Saturday, November 19, 2011


P.R.I.D.E. has a way of touching many persons on a daily basis in America! For the letter P, here are a few ideas on which to reflect. "There once was a PERSON who was born in an obscure village, who worked in a carpenter shop until the age of thirty, and who then became a dedicated teacher. This PERSON never held an office, never had a family, never owned a house, and never went to college. However, this PERSON'S credentials were unique. Twenty centuries have come and gone, and today this PERSON is the central figure of the whole human race. All the armies that ever marched, all the navies that ever sailed, all the parliaments and legislatures that ever sat, and all the presidents and kings that ever reigned have not affected the cause of history of this earth as much as that ONE SOLITARY LIFE.

With our PRIORITIES, God, Family, Work, Community, and the Common Good are challenged to PRIORITIZE our Human Resources. With our PROUD AMERICAN Heritage and with a PROMISING FUTURE, our cities, our counties, our states, our Nation, and ourselves have a Proud Heritage and a Promising Future. PROMOTING economic growth and quality of life for all citizens is paramount. PROFESSIONALISM in our work environment, in our community networking, and in all of our person-to-person relationships projects the image of a citizen who values the dignity and the worth of each human being from conception to natural death.

REACHING out to others less fortunate in our communities is a responsibility all year long by sharing our time, our talents, and our treasures for the marginalized. RESPECT for ourselves and for others by accepting others as they are and keeping the lines of communication always open is a challenge for all Americans. Taking RESPONSIBILITY for our own actions reflects our attitude about living the American Dream and preparing for our Eternal Dream. What we do does make a difference to ourselves and to others. REALIZE that we are RICH in human resources because every American is respected for their uniqueness.

Your RICHNESS may be the key that will move the unlockable door of someone's mind and heart. You may be the only key PERSON that will gain access to someone's thoughts and behavior. You may be the key that will clear up a human problem that was once considered unsolveable. You may be the key that explains or gives useful information about persons, places, or things. Your RICHNESS may be the only key that will unlock a very difficult situation with people that you respect and love. You may be the right key to keep harmony rather than see discord in community and neighborhood relations.

To be continued in our next blog: I, D, E in the power of P.R.I.D.E. Remember, as an Achievement Ladder Enthusiast, you may be keyed-uped to influence others through your great intensity of feeling or the inner drive to do something great.
Make this Happy Thanksgiving a special memorial for all those who are PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN and who take P.R.I.D.E. in everything they think, say, or do. In remembering my Dad's favorite saying: "If a job or activity is worth doing, DO THAT JOB OR ACTIVITY RIGHT or not at all." In God We Trust!

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