Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Every year millions of persons worldwide make sincere resolutions that they feel will be beneficial to their everyday life. There are also many millions of persons who think that making any resolutions is a total waste of time and energy especially if their self-interest is missing. However, what often occurs is that Enthusiastic Achievers want to make a change or even better a transformation that will enhance their day-to-day challenges. Taking on additional commitments may seem appropriate but the increased stress may lead to missing the ordinary requirements of everyday living. Doing the ordinary everyday commitments in an extraordinary manner takes on a positive dimension worth considering. Since everyone gets 168 hours in a given week, the challenge is prioritizing the actions that are to be taken by any individual. Some Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts actually try to burst beyond the 168 hours available by taking on projects and programs that are superfluous. Here are a few thoughts on the matter that might influence a person to reexamine their daily routines, their short-term goals, and their long-term goals.
What is really important in your life that really needs your full attention?
How are you simplifying your every day actions that impact your decisions?
How are you focusing on your career choices of the present and your future career adventures?
When do you consider irreconcilable differences in your philosphy of life a matter of conscience and incompatible with any compromise?
Who really influences your life and your life's decisions?
Where are your focuses on your holistic intelligences such as interpersonal, emotional, physical, social, spiritual, etc.?
Why are your financial decisions impacted by others' influences?
How much time do you devote to your family, your career, your spouse, your community commitments, and your spiritual development?
What are your Ideals, your visions, your dreams, your unique talents, your attitudes?
If you were asked to make a major decision today about your lifelong ambitions, what would be your reactions to that dilemma?
Are you willing to live within your means in order to be debt-free?
What is really essential in your life that means the most to you as a person, as a professional, and as a community-minded citizen?
Who is the most influencial person in your life and why?
What have you learned that will be useful as you project your goals for 2011?
If you had only one resolution to make for 2011, what would that resolution be?
For all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts, a new year is a new challenge, a new beginning, a new adventure, and a new commitment. What you do with this opportunity depends on you and your total commitments in your life and lifestyle. As the saying goes, "people do not care how much you know, but how much you care." Are you willing to air, care, share, and bear your uniqueness with your friends, your acquaintances, your co-workers, your spouse, your family, and your community? Yes, the world will become a better place if you are willing to make the difference as a committed Achievement Ladder Enthusiast. Make 2011 a year to remember and a launching pad for success!

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