Friday, September 23, 2011


For all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who are celebrating their birthdays on the 24th of September, 2011....CONGRATULATIONS AND BLESSED WISHES! For me this has been a very rewarding year since my celebrating last year for my 3/4 of a century celebration with my family. Yes, family is the most important fabric for any true celebration. How many 9/24 Club members will be alone this 24th of September? How many 9/24 Club members have gone to their eternal reward since last year? Moving forward with all the gifts and graces of human life, Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts remember the past but live in the NOW! Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their Country.

Tomorrow for me is the beginning of a new year, "The Spirit of '76." Growing up in the City of Philadelphia, PA, the birthplace of our Great Nation, my thoughts and memories of all the family gatherings brought sincere solace even in challenging times
. The choices that have been made over the past 75 years for me and others have been good, better, and best depending upon who evaluates those choices. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts focus on the NOW and prepare well for the next moments as a great challenge for our use of time, talents, and treasures. "His Kingdom come; His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." Our Blessed Country is experiencing many challenges that have been brewing for some time. The outstanding human resources that our "melting pot" has attracted are being challenged as never before. Yet, that is time to step up and to remember the "Spirit of '76." Our Country will survive these challenges when all men and women of good will realize that the value of each and every human being is sacred, unique, and worth dignity. Human life is continuum from conception to natural death. To interfere with this natural process for whatever reason will continue to haunt all Americans until the attitude changes regarding the value and worth of each human being, unborn and born.

Congratulations to all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who will be celebrating and sharing their time, talents, and treasures with their family and friends on their special day...THEIR BIRTH DAY. For me, my theme for the upcoming year will be "The Spirit of '76" as a reminder that we, Americans, are proud of our multiple heritages. However, we will step aside with being "hyphenated Americans" and enjoy FULL FLEDGED AMERICANS accepting the challenges of the coming days and years. Remember to Bless God who has already blessed America from its 1776 beginnings. May 2011-2012 bring a new, positive attitude toward the value and respect for all human beings, unborn and born, if we are to come out of our negative attitudes and choices about BEING ALIVE...and feeling free... and having everyone in our Family...a Family that loves stays together!

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