Wednesday, April 6, 2011


On Monday, April 4, 2011, an Achievement Ladder Enthusiast, Kathleen F. Lilly, was given a regal tribute at a Christian Eucharistic Celebration of Burial at a Mass at St. Edmond's Catholic Church in South Philadelphia followed by a Funeral Procession to the Old Cathedral Cemetery near Fairmount Park in Philadelphia. Her wonderful and devoted family and friends paid homage to a woman who lived life to the fullest and who gave unconditional love to all who would accept that gift. She was a victim of many complicated medical conditions during her lifetime. Medical professionals were in awe of how she was able to sustain the pain and the sufferings for such an extended period of time. But even with her ongoing sufferings, she managed to open her heart and soul to many persons who were recovering from the addictions of life with comforting and empathetic conversations and encouragements. She was a woman above all women who knew how to live her philosophy of life and fought for the rights of women everywhere. She was a warrior and a gentle woman rolled into one person. Her smile and her laughter were contagious wherever she went. She lived the following preamble every day of her life especially for the past 31 years:

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change...Courage to change the things I can and the WISDOM to know the difference." May Kathleen Frances Lilly REST IN PEACE. AMEN. ALLELUIA!

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