Friday, April 22, 2011


Every year the subtle aroma of the secular world likes to subdue anything and anyone that suggest a "religious enthusiasm" of any variety. We all witnessed over the years the use of the "Happy Holidays" theme to avoid mentioning the Christian celebration of Christmas to be "politically correct." While ignoring or substituting a secular approach, the erosion of religiousness has been undermined by those who seek the "righteous approach" of a complicated secular world. To avoid any "legalese," many conscientious persons opt to use contemporary reasons for traditional values and norms. As a result, the planned confusion is instilled in mass media to overwhelm any hint of a "religious" celebration or remembrance. Respecting the rights and privileges of all "religious" groups is to accept in principle that there might be "irreconcilable differences," which may be unavoidable. Achievement Ladder Christian Enthusiasts take time every year to recognize the Founder of the Christian Movement, Jesus Christ, the Messiah. This remembrance is both traditional and contemporary for all of those who have accepted the Old and the New Covenant as expressed in the Inspired Word of God, the Bible.

This weekend in the Christian Environments throughout the world, the Christian Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts realize that in life all Christians must accept the Good Friday before they may realize the Alleluias on Easter Sunday. The Savior of the world laid down His life once and for all over 2000 years ago. But He offered Hope that He would be with us until the end of time, whenever God chooses that time frame. Yes, Achievement Ladder Christian Enthusiasts are Alleluia People because their Founder, Jesus Christ, rose from the dead as was predicted by the prophets in the Old Covenant. His Kingdom will have no end; and His Kingdom is not of this world. "I AM the Resurrection and the Life, and whoever believes in Me even though they die, will live forever...." Yes, let us proclaim for all Christian Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts worldwide: HAPPY EASTER rather than Happy Springtime.

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