Wednesday, December 21, 2011


For so many years, Christ was taken 0ut of Christmas as the world and its secular approach to being "politically correct" influenced many people of good will. Today, the time has come to recognize the "First Holy Family" in Jesus, Mary, and Joseph who were Jewish faithful persons who lived in extreme economical conditions. However, these Holy persons accepted the Will of God in their lives by living ordinary exemplary examples in an extraordinary way. Their "First Christmas" was an exceptionally challenging situation since they were being occupied by foreign rulers and troops who gave their allegiances to Rome. Nevertheless, this special Holy Family was following God's promise to His people that a Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. Many prophets foretold the coming of Emmanuel, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Even innocent children who were two years and younger were martyred because the king at that time felt threatened by the possibility of his kingship would be challenged. Today, more than two thousand years later, many persons have accepted the notion that elective abortions, being secular legal, kill innocent unborn babies daily in the name of "reproductive rights" or "an inconvenience" in a throwaway mentality promoted by socially elected and unelected officials. Human life is a continuum from conception to natural death by those who respect and honor the dignity of each human life. Although the socially-moved individuals push an agenda of human rights, these individuals are unable to touch the "soul" of each innocent unborn and born human beings who suffer each day a death to the "physical body." Yes, each human life is precious and deserving of total sacredness and dignity at all stages of human development. In America alone, more than 60,000,000 unborn babies have been destroyed because of the legality of protecting "reproductive rights" since 1973.

Image if these persons who received elective abortions for whatever reasons were given a chance to live a life with love, there may have been many new ideas that could have benefited other Americans since 1973. Amanda Bradley in a verse that captured my attention many years ago, expressed her thoughts in the following verse entitled, "Only One Life,"

"It only takes one smile to offer welcome; blessed be the person who will share it.
"It only takes one moment to be helpful; blessed be the person who will spare it.
"It only takes one word to lend real comfort; blessed be the person who will speak it.
"It only takes one truth to light the darkness; blessed be the person who will seek it.
"It only takes one word to lift a spirit; blessed be the person who will give it.
"It only takes one life to make a difference; blessed be the person who will live it."

During these days of celebrating many cultural holidays, let us remember the reason for the season...THE FIRST FAMILY OF CHRISTMAS...Jesus, Mary, and Joseph...Yes, for this cultural celebration, saying "Mary Christmas with Joseph" is all right to say; and saying Mary Christmas because Joseph was a Just Man is also a way of honoring and respecting the First Family of Christmas!"

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