their birthdays on the 24th of September, 2011....CONGRATULATIONS AND BLESSED WISHES! For me this has been a very rewarding year since my celebrating last year for my 3/4 of a century celebration with my family. Yes, family is the most important fabric for any true celebration. How many 9/24 Club members will be alone this 24th of September? How many 9/24 Club members have gone to their eternal reward since last year? Moving forward with all the gifts and graces of human life, Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts remember the past but live in the NOW! Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their Country.

Tomorrow for me is the beginning of a new year, "The Spirit of '76." Growing up in the City of Philadelphia, PA, the birthplace of our Great Nation, my thoughts and memories of all the family gatherings brought sincere solace even in challenging times
. The choices that have been made over the past 75 years for me and others have been good, better, and best depending upon who evaluates those choices. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts focus on the NOW and prepare well for the next moments as a great challenge for our use of time, talents, and treasures. "His Kingdom come; His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." Our Blessed Country is experiencing many challenges that have been brewing for some time. The outstanding human resources that our "melting pot" has attracted are being challenged as never before. Yet, that is time to step up and to remember the "Spirit of '76." Our Country will survive these challenges when all men and women of good will realize that the value of each and every human being is sacred, unique, and worth dignity. Human life is continuum from conception to natural death. To interfere with this natural process for whatever reason will continue to haunt all Americans until the attitude changes regarding the value and worth of each human being, unborn and born.

Congratulations to all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who will be celebrating and sharing their time, talents, and treasures with their family and friends on their special day...THEIR BIRTH DAY. For me, my theme for the upcoming year will be "The Spirit of '76" as a reminder that we, Americans, are proud of our multiple heritages. However, we will step aside with being "hyphenated Americans" and enjoy FULL FLEDGED AMERICANS accepting the challenges of the coming days and years. Remember to Bless God who has already blessed America from its 1776 beginnings. May 2011-2012 bring a new, positive attitude toward the value and respect for all human beings, unborn and born, if we are to come out of our negative attitudes and choices about BEING ALIVE...and feeling free... and having everyone in our Family...a Family that loves stays together!

Saturday, September 3, 2011


"Come to Me all you who labor and find life burdensome; and I will give you rest. Learn from Me for I am meek and humble of heart. For My yoke is easy and My burden light." (Matthew 12:28) During this year's remembrance of what the working person has accomplished for our beloved Country, let us all remember where the time, the talents, and the treasures are deployed to benefit all Americans. With the emphasis on the Global Economy and the interdependence that all of the world's population depend upon, the positive and forward looking visions of entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs have contributed to all holistic persons from multiple cultures. Making use of the land, the labor, the capital, the entrepreneurship, the technologies, and the service-oriented driven economies, the world's population shares in the human resources that are achievement driven to benefit the common cause of all human beings. However, what is often overlooked, is the Divine Presence that allows the human resources to discover and to re-discover the Ultimate Cause of all that is good and positive. With discoveries like "recycling," "re-engineering," "long-term research," "cultural awareness," and "individual differences," the world community respects the rights for the sacredness and the dignity of the human resources that make the Divine Plan of Action come into collaborative practices.

When peace exists in the hearts of persons of good will, the world community gains an internal peace that only the Divine Source can and will give to those who ask for and work for that peace. Wars destroy human resources, natural resources, innovative resources, and investment resources. "To the victor belongs the spoils" was a saying that was allowed to exist with little positive meaning. Self-determination with Divine Guidance makes the road ahead more positive for the benefit of the Common Good. There have been wars that have existed for centuries without any concern for peaceful settlements. Understanding one another takes effective communication at all levels especially with multiple languages and cultures to be studied and respected. Famines exist because greedy human resources hoard all of the "factors of production" for selfish ends. Giving dignity and respect to the lowliest of all human beings is expected for all persons who have been given multiple talents and treasures. Adversary climates and relationships create a negative effect for all concerned. Turning the atmosphere to a more positive approach takes "work" and "genuine effort" in a collaborative manner. Respect gains respect when the dignity of the work place is honored and appreciated. "If a job is worth doing, the job is worth doing well or not at all." Completing the ordinary job in an extraordinary way is the opportunity for all human resources to consider and to put into actual practice on a daily basis. We all benefit from the multiple human resources throughout the globe. "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me." The Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts salute the human resources who daily make a difference in their respective work places and communities. Make this Labor Day Weekend your resolve to be the best of who you are rather than what you are. Give a hand up rather than a hand out!

The Best Treaty America Ever Signed

The Best Treaty America Ever Signed

Sunday, June 19, 2011


As the long time standing saying goes, "anyone can be a Father but there is something special that makes a man a "Daddy." In addition, many step-dads are included with the current challenges of being a man of wisdom rather than a man with t0ys, money, and gimmicks to "earn love from a child." Giving time to children, young men and young women, and mature adults is the best gift that a Dad can give to those persons in his life that really matter. Being there for a child when he or she really wants someone to listen and to give sound advice, this is the wisdom that a Dad is willing and capable of giving in a very unselfish manner. What's in it for me is the result of many unhappy children who seek attention from the wrong source when Fathers forget to be Daddys. When a Dad becomes a Grandpop or GrandDaddy, the grandchildren seek his counsel and his experience and his very active attention to be willing to actively listen to be the imagination of young and beautiful children. The childlike simplicity of all children is the best symphony of worthy of all "bravos" and a "standing ovation." When does the work of a Daddy really end? The answer to that depends upon the positive attitude of any man who cares about the children that he shares in raising to be an adult. The legacy of any Dad is the sincerity of his giving and his sharing of his time, talents, and treasures that best benefits the children that he has fathered in this world. Yes, Happy Dads' Day to all genuine men of good will who know the difference between being a Father and being a Dad. May the children that you are fortunate enough to have in your lifetime be worthy of your Dad's gifts of patience, generosity, humility, sense of humor, and wisdom. May all of the Dads who have completed their mission on this earth earn the rewards of everlasting happiness with the Father of all men and women.

In addition, a special tribute that the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts wish to acknowledge are the Dads who have had to endure from the unfortunate triangle of "choice makers for the unborn." Many Dads are helpless when "death choices" are made for their unborn children because a law is legal to kill the unborn babies without the Dads considerations. Even though the "death choosers" may kill the bodies of these innocent unborn babies, Dads may take spiritual comfort in spiritually adopting their unborn children's soul for this life and into eternity. Even though "death choosers" may kill the bodies of unborn children, the spiritual soul lives on for all eternity until that soul is re-united with the body at the end of time as we know time. For the past three years, my mission has been to spiritually adopt unborn babies for the nine months that they are living in the mother's womb hoping that the mother will reconsider with effective informational choice, which she is able to make without consulting legally the father of the unborn child. Currently, my prayers are for Thomas, Teresa, Nicholas, and Noel who are scheduled to be born, hopefully, on December 6, 2011. Happy Dads'-to-be Day that their unborn children will be given an opportunity to share life and love with their parents. Keep hope alive with your sincere concern for your mother-to-be. Listen, listen, love, love. Listen with the head, listen with the heart. Love with the head, love with the heart. Respect and dignity for the mother-to-be and for the unborn baby is your mission as Dad.

Lastly, the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts honor the memories of all of the Dads that have given the exemplary examples during their lifetime with their actions rather than their words. May their souls and all of the souls of the faithful departed Dads, rest in peace for all eternity. Amen! Alleluia!

Saturday, May 28, 2011


During this time of year, many men and women will be recognized for the completion of their academic requirements for various degrees and certifications. To all of the High School Graduates, to all of the Post-Secondary Graduates, and to all of the Post-Graduate School Graduates...CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES FOR YOUR FUTURE SUCCESSES.

Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts also recognize the graduates of the "Classrooms without Walls" during this time of honoring graduates. The ongoing process of "On the Job Training" and "the College of Hard Knocks" continues to bring about graduates in the real world beyond book knowledge. Knowing the "concepts" and then putting them into practice makes sense for those disc0vering their learning styles and their learning accomplishments. With the use of technology and the "College of Real Life Experiences," these graduates are providing a legacy far beyond those who have been yet to gain actual experience in their fields. The new "Entrepreneurs" and the new "Intrapreneurs" are making the difference in producing actual careers and job opportunities in the private sector worth noticing and encouraging. Taking advantage of the modern technologies, these Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts are making their definite mark beyond the "sheepskin" that others adore and display. Who you are as a person is much more important than what you are or where you received your "formal education" in the "Classroom with Walls." Exclusive Formal Education is often a way for many individuals to hide behind their lack of life experiences by creating "exclusive arrangements" for the elitists. Although Elitism exists in the world today especially in America, inclusiveness is the world for the "OJTs" and the "CWWs." Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts encourage all persons to seek, to find, and to implement the most effective goals in accomplishing life's mission of service to others by using their time, their talents, and their treasures for the benefit of the common good.

Congratulations to all graduates of the "Classroom without Walls" and the "On the Job Training" for their inspiration and their positive attitude about Life Experiences beyond the textbooks and formalized exposure in human relations.


Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts honor and salute all Americans who gave their lives in battles and wars throughout the world since the beginning of our Republic in 1776. All of the heroes who laid down their lives for us to have the freedoms that we profess and enjoy are exemplary men and women who knew what love of Country really meant. Many times the wounded, the disabled, and the battle weary men and women have been given a heroes welcome; however, there have been many cases of negativism on the part of apathetic and misinformed citizens who have mocked the bravery of these fallen and wounded warriors. Regretfully, the honor of serving America has been unsupported by elected and unelected officials of public opinion. Yet, the American Flags are once again cheering on the valiant men and women who have given their time, their talents, and their treasures in the positive service of American Freedom. We thank all of those men and women who have proudly served their Country and who have made the ultimate sacrifice in order to us to earn the freedoms that our Founders of this Republic fought initially for all Americans. Remember to say a prayer for the heroes and their families on this Memorial Day Weekend.
IN GOD WE TRUST! "We hold these truths to be self-evident...."

Sunday, May 8, 2011


On this Mothers' Day, 2011, Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts salute and honor those women who chose to give birth to their unborn children during this past year. With all of the secular humanists who promote the negative about "Motherhood," there are many women who are brave and who have the courage to rise above the "mythical feminism" that has prevailed since the 1970s. Many women have achieved both motherhood and career challenges and have established a balance in their lives and in the lives of their children. Also, many women who were able to adopt children who appeared to be "unwanted" by other women for whatever reasons, these wonderful women have accepted the heroes' adage of sacrificing beyond the call of duty. Many women have laid down their lives to give to their children the gifts of life and love even when the world would have "aborted" those special children without any real reason. Also, thank you, Mothers, for your continual and enthusiastic approach to every day life challenges. You will always have a special place in our hearts every day. And finally, let us recognize the plight of many children on this Mothers' Day: the presence of their Mothers because they have been called back to God for their eternal reward. There is no timetable for feeling the absence of the "heart and the neck" of every family, THE MOTHERS who have gone to their eternal reward. Eternal rest give to these Mothers, O God, and let perpetual light shine upon these Mothers. May their souls and the souls of all of the faithful departed Mothers...REST IN PEACE..Amen.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


When celebrate Mothers' Day on May 8, 2011, let us all remember that we thank our Mothers in the most thoughtful way possible for giving us life and love and our very existence. For the many Mothers who have moved on to their eternal reward, we believe with our whole heart that our Mothers knew what love really is. Since Mothers are made in the image and likeness of God, their Creator, they offered all of us opportunities to grow and to mature into the children and the adults that we are today. Mothers are the first teachers of each one of their children, and we realized that our Mothers accepted us as for who we are rather than what we are. Mothers have been the inspiration of many books, songs, poems, and other media examples. Being a Mother continues through the entire life span of their children and their children. Being a Grand-Mother gives her another opportunity to touch the lives of many children who may need additional love and support rather than a parental enhancement. For all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts, the influence of a Mother in their lives have made the difference in the goals, the aspirations, the philosophies, and the values that Mothers encourage in their children's development. The leaders of tomorrow are depending on the desire, the dedication, and the determination of their Mothers to seek the best and to be the best in their chosen careers. May God continue to bless all Mothers throughout the world in their chosen career as Mothers and their belief that their children should "BE NOT AFRAID, JUST BELIEVE." May all Mothers receive the guidance through the inspiration of the Most Blessed Mother of all time to be the fitting indwelling of God in their lives.

Saturday, April 30, 2011


For many persons who are tuned into the secular press and media in general, Easter Sunday was concluded on April 24 rather than extending any longer. However, in the Christian World for all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts, the Easter Season extends for 50 days after Easter Sunday. The Celebration of the Pentecost, the Birthday of the One, the Holy, the Catholic, and Apostolic Church, commemorates the initial enthusiasm of the Church founded by Jesus Christ through His Apostles and His Disciples. "Do this in remembrance of Me" means to accept the total picture of the growth of the original Body of Jesus Christ through the many inspired writers of the New Testament bridging the gap with the Old Testament inspired writers. Traditions continue through the ages along with the inspired Word of God until the present time. Let us continue to sing, "Alleluia to the Risen Jesus Christ" who continues to witness of the Coming of the Kingdom on earth as in Heaven. We are His witnesses by our lives and our living the Go0d News as expressed under the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. "Sing to the Lord a New Song for He has done wondrous miracles...His Kingdom and His Love endure forever...." We are His Resurrected witnesses in 2011 and forever! Jesus is depending on us, and we are depending on Him!

Friday, April 22, 2011


Every year the subtle aroma of the secular world likes to subdue anything and anyone that suggest a "religious enthusiasm" of any variety. We all witnessed over the years the use of the "Happy Holidays" theme to avoid mentioning the Christian celebration of Christmas to be "politically correct." While ignoring or substituting a secular approach, the erosion of religiousness has been undermined by those who seek the "righteous approach" of a complicated secular world. To avoid any "legalese," many conscientious persons opt to use contemporary reasons for traditional values and norms. As a result, the planned confusion is instilled in mass media to overwhelm any hint of a "religious" celebration or remembrance. Respecting the rights and privileges of all "religious" groups is to accept in principle that there might be "irreconcilable differences," which may be unavoidable. Achievement Ladder Christian Enthusiasts take time every year to recognize the Founder of the Christian Movement, Jesus Christ, the Messiah. This remembrance is both traditional and contemporary for all of those who have accepted the Old and the New Covenant as expressed in the Inspired Word of God, the Bible.

This weekend in the Christian Environments throughout the world, the Christian Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts realize that in life all Christians must accept the Good Friday before they may realize the Alleluias on Easter Sunday. The Savior of the world laid down His life once and for all over 2000 years ago. But He offered Hope that He would be with us until the end of time, whenever God chooses that time frame. Yes, Achievement Ladder Christian Enthusiasts are Alleluia People because their Founder, Jesus Christ, rose from the dead as was predicted by the prophets in the Old Covenant. His Kingdom will have no end; and His Kingdom is not of this world. "I AM the Resurrection and the Life, and whoever believes in Me even though they die, will live forever...." Yes, let us proclaim for all Christian Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts worldwide: HAPPY EASTER rather than Happy Springtime.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Every year Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts are given an opportunity to remember in a very special manner the Life, the Death, and the Resurrection of their King of Kings, their Lord of Lords, their Savior and Redeemer, their Messiah, their Prince of Peace, and their Transformer of New Life. During Holy Week each year, Christians from all over the world are reminded that in order to have an Easter Sunday, Christians must experience a Good Friday in their day-to-day living. "If you want to be My follower, you must deny yourself, take up your daily crosses, and follow Me because I AM the Only Way, the Only Truth, and the Only Life." Yes, our Emmanuel, God is with us, gave us His life to live if we choose Him with His unconditional LOVE as indicated by His Life, His Death, and His Resurrection. Christians are Resurrected People; and their Leader, Jesus Christ, has already given the example that "whatever you do to the least of My brothers and sisters, you do to ME." Jesus completed the Old Testament Covenant with the New Testament Covenant of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness if we choose God's way in our journey to our eternal destiny. The best gift that Jesus Christ left for each of His followers was Himself in the Eucharist...His Body and His Blood..."do this in remembrance of ME."

Holy Week, 2011, gives all Christian Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts an opportunity to recommit their total dedication and consecration to the One who said: "I AM with you all days until the end of time....when you eat My Body and drink My Blood you will have life in you...for without ME you can do nothing..."
Let all believers in the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church remember to serve one another in their daily Eucharistic challenges by "blooming where they are planted." Let us focus on this Holy Week with desire, dedication, determination, dignity, diplomacy, and discretion to live each day in union with the Holy Trinity to accept the challenges that life gives to each one of us. The world may not change as we want the world to change. Many choices will be made that we may not understand; but the only person who can change and be transform is ourselves if we say, YES, to God's mission in our make a difference in our communities, in our states, and in our global responses. Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday are lived with the Total Covenants that God has revealed through His inspired Word and through His inspired Traditions. "....I will be their God and they will be My People..." May all Spiritual Leaders throughout the world be Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts as they give inspiration and heroic examples by their lives of extraordinary living in an ordinary way. "He must increase, we must decrease." "I will not leave you My Father's Kingdom, there are many mansions...I will prepare a place for you...Come Holy Spirit, Come!"

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


On Monday, April 4, 2011, an Achievement Ladder Enthusiast, Kathleen F. Lilly, was given a regal tribute at a Christian Eucharistic Celebration of Burial at a Mass at St. Edmond's Catholic Church in South Philadelphia followed by a Funeral Procession to the Old Cathedral Cemetery near Fairmount Park in Philadelphia. Her wonderful and devoted family and friends paid homage to a woman who lived life to the fullest and who gave unconditional love to all who would accept that gift. She was a victim of many complicated medical conditions during her lifetime. Medical professionals were in awe of how she was able to sustain the pain and the sufferings for such an extended period of time. But even with her ongoing sufferings, she managed to open her heart and soul to many persons who were recovering from the addictions of life with comforting and empathetic conversations and encouragements. She was a woman above all women who knew how to live her philosophy of life and fought for the rights of women everywhere. She was a warrior and a gentle woman rolled into one person. Her smile and her laughter were contagious wherever she went. She lived the following preamble every day of her life especially for the past 31 years:

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change...Courage to change the things I can and the WISDOM to know the difference." May Kathleen Frances Lilly REST IN PEACE. AMEN. ALLELUIA!

Sunday, April 3, 2011


On March 31, 2011, a wonderful woman was called to her eternal reward after a brilliant life of dedication, desire, and determination to make a difference in her community. She was a committed advocate for assisting victims of the disease and the addiction of alcoholism. She earned more than 31 years of sobriety from the addiction of alcoholism by attending many AA meetings and encouraging others to stick with the program. "One Day At A Time Until Eternity" was upper most in her endeavors to assist and to encourage many survivors of addiction to drugs and alcoholism. She will be honored by many persons that she touched at the Viewing and the Christian Celebration of Life in South Philadelphia on Monday, April 4. All Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts will be in concert in honoring her fantastic accomplishments as well as the many sufferings that she endured for many years because of the effects of the addictions. Eternal Rest give her, O Lord, and let perpetual LIGHT shine upon her. May her soul and all of the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God, REST IN PEACE!

Thank you, Kathleen, for being a WOMAN above all women who made a difference in their life through service to others without any thought of returns.

You are an inspiration to all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who are learning how to LISTEN, LISTEN, LOVE, LOVE with your dedicated perseverance.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


As an Achievement Ladder Enthusiast where are you "Now" in your quest to maximize your total potential as a holistic human being? How "cool" are you in striving holistically in using your time, your talents, and your treasures to make a real difference in this challenging world in general and in your own environment? What makes you "boiling" to the 100 percent degree as an Achievement Ladder Enthusiast in "blooming where you are planted"? Is your enthusiasm cool, mediocre, or really hot? Where are you on the temperature gauge in striving to be the total you as you envision yourself to be?

Are you at "0 degrees" or "I don't want to" attitude in making your progress or regression in using your aptitudes to gain the acceptable altitude of your chosen career, lifestyle, or philosophy of life? Or are you at "10 degrees" or "I can't" negative attitude because you are fearful of making mistakes or taking risks? Or are you at the "20 degrees" or "I don't know how" temperature that is still frigid by all standards? Are you still frozen out at the "30 degrees" or "how can I do it?" excuse or plausible reason? However, you may be reaching to the warmer yet cool "40 degrees" or "if I only could" attitude waiting for the support of other Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts to give you a positive and rewarding example. From seeing others achieve their goals, you may be at the "50 degrees" spring weather climate or "perhaps I could" attitude. Now you are on your way because of your willing to take necessary risks and steps to move in the upper direction with the "60 degrees" or "I could if" given the training and the motivation from other Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who are totally motivated to be mentors in life. Next, your temperature rises to the "70 degrees" or "I believe I can" dimension of short term and long term goal settings. After you have experienced limited successes and successful failures, you warm up to the "80 degrees" or "I can" achieve this with desire, dedication, determination, discipline, diplomacy, and direction from proven Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts accomplishments. You become DRIVEN to make the change that will enhance your holistic intelligences beyond the mediocre and complacent. With the "90 degrees" or "I will" attitude your focus is now on achieving these challenges with the total human resources available to you in your chosen career and your chosen way of life. Yes, at the "100 degrees" or "I do" want to be all that my Creator wants me to be, cost what the challenges may cost in the short and long term. Remember that a positive attitude will change the degrees of your temperature gauge as you go from "I don't want to" to " I do."

Are you willing to make the "conversion" from where you are Now to the "hottest" achievement in your quest to be the total human being that you are expected and that you personally want to be with your time, your talents, and your treasures? Only you can make that decision with effective spiritual and professional guidance from experienced Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts! The time to start is NOW! Today is the tomorrow that you thought about yesterday!

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Every year Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts pause to reflect on their mission to deepen their moral and ethical values that relates to their everyday human encounters in order to be a more vibrant leaven to their respective environments. The preamble for the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts is found in Sacred Scripture and in Tradition. Going from a negative approach to a more positive and pro-active approach requires a total understanding of the holistic intelligences that are impacted by their every day behaviors. Here is a listing of the norms of human behavior of the highest order:

Happy is the person who is poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Using their time, talents, and treasures for the stewardship of earthly and spiritual concerns results in the most effective way to be selfless while being endowed with attitudes, altitudes, and aptitudes.

Happy is the person who is meek for they will possess the earth. A person of principle is a person who is committed to their philosophy of life and recognizes irreconcilable differences and stands firm with their values and cultural life.

Happy is the person who mourns for they will be comforted. The Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts are open to assist anyone, anywhere who is need of comfort in their time of need. In addition, mobilization of human power is utilized to restore the dignity of each person especially when all other human resources have been exhausted.

Happy is the person who is hungry and thirsty for justice for they will be satisfied. For all of the challenges that humankind is confronted with in every day life experiences, there are Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who step forward to represent the marginalized, the dependent, the uneducated, the unwanted, the disabled, the depressed, the handicapped, and the lonely.

Happy is the person who is merciful for they will obtain mercy. Having empathy for the sick, the elderly, the lost, the imprisoned, the chemically dependent, the apathetic, the ignorant, and the homeless creates an empowerment for the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts' sense of decency beyond reproach.

Happy is the person who is clean of heart for they will see God. To choose the positive approach in the most complicated matter means to seek the best choice for the human and spiritual growth of each individual. Keeping life simple is a good choice by respecting the sacredness of each human being from conception to natural death. Making decisions that affect the spiritual identity enhances the choices for the bodily concerns.

Happy is the person who is a peacemaker for they will be called children of God. With all of the conflicts throughout the world, the Achievement Ladder Enthusiast focuses on the common threads that brings all human beings under the Family of God for the right and correct reasons. "Let there be peace on earth and let that peace begin with ME."

Happy is the person who suffers persecution for justice sake for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. When others "smear, discredit, and destroy" the existence of another human being, the truth will eventually be determined by fair-minded and wisdom-oriented people. "He who is without sin among you let them be the first to throw a stone."

Happy is the person when others reproach you and persecute you and speak falsely and say all manner of evil against you for My sake...." Stand up for what you really believe. Be not afraid, just believe! Seek first His Kingship over you...

May all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts use this 2011 Lenten Season to live the Ides of March and April with honor, dignity, and respect as children of God!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


What type of key are you? What is your definition of a key? In the dictionary there are as many as twenty-five (25) definitions of the word, "key." Here are some of the definitions: a metal instrument inserted into a lock to move its bolt; something that affords a means of access (key to happiness); something that affords a means of clarifying a problem; music - a tone or pitch as of voice; keynote - the main idea of a speech, program, thought, etc.; to regulate or adjust (actions, thoughts, speech, etc.) to a particular state or activity; and keystone - a voussoir at the summit of an arch - SOMETHING ON WHICH ASSOCIATED THINGS DEPEND.

You may be the key that will move the unlockable door of someone's mind and heart. You may be the only key that will gain access to someone's thoughts and behavior. You may be the key that will clear up a human problem that was once considered unsolveable. You may be the key that explains or gives useful information about persons, places, or things. Your key may be the only key that will unlock a very difficult situation with people that you respect and love. You may be the right key to keep harmony rather than see discord continue in community and neighborhood relations. You may the one key person who will complete or adjust the picture in a group activity. You may be keyed-uped to influence others through your great intensity of feeling or the inner drive to do something.

You are the future key leaders who with your unique personality and conduct will influence the thinking and the actions of others. Since you are a unique person, only one of a kind, the sum total of all your God-given talents needs to be used in your key locations for the well being of others entrusted to your care. Your key presence in your sphere of influence will often affect more persons than you will ever realize. What you do does make a key difference. The key to your future is you. You are the key everyone is waiting for.

"Yesterday is already a dream and tomorrow is only a vision but today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope."

What is the key to your Ladder of Achievement?
0% - I won't try.
10% - I can't do it.
20% - I don't know how to do it.
30% - I wish I could try it.
40% - What is it?
50% - I think I might.
60% - I might try.
70% - I think I can.
80% - I can do it.
90% - I will do it.
100% - I did it!

YOU HOLD THE KEY TO UNLOCKING THE RUNGS OF YOUR LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT. May all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts realize the power of their keys to unlock the treasures of their lifelong learning dreams and ambitions and be the difference in unlocking the visions and dreams of their family, friends, and community. In God we Trust!


Achievement Ladder Enthusiast Leaders are those who with their unique person and conduct influence the thinking and the actions of others because they orient, guide, and direct. Every situation and every environment have Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who are the main influence on what happens in that situation. These A.L.E. Leaders may not have positions of power. They may not give orders. But just by the kind of A.L.E.Leaders they are, THEY INFLUENCE OTHERS. Their ideas carry weight; their decisions influence the decisions of others.

As Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts, WE ARE ALL LEADERS because we influence someone or have influence in something. As A.L.E. Leaders, our ideas, our judgments, and our goals have a profound impact on more persons than we will ever realize. REMEMBER, WE ARE ALL ACHIEVEMENT LADDER LEADERS--EXPECTED TO BE A LIVING WITNESS FOR OUR COMMUNITY.

Since we are unique persons, only one of a kind, the sum total of all of our God-given talents needs to be used in the environments for the well-being of others entrusted to our care. Your involvement in your sphere of influence will often affect more persons than you will every realize. The impact of a cement block thrown from a high bridge into the water will create an obvious splash and will give off a sizeable ripple. However, if you threw a pebble from that same bridge into the water, the splash may not be as spectacular, but you will still generate a ripple.

As Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts, we need to be constantly aware of what's happening in our day-to-day activities, and the effect that our personalities have or that should have on those unique opportunities. WHAT WE DO DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE. To be an effective Achievement Ladder Enthusiast Leader, we should be aware of some of the natural qualities expected of A.L.E. Leaders. These qualities include the spirit of initiative, the ability to take risks, the mature sense of responsibility, a personal authenticity, and a generosity that is truly selfless.

An Achievement Ladder Enthusiast Leader would do well to ponder the following verse entitled, ONLY ONE LIFE.

"It only takes one smile to offer welcome and blessed is the person who will share it. It only takes one moment to be helpful and blessed be the person who will spare it. It only takes one word to lend real comfort and blessed be the person who will speak it. It only takes one truth to light the darkness and blessed be the person who will seek it. It only takes one joy to lift a spirit and blessed be the person who will give it. It only takes one life to make a difference and blessed be the person who will live it."

As a parting conclusion for all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts Leaders, remember the following response from a genuine A.LE. Leader:

"Here's to it and to it again. If you don't do it when you get to it, you will never get to it to do it again."

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Now that we have arrived at the end of February, 2011, the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts recognize the "nobodys" of the world even though "everybody" seems to ignore their existence. Somebody will some day realize that the nobodys impact our day-to-day living in ways that anybody would normally relish and respect. The nobodys are everywhere whenever you are on the road, in the marketplace, in various community experiences, and in many strategic locations. Anyone who has the brains to recognize the nobodys will understand why our world encourages whoever is willing to take the proper leadership to allow everyone to be somebody. The nobodys are someone's friends, acquaintances, brothers, sisters, parents, colleagues, co-workers, and many other otherwise unknowns. Whatever is expected to be accomplished by anybody is usually successfully completed by the nobodys of this world. Wherever one finds Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts, someone is acknowledged to discover the whoever wants no one to be anybody. However, no matter how much we may seek someone to lead the people in a transformed, positive direction there will be a nobody who will help anybody to be the someone that they really want to be as God intended them to be.... cost what it may!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Today we commemorate the Supreme Court's ruling giving legality to perform elective abortions on innocent pre-born babies in the United States of America. With more than 53,000,000 pre-born babies killed by elective abortion since January 22, 1973, the time has come to reassess our attitudes about the value and the dignity of ALL innocent human life from conception to natural death. Why are the civil rights of the innocent pre-born excluded from the Civil Rights Act of 1964? Now that the medical community has available the equipment to monitor the growth and development of the human embryo and the human fetus, the natural progression is to reconsider the myths and the inaccuracies of the discussion about recognizing when innocent human life exists. Are the cultures in our communities insensitive to the needs of the innocent pre-born children through self-gratification, inconvenience, and selfish ploys rather than be responsible with appropriate and ethical pre-adult and adult behavior?
Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts agree that human life is a continuum from conception to natural death. We all start out as innocent human beings and end up as innocent human beings not "vegetables." In our USA, the civil rights movement took more than 100 years to resolve the issue of the dignity and the sanctity of human life based on color. The civil rights movement for the innocent pre-born is based on residency, dependency, and viability. With responsible parenting and solid ethical and moral guidelines, parents are able to accept the enormous responsibility of caring and loving an innocent human being in their formative and nuturing development. Ignorance may be replaced with effective parenting education that assists those who are unable and unwilling to deal with the realities of innocent human life at every stage of growth and development. For many adoption is a better choice than killing an innocent human being because the law makes it LEGAL! In a civilized society, we can do better than we are now doing to erase the mistakes of 38 years ago using a selfish motive to obtain "rights." Even though legal abortionists may kill the innocent human body, these same practioners are unable to kill the human spirit that lives on through all eternity. For all the mothers and fathers who have had the challenges of raising innocent human beings to be what they are today, congratulations for your willingness to give your children LIFE and LOVE. Let us remember the 53,000,000 pre-born babies who have lost their innocent human life through legal elective abortions since 1973 with a special prayer for the faithful departed. Eternal rest give to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God, REST IN PEACE!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Over the years we have all heard the term "extremist" or "extremism" as a way of diverting attention from what actually is the "cause and effect" of individuals' actions especially with tragic consequences. In looking up the dictionary meaning of "extreme" you will find the following "meanings":
Extreme: adjective: extremer: noun
1) of a character or kind farthest removed from the ordinary or average: an extreme case; extreme measures;
2) utmost or exceedingly great in degree: extreme joy;
3) farthest from the center or middle; outermost; endmost;
4) farthest, utmost or very far in any direction;
5) exceeding the bounds of moderation: extreme fashions;
6) going to the utmost or very great lengths in action, opinion, etc: an extreme conservative;
7) last or final: extreme hopes;
8) the highest or a very high degree: cautious to an extreme;
9) one of two thigns as remote or different from each other as possible: the extremes of joy and grief;
10) the utmost length: extremes in dress;
11) an extreme act, measure, condition, etc: the extreme of poverty;
12) Math: the first or the last term as of a proportion or series; a relative maximum or relative minimum valueof a function in a given region;
13 Logic: the subject or the utmost point, or extremity, of something.
The preceding lists numerous ways in which the term "extreme" or "extremer" or "extremist" may be used or misused in a context of reporting information through whatever media may be used in the 21st Century. There are three other words that have been used to an "extreme" measure: SMEAR, DISCREDIT, DESTROY. How often have we heard or read information that was reported to distort in the minds of the listeners the "underlying" meanings that results in resolving challenges in everyday life in an reasonable way rather than an emotional manner. In the wake of most recent events, cooler minds and reasonable decisions need to prevail in order to discover the "root" of the challenges to the American People in hopeful or apparent "hopeless" incidents.
Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts use WISDOM as the basic tool in resolving the challenging issues that face the typical American person. "The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom." The respect for the Uncaused Cause is the starting point for all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts to discover the underlying message of WISDOM. History has taught all of us to listen to SOUND WISDOM in the wake of misinformation and mental reservations. IN GOD WE TRUST!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Every year millions of persons worldwide make sincere resolutions that they feel will be beneficial to their everyday life. There are also many millions of persons who think that making any resolutions is a total waste of time and energy especially if their self-interest is missing. However, what often occurs is that Enthusiastic Achievers want to make a change or even better a transformation that will enhance their day-to-day challenges. Taking on additional commitments may seem appropriate but the increased stress may lead to missing the ordinary requirements of everyday living. Doing the ordinary everyday commitments in an extraordinary manner takes on a positive dimension worth considering. Since everyone gets 168 hours in a given week, the challenge is prioritizing the actions that are to be taken by any individual. Some Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts actually try to burst beyond the 168 hours available by taking on projects and programs that are superfluous. Here are a few thoughts on the matter that might influence a person to reexamine their daily routines, their short-term goals, and their long-term goals.
What is really important in your life that really needs your full attention?
How are you simplifying your every day actions that impact your decisions?
How are you focusing on your career choices of the present and your future career adventures?
When do you consider irreconcilable differences in your philosphy of life a matter of conscience and incompatible with any compromise?
Who really influences your life and your life's decisions?
Where are your focuses on your holistic intelligences such as interpersonal, emotional, physical, social, spiritual, etc.?
Why are your financial decisions impacted by others' influences?
How much time do you devote to your family, your career, your spouse, your community commitments, and your spiritual development?
What are your Ideals, your visions, your dreams, your unique talents, your attitudes?
If you were asked to make a major decision today about your lifelong ambitions, what would be your reactions to that dilemma?
Are you willing to live within your means in order to be debt-free?
What is really essential in your life that means the most to you as a person, as a professional, and as a community-minded citizen?
Who is the most influencial person in your life and why?
What have you learned that will be useful as you project your goals for 2011?
If you had only one resolution to make for 2011, what would that resolution be?
For all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts, a new year is a new challenge, a new beginning, a new adventure, and a new commitment. What you do with this opportunity depends on you and your total commitments in your life and lifestyle. As the saying goes, "people do not care how much you know, but how much you care." Are you willing to air, care, share, and bear your uniqueness with your friends, your acquaintances, your co-workers, your spouse, your family, and your community? Yes, the world will become a better place if you are willing to make the difference as a committed Achievement Ladder Enthusiast. Make 2011 a year to remember and a launching pad for success!