Saturday, October 1, 2011


For all of those Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who are looking for the extraordinary, remember that doing the "ordinary tasks" in an "extraordinary way" is the key to success. The boring, the humdrum, the waste of time events, and the challenging circumstances that we are expected to accept are the "ordinary opportunities" to excel par excellence with exemplary dedication. St. Therese, the Little Flower of Jesus, lived for 24 years; but she has spent her time in eternity listening to the ordinary concerns of ordinary people. Her intercession has had a tremendous impact on the lives of the childlike who want more from life. However, St. Therese has proven that doing the ordinary chores in an extraordinary way is the answer to chasing away the distasteful, the dirty jobs, and the apparent meaningless challenges in every day life. Making the most of every opportunity is the theme of all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts.

What determines the value of each human being is the approach that a man or woman accepts in their environments. "Bloom where you are planted," as many flowers have learned in the realm of nature, determines the essence of sacredness and dignity to be honored and respected of the "Who" the person is rather than the "What" the person is. Thank you, St. Therese, for your outstanding example of doing the "ordinary tasks in an extraordinary way." That is the reason why you are considered the Patron of the Foreign Missions even though you never set foot on foreign soil for missionary work
. St. Therese, Little Flower of Jesus, intercede for us with God. Remember to send us Roses from your Heavenly Garden as a reminder of God's love for each human being, unborn and born.

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