Saturday, April 30, 2011


For many persons who are tuned into the secular press and media in general, Easter Sunday was concluded on April 24 rather than extending any longer. However, in the Christian World for all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts, the Easter Season extends for 50 days after Easter Sunday. The Celebration of the Pentecost, the Birthday of the One, the Holy, the Catholic, and Apostolic Church, commemorates the initial enthusiasm of the Church founded by Jesus Christ through His Apostles and His Disciples. "Do this in remembrance of Me" means to accept the total picture of the growth of the original Body of Jesus Christ through the many inspired writers of the New Testament bridging the gap with the Old Testament inspired writers. Traditions continue through the ages along with the inspired Word of God until the present time. Let us continue to sing, "Alleluia to the Risen Jesus Christ" who continues to witness of the Coming of the Kingdom on earth as in Heaven. We are His witnesses by our lives and our living the Go0d News as expressed under the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. "Sing to the Lord a New Song for He has done wondrous miracles...His Kingdom and His Love endure forever...." We are His Resurrected witnesses in 2011 and forever! Jesus is depending on us, and we are depending on Him!

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