Sunday, May 8, 2011


On this Mothers' Day, 2011, Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts salute and honor those women who chose to give birth to their unborn children during this past year. With all of the secular humanists who promote the negative about "Motherhood," there are many women who are brave and who have the courage to rise above the "mythical feminism" that has prevailed since the 1970s. Many women have achieved both motherhood and career challenges and have established a balance in their lives and in the lives of their children. Also, many women who were able to adopt children who appeared to be "unwanted" by other women for whatever reasons, these wonderful women have accepted the heroes' adage of sacrificing beyond the call of duty. Many women have laid down their lives to give to their children the gifts of life and love even when the world would have "aborted" those special children without any real reason. Also, thank you, Mothers, for your continual and enthusiastic approach to every day life challenges. You will always have a special place in our hearts every day. And finally, let us recognize the plight of many children on this Mothers' Day: the presence of their Mothers because they have been called back to God for their eternal reward. There is no timetable for feeling the absence of the "heart and the neck" of every family, THE MOTHERS who have gone to their eternal reward. Eternal rest give to these Mothers, O God, and let perpetual light shine upon these Mothers. May their souls and the souls of all of the faithful departed Mothers...REST IN PEACE..Amen.

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