Thursday, October 20, 2011


On October 20th of each year, my parents would enjoy their Wedding Anniversary by attending the Ice Capades in Philadelphia, PA. Today would have been their 77th Wedding Anniversary if that had been given more time on earth. However, today my parents are enjoying their eternal citizenship in Heaven with God for all eternity. Each one of us have dual on earth and hopefully, eternity in Heaven. "Render to the earth what belongs to the earth and to God what and who belongs to God." My parents priority was their family with their love of life even during the days of the Great Depression. My parents had a wonderful sense of humor that provided a good substitution for the material things that many people today feel is the real answer to happiness. My parents never owned their own home; and they never owned their own automobile. They used credit wisely; and they always knew how to make the most with the least resources available. These wonderful persons were ordinary people who lived extraordinary lives in the ghetto of a metropolitan city setting. My parents lived the "spirit of poverty;" yet they were "rich in love" for their children even with the many challenges that life presented. My parents were very appreciative of persons who made a point of good conversations and social activities that were family oriented. Yes, Mom and Dad, thank you for the Gifts of Life and Love...It is great to be alive..Enjoy your eternity with God because you gave from the heart rather than from the "pocketbook or wallet."

You made time for all of your children even when life proposed many challenges. Choosing Life rather than opting to destroy life was never in your agenda. In God you trusted for your family! Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts thank you for your total dedication to your family and to the world in which you lived. You both made a difference and you have left a proud legacy that has been passed on to your children and your grandchildren and great-grandchildren. May you rest in peace with God for all eternity. Happy 77th Wedding Anniversary from all of your earthly family!
You believed in a hand up and helping others rather than a handout! You earned the trust of all of those who were fortunate to know you!

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