Saturday, October 15, 2011


To be acknowledged as a true American Hero, many individuals and groups seem to determine their decisions on name, title, geography, and wealth. However, Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts believe that the uniqueness of each human being living an ordinary life in an extraordinary way contributes to American heroism. Do you know of anyone in your community that does this?

Many outstanding educators who have made their marks on the learning curve of Americans are often overlooked because of the blindness of the criteria established by the educational and political establishments. For many years for whatever reasons, the learners with potential for greatness and leadership were often "dumped" in the business courses in middle schools, high schools, and post-secondary schools. The business education instructors realized that this was an opportunity to work with students who wanted to learn technical and soft skills that would open doors in future careers. With the enthusiasm that learning requires, these dedicated business educators have make an difference in the lives of many individuals who have a proven track record of successful achievements. Their attitudes were developed and enhanced by a determined business educator who sought and accepted the uniqueness of each learner.

Today, Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts salute an outstanding business educator who made a special mark on business leaders through her work in the classroom and in her work beyond the classroom. She nurtured and developed future business leaders by her unique enthusiasm beyond reproach. She prepared competitors for the real world of business by her coaching, by her mentoring, by her leadership, and by her desire to make a true difference in her community especially for her family. Her multiple D's (desire, dedication, determination, discipline, diplomacy, distinction, etc.) was exemplified through the Florida Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda organization. Her many years of service showed how doing the ordinary tasks in an extraordinary manner may show the positive attitude of 100 percent accomplishments. You will always have a special memory for all of us, Sherry; may you rest in peace. You are a true American Hero! The Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts salute your par excellence contributions to American Education!

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