Sunday, January 9, 2011


Over the years we have all heard the term "extremist" or "extremism" as a way of diverting attention from what actually is the "cause and effect" of individuals' actions especially with tragic consequences. In looking up the dictionary meaning of "extreme" you will find the following "meanings":
Extreme: adjective: extremer: noun
1) of a character or kind farthest removed from the ordinary or average: an extreme case; extreme measures;
2) utmost or exceedingly great in degree: extreme joy;
3) farthest from the center or middle; outermost; endmost;
4) farthest, utmost or very far in any direction;
5) exceeding the bounds of moderation: extreme fashions;
6) going to the utmost or very great lengths in action, opinion, etc: an extreme conservative;
7) last or final: extreme hopes;
8) the highest or a very high degree: cautious to an extreme;
9) one of two thigns as remote or different from each other as possible: the extremes of joy and grief;
10) the utmost length: extremes in dress;
11) an extreme act, measure, condition, etc: the extreme of poverty;
12) Math: the first or the last term as of a proportion or series; a relative maximum or relative minimum valueof a function in a given region;
13 Logic: the subject or the utmost point, or extremity, of something.
The preceding lists numerous ways in which the term "extreme" or "extremer" or "extremist" may be used or misused in a context of reporting information through whatever media may be used in the 21st Century. There are three other words that have been used to an "extreme" measure: SMEAR, DISCREDIT, DESTROY. How often have we heard or read information that was reported to distort in the minds of the listeners the "underlying" meanings that results in resolving challenges in everyday life in an reasonable way rather than an emotional manner. In the wake of most recent events, cooler minds and reasonable decisions need to prevail in order to discover the "root" of the challenges to the American People in hopeful or apparent "hopeless" incidents.
Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts use WISDOM as the basic tool in resolving the challenging issues that face the typical American person. "The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom." The respect for the Uncaused Cause is the starting point for all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts to discover the underlying message of WISDOM. History has taught all of us to listen to SOUND WISDOM in the wake of misinformation and mental reservations. IN GOD WE TRUST!

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