Saturday, May 28, 2011


Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts honor and salute all Americans who gave their lives in battles and wars throughout the world since the beginning of our Republic in 1776. All of the heroes who laid down their lives for us to have the freedoms that we profess and enjoy are exemplary men and women who knew what love of Country really meant. Many times the wounded, the disabled, and the battle weary men and women have been given a heroes welcome; however, there have been many cases of negativism on the part of apathetic and misinformed citizens who have mocked the bravery of these fallen and wounded warriors. Regretfully, the honor of serving America has been unsupported by elected and unelected officials of public opinion. Yet, the American Flags are once again cheering on the valiant men and women who have given their time, their talents, and their treasures in the positive service of American Freedom. We thank all of those men and women who have proudly served their Country and who have made the ultimate sacrifice in order to us to earn the freedoms that our Founders of this Republic fought initially for all Americans. Remember to say a prayer for the heroes and their families on this Memorial Day Weekend.
IN GOD WE TRUST! "We hold these truths to be self-evident...."

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