Friday, December 31, 2010


Thank God for the year 2010 and all of its accomplishments and all of its challenges! Let us be thankful for the priceless treasures of human experiences that have made 2010 a year to remember and a year to leave behind with its ageless memories. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts worldwide know the who, the what, the where, the when, the why, the how, and the how much that 2010 gave each of us to look forward to the future of 2011. The peace, the joy, and the love that 2010 gave the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts is the thrust that will encourage the positive transformations that are yet to be achieved through the guidance of the Holy Spirit...the Spirit of Love! The greatest treasures are the human treasures of faith, hope, and love that have indicated a sincere difference in the wake of historic and traditional values and morality. The pieces of the human endeavors are fashioned to complete the puzzle that each year presents as a significant step in the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts' treasured history. May 2011 bring a completed picture to each and every human being who seeks the Uncaused Cause of Creation, the Higher Power, the Supreme Being, the Holy of Holies, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, and the Eternal Kingdom that God has offered to each human being who respects the value and the dignity of every human creature. "Always remember what you have learned in 2010. Your Education is your Life. Guard it well in 2011!" Choose Life, Choose Love!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts are well aware of the loss of innocent human life every day in the United States of America and in the World. An unknown number of innocent unborn human life is estimated at 4,000 elective abortions in the USA alone. Imagine what the number is for the rest of the world! In 2010 alone, the USA will have electively aborted about 1,500,000 unborn babies because it is legal. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts also wonder how many elderly, disadvantaged, dependent, homeless, and medically ignored there are in the USA alone during this past year. The number may be more shocking than we want to imagine. Why is this happening in a free society and a more tolerant society? Have we lost the value of sacredness and dignity for all human life because of our legal system that allows an unborn baby to be electively aborted for semantic reasons? How many children have been exploited by pornography because of human depravity and low morals?
Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts remember the time when more 2000 years ago a King heard about the Birth of the Messiah in Bethlehem and ordered all male babies under two years old to be killed. Why? This King was afraid that he would lose power to the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. The Messiah was born to die for all human beings as an act of love to give us eternal life through the life of God available to each human being for all time. Yes, we celebrate the Christmas Season with Peace, Joy, and Love; but there are those who want war, sorrow, and hatred to run the daily lives of all human beings because of their selfishness and their earthly pride and greed.
As history has given us information that is repeated again and again, Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts welcome a return to selfless acts on the part of responsible adults who respect and cherish all unborn human life as a Gift from God. There are three partners in the procreation of human life: a man, a woman, and God, the Creator of all human life. When human law ignores divine law, human law has no value or sense of justice. Choosing Life takes more love than the "throw away mentality" that the secular world thrusts on its citizenry.
Although the "providers of elective abortion" may kill the body, the spirit lives on through all eternity. If you want to spiritually adopt an unborn baby, choose a name or names and begin praying for the safety of that unborn baby while being carried by a loving mother destined to cooperate with bringing about a birth in about nine months. Choosing life is a better choice that killing an innocent unborn baby. Join the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who respect the dignity and the sacredness of all human life from conception to natural death. The life you save may be your own. CHOOSE LIFE TODAY!

Friday, December 24, 2010


Yes, we celebrate Christmas Day 2010 as the day when "the Word became flesh and dwelt among us...He is Emmanuel...God is with us..." The Savior of the World, the Messiah, came into this world as a baby born of a Virgin through the Power of the Holy Spirit....For nothing is impossible for God...who Loves us eternally and every day of our lives. Jesus is the source of Peace, Joy, and Love that the world is incapable of giving in the secular world. The greatest gift that the human race received more than 2000 years ago was the "Yes" of a Virgin who would be the living tabernacle of the God-Man who would prove what LOVE really is. Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ, said "Yes" to God's proposal to bring the Messiah into this world through the power of the Holy Spirit. Mary's spouse, St. Joseph, was a Just Man who was willing to be the Foster Father of Jesus Christ as explained to him through God's special messenger. Thus, the Holy Family, Joseph, Mary, and Jesus, were brought into being saying "Yes" to the work of redeeming all human beings of all time with the greatest love expressed beyond the human level. The Incarnation became reality as was foretold by many prophets and heavenly messengers. "For God so loved the world that He sent His only Son...." Jesus is the only Way, the only Truth, and the only Life that leads all of us to eternal life with God forever if we say "yes" to God's will.
As Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts we are fortunate to live in a free society that allows us to live our faith if we choose to make that choice. Saying "yes" to God's mission for each Achievement Ladder Enthusiast is the continuation of the mission that Jesus began with His twelve Apostles to be leaven for the spreading of the Kingdom of God. To be a follow of Jesus Christ has its challenges. If we are arrested for being a follower of Jesus Christ, would there be enough evidence to convict the followers? Each Achievement Ladder Enthusiast needs to resolve to be willing to allow a transformation of their holistic intelligences to evangelize their environments with the message of faith, hope, and love as requested by the Master, the Teacher, the Priest, the Prophet, and the King...Jesus Christ. Yes, the celebration of Christmas every year is another opportunity to focus our attitudes toward the eternal rather than the transparent and the transitory.
May all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts commemorate this Christmas 2010 with the resolution to "bloom where they are planted" so that His Kingdom will come on earth as it is in Heaven. Mary Christmas and a Holy and Happy New Year 2011. "What does it profit to gain the world world and suffer the loss of your soul for all eternity"? Jesus, Mary, and Joseph intercede and pray for us!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Another opportunity to celebrate Thanksgiving Day has arrived. Thankfully, we thank God for all of the blessings that we have received this past year; and we look forward to the challenges that will enhance our tranformation into holistic and unique human beings that will give glory and honor to our Creator. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts recognize the generosity of so many thoughtful individuals in America and throughout the world in helping the less fortunate in various parts of the world. In addition, Enthusiasts appreciate the desire, the dedication, and the determination of so many men and women who are serving in the Armed Services throughout the world especially in war time conditions. Many of these individuals are sacrificing their lives in order that others may enjoy the freedoms that were meant for all God's children. Also, Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts applaud the multitude of volunteers who give their time, their talents, and their treasures to touch the war-torn, the homeless, the elderly, the orphans, the depressed, the forgotten, the neglected, and the "nobodies" in every community, town, and village. The private sector has again indicated how uncomplicated challenges can be when communities and peoples work together for the common good and for the benefit of all God's creatures.
Whatever and with whomever you may find to help you celebrate this Thanksgiving Day, remember to thank the many Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who continue to work 24/7 and 365 days a year to bring peace, joy, and love to the communities that they serve. "Bloom where you are planted" is their slogan; and they improve the "human resource environments" with their focus on what really matters in life. Choose Life on Thanksgiving Day, 2010!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


As we commemorate Veterans' Day, 2010, let us pause to remember all of the men and women in uniform who gave their lives to keep our American freedoms alive and well. Let us also reflect and remember on all of those young men and women who during the new century starting in 2000 fought and died in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to bring peace and freedom to countries that have longed to have self-determination. Today we also welcome back home the many men and women who have bravely served our Country voluntarily with pride, courage, and determination in the face of dangers and perils on the battlefield of foreign soil. Many of the wounded in mind, heart, and in body will always remember the sacrifices that they made in order for all of our American citizens to have the Freedoms that have come with a price tag over the centuries. Remember to salute with honor the veterans of all wars who have served our United States of America with distinction and patriotism that is second to none.
We also recognize the unresolved wars that are still a threat to our Freedoms. The ongoing resistance to the "terrorists, warmongers, traitors, and infidels" who continue to bring havoc with their fears, insults, bombmaking, and ignorance of what inner peace will bring to all peace-loving citizens. For those who want to bring America to her knees by their negative actions, let them remember that America works best under pressure as history has already witnessed. The United States of America will stand firm with the way, the truth, the life that only God gives with all of its blessings. Let us bless God who has already blest America with many freedoms that can easily be lost by ingratitude by its recipients. Stand up, America, and salute the many souls who have given their lives that you may live in the freedoms that God has given with generosity, love, and patience. Let us honor the deceased veterans with a pledge to respect the dignity and the sacredness of human life at all stages of development...from conception to natural death. Let us stop the "War on the Unborn" with a return to the faith that has always made America blest by God.
Let us stamp out "domestic violence in the home," which is where love should abound with responsible parenthood and parents. Let us rid ourselves in our Land of the "wars in the streets" because of rampant drugs and secularistic allurements. The Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts desire a "transformation" that will remake America to be again the land of the free and the home of the brave. We have a dream that is not a "nightmare." Let us value the dignity and the uniqueness of all of our American citizens that our Veterans fought for and died for as we commemorate this Veterans' Day 2010.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Recently, my wife and I travelled to Savannah, Georgia, for a visit with family friends. We had the opportunity to have lodging at the Holiday Inn Express on Bay Street in the heart of the historic district. The hospitality of the Hotel, the Restaurants that we dined, the Tours that we made, and the many shops that we visited was exquisite and outstanding. The Southern Charm was felt in a very positive way that exemplifies the character of people who care about their customers. The visit was extremely memorable in many respects including the understanding of the significance of the historical developments that Savannah and her citizens share and have experienced over the more than two centuries of its existence. Thank you, Savannah, for giving us a wonderful gift: YOUR EXEMPLARY HOSPITALITY AND FRIENDSHIP! "People do not care what you know but how much you care about them." You are a special gem in the South!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


In your everyday adventures in your community, have you noticed the numerous workers who give 100 percent with their positive attitude in achieving their personal and company's goals? Do you admire the workers who go beyond the requirements of their jobs to create a positive environment for the customers as well as a positive image for their co-workers? Are you able to list the many examples of positive work-personship that exists in your neighborhoods and in your communities? As a consumer are your "voting" with your hard-earned resources for the workers who have made a solid commitment "to those who care enough to do their level best?" Your "votes" sustain the positive achievements of many Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts whose desire, dedication, and determination "put a stamp of approval" on a job well done. Let us celebrate this Labor Day Weekend 2010 by remembering all of those persons who have made a difference in your life because of their positive, 100 percent attitude about accomplishing an outstanding record of enjoying the dignity of work.
May the Ladder of Achievment for all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts be a shining reminder to all persons to step up to the next level of giving the very best and earning the continued respect from their "voting customers." May the hopes and dreams of all who have lost their enthusiasm because of economic ups and downs in the job market be an inspiration to "get up rather than to give up." When one door closes another door opens for the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts to show that the Spirit of America is renewed and transformed into a better America; and allow the glow of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship to expand and bring back the new technologies and the new work environment to the American Working Person who "cares enough to give the very best."

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


In a recent trip to my favorite activity, I discovered a prayer card that caught my attention. The front of the prayer card showed a picture of an angel with full wing spand reaching out to an unborn baby in outer space with the words, "We Want To See The World." The text of the prayer is as follows:
"Dearest Guardian Angel, Heaven has entrusted every soul on earth, born and unborn, to your Divine protection. Hear the prayers we offer for all God's children and intercede for sinful man before the heavenly court, so that Our Lord in His infinite mercy and love may look with tender pity on our fallen world. Beseech the Holy Spirit to transform the hearts of our nation's leaders, especially those with the temporal power to interpret and execute the Constitution. Inspire them to restore justice and establish laws that preserve, protect, and defend the sanctity of all human life. May your guidance and example show them the way to perfect joy and peace found only in obedience to the will of our heavenly Father. Amen." (Children of God for
On another inspiring pray card was a picture of a beautiful and innocent child with hands folded and eyes gazing in simple meditation. On the back of this small card was the following information:
"To counteract the movement for abortion, Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen recommended the spiritual adoption of unborn babies. During your earthly life, this child which you have adopted will be known only to God, but in the hereafter, you will enjoy each other's company for all eternity. Msgr. Sheen recommended the following prayer: Jesus, Mary, Joseph, I love you very much; I beg you to spare the life of the unborn child that I have spiritually adopted, and which is in danger of being aborted." (
Since September 30, 2009, my spiritual adoptions of unborn babies include Matthew, Mary , Joseph, and Josephine, Robert, and Roberta. My prayer for these spiritually adopted unborn children is that their parents will spare their lives from the danger of elective abortions. May the peace of Jesus and the love of Jesus embrace the hearts, minds, and souls of the family, friends, and loved ones who encourage these abortions and lead them all to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to His Eucharistic Heart and Presence. Although elective abortions may KILL the bodies of unborn children, their souls will live on throughout all of eternity. May all Achievment Ladder Enthusiasts accept the challenges of spiritual adoption of unborn children, which is accomplished by praying for one particular but unknown child's life to be spared elective abortion and be allowed to continue to live. In every elective abortion, A UNBORN BABY DIES!
What you do as an Achievement Ladder Enthusiast does make a difference in eventually eliminating the more than 4,000 elective abortions performed every day in the United States of America. CHOOSE LIFE! The LIFE you save may be YOUR OWN! November 2, 2010, is the Feast of All Souls and also the General Election Day in the United States of America. Will you VOTE to save the UNBORN? the DEPENDENT? the UNWANTED? the HANDICAPPED? the ELDERLY? the DYING? the BRAIN-DEAD? TRANSFORM AMERICA!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Now that the results are in from yesterday's elections, the challenges begin for all voters to listen, listen, listen and decide on November 2, 2010 the fate of our American Free Enterprise system as we know what that legacy can and should be for restoring confidence in our Republic. The working relationship with the public and private sectors of our great Country strive on the uniqueness of each Achievment Ladder Enthusiast's active participation. Even though "negativism" may be the way of some candidates, the voters are looking for the "positive thrust" that is expected from candidates who will represent the American People in all matters that have impact on the dignity and the respect for all concerned persons. The Founding Leaders of our Republic left the Amerian People with a principled legacy that is still appropriate in the 21st Century. Eroding the values of the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution with a Bill of Rights opens the door to oppressive dictatorship that strips away natural and human rights for imposed bureacratic and secularistic humanism without effective representation for the individual.
Starting today and continuing until November 2, 2010, all registered voters and prospective registered voters are expected to read and to discern the TRUTH that will shared by the various candidates for public office. The holistic intelligences of the candidates need to be studied and understood to have an informed electorate that will make choices that go beyond the "obvious and the transparent." Consider all of the issues that are impacting our Republic in 2010. What are the priorities that need to be effectively addressed and accomplished by the "servants of the People" after the election on November 2 is over? Read, listen, research, and evaluate all of the information that will most important to the transformation and the renewal of the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts focus on climbing up and down the Ladder of Achievment that will again bring America as a Country that can be trusted and appreciated.
Your vote always counts even when you think that vote is overlooked. History has taught us many lessons about Countries who have lost their individual involvement in the political process because of dictatorships and citizen's apathy. All Achievment Ladder Enthusiasts will exercise their privilege and their opportunity to vote for the candidates of their choice in the most informed manner possible. Using many sources of information will open the minds and the hearts of those American Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who "care enough to send the very best" to represent their interests and concerns in public service.
November 2, 2010, will become the Transformation Day for all true American Patriots who accept their responsibility to make a difference for their America!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


To exercise a person's right to vote in a free society means a privilege and a responsibility to gather the information prior to casting votes for candidates. All candidates are expecting the registered American voters to take their civic duty serious in spite of any challenges that could derail a voter's good intention to actually vote. "Your vote always counts" means a free person ignores apathy and procrastination in making time to cast their vote for their favorite candidate who has indicated a willingness to "actually represent" their constituency in all of their future deliberations in a public office.
Today, my opportunity to cast my vote was accomplished in spite of a dreary, rainy day at my local polling location. To be "thanked" by the volunteers at the polling place for exercising my right to vote was graciously accepted and appreciated. Now the time has come to wait for the results this evening or tomorrow morning to determine the candidates for the general election on November 2, 2010. This is my 50th year voting in local, county, state, and national elections, which on many occasions was a "losing candidate" in my selection process. However, my encouragement to make my civic duty more than a routine process had deeper implications. Given the information that was received and available through the media and other reliable sources, my selections were made on reflecting and on understanding the philosophical and ideological principles that each candidate espoused. Although much of the political rhetoric is basically spin and "pie in the sky" promises, the voting records and the actual accomplishment of the candidates in serving the public unconditionally had high priority in the selection process.
In a Country that has prided itself on its uniqueness and its respect for the value and dignity of each human being, the time spent to exercise my vote was more than just a choice of this candidate or that candidate. My voting practices mean my vote does have significance in declaring a candidate a "winner" or an also-ran. Hopefully, the day will come when the expense of running for public office will be reduced to an affordable budget in order to encourage more reliable and honest persons to seek public office without having any stings attached to the outcome. All Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who truly believe in our system of being a Republic and responsible to the American People will reconsider their opportunity to run for public office to make a real and significant difference in serving the American People with PRIDE, with COURAGE, with HONESTY, and with FIDELITY to the principles that have made the United States of America great during the past 234 years of Independence from foreign intervention.
Transformation Day for all American Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts is coming on November 2, 2010. Can we count on your active and total participation from now until that decisive day? Your vote always counts!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Congratulations to all of the dedicated, professional educators and administrative staff members of all pre-K, elementary, secondary, and post-secondary educational private and public school learning environments. Also, congratulations to all parents who have chosen to home-school their children during this coming academic learning year. Providing effective and efficient learning environments for all of the children of school age is the monumental task of all "seasoned" and "rookie" learning facilitators. The Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts salute all of those individuals who are assisting and mentoring student learners in their pursuit of discovering the depth of their learning opportunities at various levels of educational endeavors.
Congratulations to all of the student learners who are giving their total attention to maximizing their full potential to their interests, aptitudes, and their altitudes with their positive attitude. Whether the student-learner has a "thimble" level of aptitudes or a "gallon jug" level of aptitudes, the attitude with which you use your time, talents, and treasures will make the difference in the long run in ACHIEVING YOUR FULL POTENTIAL UP AND DOWN THE LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT in your life's adventures. Discoving your uniqueness as a human being in its holistic dimensions will be rewarding in your chosen careers or career clusters.
Congratulations to all of the IDES of AUGUST 2010 ACHIEVEMENT LADDER ENTHUSIASTS' AWARD RECIPIENTS. Welcome back to your Lifelong Learning goals of maximizing your unique talents and abilities in your educational challenges. "Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life. Guard it well!" (Proverbs 4:13)

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Remember the excitement of the first day that you experienced when you voted in your very first election? My experience was fifty years ago with an absentee ballot. Three years later, my choice for President of the United States was killed in Dallas, Texas, at the hands of an assassin. Although this experience was beyond words, the American People responded with an array of emotions appropriate for a Leader who was gunned down for being an American. Even to this day, a coverup of the circumstances surrounding this tragic death of a President lingers on. Yes, only in America do the American People respond to a tragedy with courage, with faith, with wisdom, and an understanding that we may have to die to prove our basic principles in American freedom.
Only in America have the minority thinking impacted the silent majority as in the case in 1973 when the Supreme Court ruling interpreted the 14th Amendment to give women only reproductive rights and allowed the killing of an innocent unborn baby (embryo, fetus, little child) as a legal status. This changed the original thinking of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution with a new challenge that has continued to this very day when more than 4,000 innocent, unborn babies are legally killed daily through elective abortion. The time has come for the reversal of such an heinous act on an American person because of residence, age, and gender discriminations. Only in America are we trying to overturn a human law that contradicts divine law.
Only in America have so many persons become addicted to the new technologies of the cell phone, the internet, and texting for whatever reason. Also, the social web sites have become a haven for finding friends and wasting valuable time and energy. The excess rather than the use has become the challenge for so many persons who are alone and make themselves vulnerable to all types of personalities that love to prey on the innocent and the unwary. There is a time and a place to use communication technology effectively and efficently. Becoming "a blanket" to carry around becomes a crutch to a real human life.
Only in America does everyone have an opportunity to attend school and learn skills that could be productive in a career choice. Only in America are more and more persons turning to home-schooling and internet courses to avoid the unwelcome social atmospheres that are a waste of precious time and energies. Also, the values and the sacredness for human and divine principles have encouraged many Americans to find an avenue to grow in their learning endeavors. Making good choices determines the future for many persons.
Only in America are we finding the loss of traditional jobs and careers going to other parts of the globe. Discovering the learning dynamics that will best meet the individual's learning styles and untapped skills is an every day challenge. Going to prestigious colleges and universities may be very costly in more ways than one. Many PHDs are working in fast-food restaurants because of the nature of their degrees and the "sheepskins" that were very costly in student loans. Vocademics has always been around through the community colleges that have responded the best in economic crisis and deep recessions. The experiences are priceless and cost effective. Only in America do we recognize the value of the community college education that provides a learning environment that brings out the best in every American who comes back to school after ten, twenty, thirty, or more years after their high school or their GED experiences.
Only in America do we find the increase in drug addiction, in alcohol addiction, in sexual addiction, in gambling addiction, and in many other crippling addictions. Yes, Americans has found outlets for recovery from effective private sources for years even for the "down and out." Homelessness is a plague on our American way of life because of many reasons. Again, many private sources have met the challenges better than any government programs that are bureacratic in nature with excessive paperwork.
Only in America can Americans speak out and to take action by voting in the primaries and the general elections. The silent majority responds effectively when push comes to shove. Critical and creative thinking gives all Americans an opportunity to express independent thinking that is to be respected and admired. Your vote as an American citizen gives you the opportunity to express your civil rights as well as your citizen rights. Getting involved with the process is what the "hippies of the 60s" discovered when they attacked "The Establishment." Read, research, reflect, and respond by voting for the candidates of your choice when given a choice. This is the mission of the Achievement Ladder Enthusiast who wants to give back to America what America has offered its citizenry. Your vote always counts in more ways than one. Yes, only in America are you able to make a difference without permission.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


To the Americans who have grown up in America, you will notice a distinction that identifies Americans as Americans. In all of fifty states and in all of the territories affiliated with the United States of America, you will discover different attitudes, different customs, different cultures, different mores, different levels of education, different philosophies, and different unique personalities of each community. The beauty in the cultural differences is that all ideas are open for understanding and respect. The common thread that makes Americans is the willingness to stand up for the rights of the "underdog" and the sacred tolerance for the different religious values and ethics. To be proud to be an American leads all Americans to safeguard the freedoms that have been won over time even in irreconcilable differences. The Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights have been challenged by those individuals who are bent on destroying the essence of what an American stands for personally and holistically. Yes, ONLY IN AMERICA will you find the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts willing to build up rather than tear down the "freedoms" that are encompassed in the Spirit of 1776.
Only in America will individuals have an opportunity to attend elementary, secondary, and post-secondary educational endeavors to maximize their skills for the career of their choice. Only in America will individuals work to achieve the goals of their lives even when "alien agents" are greedy, dishonest, and unethical. Only in America may an individual's voice be heard through whatever media that is willing to be open to diverse opinions. Only in America are "real careers" initiated by the private sector often in partnership with the public sector. Only in America may an individual's vote be counted in local, county, state, and national elections to propose candidates that are "truly representative" of their constituency. Only in America may an individual choose to "vote their choices" in the retail and wholesale market place. Only in America may an individual "choose the spiritual development" that will transform their time, their talents, and their treasures for the greater good. Only in America will you find individuals who are sincerely generous in assisting the less fortunate and the extremely disabled. Only in America will you find persons willing to live within their means and to avoid a debt crisis. Only in America will individuals have choices in the market place that are consistent with their scale of living as well as their standard of living. Only in America will you find persons who will offer advice and conflicting views to bring about a New America based on the original Founders of this wonderful Country. Only in America will you discover entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs who are willing and inspired to offer their uniques ideas for the benefit of the common good. Only in America will you find individuals willing to respect the legal system when the common good is affected and respected. Only in America may an individual and a community ban together to change human laws that are contrary to the divine law and offer "poor choices." Yes, you and I could go on and on about what we can expect by individuals who are sincerely and prayerfully proud of our American Heritage. Yes, only in America may we hope for a better future when we agree that IN GOD WE TRUST. America, bless God because God has already blessed America with more human resources that are focused on a better tomorrow and a better eternity. Let all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts ponder the beauty of the American Dream as God has offered to those who TRUST HIM.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


With all of the available information available to explain our beliefs, our values, our spirituality, and our code of ethics, a simple deck of playing cards holds a volume of special and inclusive explanations for the simple person to absorb. To focus on the mere secular aspects, we can observe 52 cards for 52 weeks in a year; four suits for the ordinary four seasons; for 13 cards in a suit for the number of weeks in a quarter of a year; and an explanation for each card from the ace to the number 2 for each aspect of our daily lives.
From the spiritual point of view for a practicing Catholic, the significance for each playing card is designated with a certain value or belief. Here is a listing of those spiritual and guiding dimensions:
The Aces stand for ONE, HOLY, CATHOLIC, and APOSTOLIC CHURCH founded by Jesus Christ, the God-man. Also, the Ace may be used as a ONE, which could be interpreted as the ALPHA and the OMEGA, the beginning and the end, of all for all in Jesus Christ, Redeemer, Messiah, and Savior.
The King stands for the KING OF KINGS, Jesus Christ and for His kingly people.
The Queen stands for the QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE, Mary, Mother of God, and our Spiritual Mother.
The Jack stands for JOHN, the Revelation and the promoter of God is Love through the succession of Popes from St. Peter, the Apostle until the current Pope, Benedict XVI (265th Pope).
The ten stands for the 10 COMMANDMENTS given by God to Moses and the people of the Old Testament in Salvation History to the New Testament and the New Covenant.
The nine stands for a NOVENA OF NINE DAYS for prayer and fasting in petition and in thanksgiving for requests. Also, THE FRUITS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS, AND SELF-CONTROL.
The eight stands for the EIGHT BEATITUDES, the heart of Jesus Christ's preaching. "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied. Blessed are the merciful, for they will obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure of heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account, Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven."
The seven stands for the SEVEN SACRAMENTS, which is an encounter with Jesus Christ and includes: BAPTISM, CONFIRMATION, EUCHARIST, PENANCE, ANOINTING OF THE SICK, HOLY ORDERS, and MATRIMONY. The seven also includes the SEVEN GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: The Gift of wonder and awe in God's presence, the Gift of Reverence, the Gift of Courage, the Gift of Knowledge, the Gift of Understanding, the Gift of Right Judgment, and the Gift of Wisdom.
The six stands for the period of time that God created the Entire Universe. On the seventh day (the Sabbath) HE RESTED.
The five stands for the five decades of each Mystery of the Holy Rosary: The Joyful, the Illuminating, the Sorrowful, and the Glorious Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. The five also stands for the FIVE WOUNDS of the Sacred Heart of Jesus with the piercing of His hands, His feet, and His Heart.
The four stands for the Four Gospels of the New Testament with the writers: MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE, AND JOHN.
The three stands for the HOLY TRINITY: THREE PERSONS IN ONE GOD, a mystery of Love Infinite.
The two stands for the Human and the Divine Natures of Jesus Christ, His Alpha and Omega, and the Old and New Covenants (Testaments) of the Holy Bible.
"We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose...If God is for us, who can be against us?...What will separate us from the love of Jesus Christ? Will anguish, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or the sword?...No, in all things we conquer overwhelmingly through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor present things, nor future things, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the LOVE OF GOD in CHRIST JESUS, OUR LORD."
(Romans: 8:28-39).
The next time that you are traveling or are sitting alone with a deck of playing cards remember to think about the UNCAUSED CAUSE of our vast universe and solar system by looking at each of the 52 cards that you have been dealt as an ACHIEVEMENT LADDER ENTHUSIAST. "Bloom where you are planted!"

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Let us properly give honor and respect to the many men and women who provide public service on a 24/7 weekly basis. On the international field of honor and bravery are the multitude of men and women who serve in the armed services of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, or National Guard agencies. All of these persons are trained to protect, to defend, and to keep freedom alive in the United States of America and in all parts of the world who seek self-determination rather than terrorism and tyranny. In addition, we salute the many men and women who give of their time, their talents, and their treasures to serve in the law enforcement agencies throughout our freedom loving America. We honor the many firefighters who literally put their lives on the line in protecting and preventing unnecessary lose of life because of fires out of control. In addition, we recognize the many men and women who are ready, willing, and able to respond as first responders as EMTs and as Paramedics when emergencies happen in a community. Also, we recognize the many public servants who respond voluntarily when natural disasters occur because of weather related or community crisis because they care about their Country.
Congratulations to all of the brave and courageous men and women who serve our American communites in whatever capacity as our IDES OF JULY 2010 ACHIEVEMENT LADDER ENTHUSIASTS' RECOGNITION AWARD RECIPIENTS.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

US Catholics Reflect on the Declaration of Independence: Do we Still Hold These truths? - U.s. - Catholic Online

US Catholics Reflect on the Declaration of Independence: Do we Still Hold These truths? - U.s. - Catholic Online


As we celebrate our Country's 234th Birthday on July 4, 2010, let us remember the reasons why we celebrate our revolutionary beginning. Freedom was won at a tremendous price and the lives who have been sacrificed for those freedoms are priceless. The American Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who envisoned the future of the United States of America signed the Declaration of Independence and formulated the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights for all times. Since 1776, many misguided individuals have misinterpreted the Spirit of America's Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts by instilling a compromising and a secularistic slant on the original intent of these original documents of our Freedom. Since the "enemy within" has continued to pick away the very freedoms that have been won by American loving freedom fighters, our resolve today should be to return to the original spirit that was desired by True Patriots.
There are certain "inalienable rights" that have non-reconcilable differences based on moral and ethical principles; namely, LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. When one part of our Country is attacked, the remaining parts of this wonderful Country should be ready to STAND UP and TAKE BACK what is essential for the social justice and solidarity of all of its citizenry. Yes, there are irreconcilable differences that need to be respected and honored without question; namely, LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. The checks and balances of the United States Constitution and its numerous Amendments plus the Bill of Rights were enacted for a reason that should still exist today. When human laws attempt to supercede DIVINE LAWS, the human laws need to be transformed and reconciled with DIVINE LAWS.
We are looking forward to a Transformation and a Renewal of the Spirit of 1776 as originally intended by our Founding Fathers and Mothers of this Great Republic. IN GOD WE TRUST must reign in our hearts, in our minds, and in our actions every day of the year until our next Happy Birthday Celebration for the United States of America. God has already blessed America; now is the time for America to BLESS GOD! Where are the PROFILES IN COURAGE? Who are the MASTERS OF DECEIT? Is it true that you can trust the "terrorists" to be "terrorists."? Is it true that you can trust AMERICAN ACHIEVEMENT LADDER ENTHUSIASTS to be models and exemplary champions of the AMERICAN DREAM? "We pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands...ONE NATION, UNDER GOD, indivisible with LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL, BORN AND UNBORN!"

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Let us remember in a very special way the Police Officers who were gunned down by a coward in the early morning hours of today in the Tampa Bay area. These officers leave families of a nine-month pregnant wife and a family of a wife and four y0ung children ranging from 8 months to 9 years young. Both fallen officers were only 31 years young with outstanding records on the Tampa Police Force. These offices were killed in the line of duty by a individual who is yet to be apprehended by the massive search for his wereabouts. Let us pray that no more innocent people will suffer a loss of life from an individual who does not value human life. Let justice be served for those who put their lives on the line every day in providing a safe situation in many communities at the cost of their own lives. May God give their suffering families His healing and peace that the world does not know how to give. Thank you, Father God, for giving us so many men and women who are public servants who are heroes in every way for their bravery and their total dedication to the service of their communities. May the souls of the faithful departed, especially for the two young police officers in Tampa, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. May their souls and all of the faithful departed through the Mercy of God continue to rest in peace. Amen.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Congratulations to all of the Daddys on this Happy Fathers' Day 2010! What a tremendous responsibility that each man is expected to give and to share with his spouse each day of the year as a happily married couple. There are many married singles that carry on their own agenda at the expense of a sound marital relationship. Many men forget to live their manhood and their fatherhood by giving their spouses the total responsibility of raising the children of their marriage rather than give an equal share of love, care, and guidance to the beautiful persons in their lives. When Dads understand that they are co-partners with the Heavenly Father and their spouse to bring about new life, they are well on their way to realize the value and the dignity of human life at all stages of development. A Man of God will give total respect to his spouse and be a GENTLE MAN; and in addition, the Achievement Ladder Enthusiastic Dad will be there for his children and his spouse for "better or for worse," "for richer or for poorer," "in sickness and in health," and "until death do they part."
Let us remember to encourage the Dads in our lives to understand God's plan for their families as God intended. We read in Ephesians 1:3-6: "Praised be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has bestowed on us in Christ every spiritual blessing in the heavens! God chose us in him before the world began, to be holy and blameless in his sight, to be FULL OF LOVE; he likewise predestined us through Christ Jesus to be his adopted sons and daughters--such was his will and pleasure---that all might praise the glorious favor he has bestowed on us in his beloved." "May God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, grant you a spirit of WISDOM and INSIGHT to know him clearly. May he enlighten your innermost vision of WISDOM that you may know the GREAT HOPE to which he has called you, the wealth of his glorious heritage to be distributed among the members of the church, and the immeasurable scope of his power in us who believe." (Ephesians 1:17-19)
For all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who are living examples of DADS, may we ask the following: "That is why I kneel before the Father from whom every family in heaven and on earth takes its name: and I pray that he will bestow on you gifts in keeping with the riches of his glory. May he strengthen you inwardly through the working of his Spirit. May Christ dwell in your hearts through faith, and may charity be the root and foundation of your life. Thus you will be able to grasp fully, with all the holy ones, the breadth and length and height and depth of Christ's love, and experience this love which surpasses all knowledge, so that you may attain to the fullness of God a life worthy of the calling you have received, with perfect humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another lovingly. Make every effort to preserve the unity which has the Spirit as its origin and peace as its binding force. There is but one body and one Spirit, just as there is one hope given all of you by your call. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all, and works through all, and is in all." (Ephesians 3:14-4:6)
Happy DADS day for all Achievement Ladder Enthusiastic DADS who care!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


For the 9th year in a row with different locations to assemble, the TAD (The American Dream) Congress met at the Zephyrhills City Hall, Zephyrhills, Florida, on June 16, 2010, with a full agenda focusing on the ongoing concerns of "situational poverty" and "generational poverty" as impacted by the national, state, county, and city community relations and relationships. As one speaker indicated that "America is still the "land of opportunity," and "America is the envy of the world." In addition, the ideas of this same speaker indiciated that "our war on poverty has wasted trillions of dollars over the last 50 years on a maledy that has become a disastrous failure." Why not try something else? For many who have for decades faced "generational poverty" found there was "no way out." Most U.S poverty is "self-inflicted" with poor choices and "self-destructive behaviors." One recipe for breaking the cycle of extreme poverty is to encourage the y0uth to finish high school, get married before having children, and get involved with the job market and stay there. Who controls the poverty cycle.....YOU DO! The inspiring speaker concluded that each Achievement Ladder Enthusiast needs to "raise their expectations" and to be encouraged, to find hope, and to receive inspiration from those who have been successful in climbing out of the plague of "generational poverty" and "situational poverty." Hope can make a difference in our own lives and in the lives of those around us as we climb the Ladder of Achievement in saying, We Did it with a Hand Up rather than with a Hand Out.
Various not-for-profit and governmental agencies were represented including a local Rotary Chapter; a faith-based pastoral leaders with "Food for Tots," "The Samaritan Project," "Operation Unwrap A Smile," and the Salvation Army. Also, representatives from the Day-Star Hope Center of Pasco, the Boys Scouts of America, and Explorers Troup connected to the Zephyrhills Police Department, and the Farmworkers' Self-Help Program for Migrant Workers shared their ideas and programs to assist those in need in the East Pasco County area with a networking, partnering, and a collaborating effort by all the Achievement Ladder Enthusiastic Leaders. The Mayor of Zephyrhills and the City Manager of Zephyrhills welcomed the participants to the 9th TAD Congress and were the most gracious hosts. A Florida State Representative emphasized the working relationships of the public and private sectors especially in the area of improving the quality of education and of having a networking, partnership, and collaborating emphasis in order to focus on our future Achievement Ladder Enthusiastic leaders, the youth as they break the stigma of extreme poverty. If our freedoms are allowed to function as supported by the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution as originally intended, the Land of Opportunity for all persons, for all Achievement Ladder Enthusiastic American Citizens will encourage the "entrepreneurial capitalism" rather than the "stifling" agendas fostered by bureacratic, governmental hidden agendas.
Congratulations to the Toys for Tots Chairman and the TAD Congress Chairperson, Bob Loring, who was the Master of Ceremonies for all of the public and private sectors representatives represented at the 9th TAD Congress. Bob is often entitled, "The Achievement Ladder Networker for Pro-active and Positive philosophy in serving his Country with Pride. In addition, may the 10th TAD Congress in 2011 under Bob's most capable leadership be even more effective and proactive in bringing together leaders who really care about their communities and their influences in the community. People do not care how much you know but how much you care for your community and your service to the community. IN GOD WE TRUST! "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men and women are created equal and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights and that among these are LIFE, LIBERTY, and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS...THE AMERICAN DREAM..."

Saturday, June 12, 2010


As the Worldwide Year of Prayer for Priests ends, let us all be reminded of the dignity and the sacredness of the Services that Priests throughout the world have given to their various dioceses, churches, and missionary outposts. Although some individuals want to focus on the "negative" aspects that some priests have been accused of in the past and currently through their inappropriate actions, nevertheness the overwhelming vast majority of dedicated priests have given their time, their talents, and their treasures to bring the salvation message to many persons worldwide by their words and by their exemplary examples. Yes, there is a shortage of priests throughout the United States and in many other parts of the world. The spiritual atmosphere that has usually been generated in the family traditionally has been attacked and assailed with the images of the allurements of the world, the flesh, and the secularistic, humanistic messages from the opponents of the divine appeals. We wish to see a conversion and a transformation that will eventually bring back the positive attitudes in the holisitic, spiritual tendencies of Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who desire to serve and to give their lives to the most needy.
During the past 40 years or more, the attractiveness of the priesthood as a profession and as an opportunity to serve the "faithful flock" and to "shepherd" the lost and the lonely has been overlooked by the marketing of worldly ambitions and greedy accumulations. "If you want to be my disciple, you must denounce yourself, take up your CROSS, and FOLLOW ME." Jesus' way of the Cross means suffering, ignorance, apathy, hatred, loneliness, and death. Jesus showed the Way, the Truth, and the Life; but the people would not have any of that commitment. Yes, Jesus said "if they have hatred for Me, they will have hatred for you because you follow Me." We need to pray for all of our priests who have taken upon themselves a life of total service to their parishes and their missionary assignments. Yes, these priests have been ordained to bring the "Bread of Life" to us every day in the Eucharistic celebrations that happen in over 400,000 locations throughout the world. "Corpus Christi" ....the Body of open to all who profess that "Jesus Christ is Lord." The power of prayer assists all of the priests throughout the world to be dedicated to their priestly commitments at all costs. Our prayers sent to God, the Father, on their behalf, will empower these priests to live a life that is totally dependent on the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Love, in their lives. Let us also remember all of those priests who have persevered to the end even to the point of martyrdom to give that we may all receive...His life in us...our spiritual existence. Thank you, Father, for giving us so many dedicated priests to serve your and in eternity. "His Kingdom come, His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." Remember to do this in remembrance of Me!

Gov. Crist Vetoes Bill Requiring Ultrasound Before First-trimester Abortion - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Gov. Crist Vetoes Bill Requiring Ultrasound Before First-trimester Abortion - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

Marian Reflection: A Mother who Feeds us the Bread of Heaven - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online

Marian Reflection: A Mother who Feeds us the Bread of Heaven - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online

Immaculate Heart of Mary: Heart of a Compassionate Mother - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online

Immaculate Heart of Mary: Heart of a Compassionate Mother - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online


To many persons who are preparing to celebrate Fathers' Day next Sunday, let us all be reminded about the persons who have truly committed their lives to be the BEST POSSIBLE DAD that a son or daughter would be proud to call DAD. Yes, any adult, responsible man could be a father, but the attributes and the attitudes that best qualify a man to be a DAD means unconditional love to his children and most importantly, to his spouse. In today's definition of family, the challenges that the world, the flesh, and devil pose to a young family are extremely demanding. Finding a "true role model" for a Dad in the secularistic, humanistic society is limited at best. Things become more important than being a living, human being who has made a solid commitment and who persists in living the marriage vows in all of its holistic intelligent challenges.
Many Dads who have lived a good life with their family have earned an eternal reward for their giving of their time, their talents, and their treasures in a very unselfish manner that gives them a special title of being a JUST MAN. We remember in a very special way all of the Dads who have died and have been rewarded a heavenly reward for their persistence and their untiring energies to make a family, a true family worthy of that honor. Having self-respect as well as respect for their spouse and for their children creates an atmosphere of total learning in all aspects. Yes, we know that some fathers neglected their responsibilties and their committment to know, love, and serve their families. Many families have been "broken" apart by the apathy, the ignorance, the selfishness, and the greed of many men who have abdicated their duties as a father, a daddy, a provider, a lover, a role model by being a power-hungry individual and a disgrace to their very personhood. Many domestic violences could have been averted if the man had self-respect and respect for the dignity and the sacredness of other human beings who deserve and expect respect for all reasons and under all conditions. Culture can be a "blind-fold" for many men who escape the reality of being Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who rise above the baseness of ideology and the traditions that are solidified in greed, in lust, and in ambition. Happy the man who really trusts in God, their Heavenly Father.
For all true Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts, let us encourage all men who seek the title of DAD to be sincere, to be positive, to be living examples of sound moral and ethical principles, and to be a Light shining in the darkness that the world, the flesh, and the devil destroys. Climbing up and down the Ladder of Achievement in a family setting requires a positive value system that considers all of the Holistic Intelligences that a human being is expected to develop. To grow into a positive influence in a world that is looking for a LEAVEN in their environments, DADS are expected to answer the following questions: Who am I? What am I doing here? and Where am I going? In addition, DADS serve in a capacity of SERVICE to their families and to their communities. When the DAD leaves the picture, the family is asked to fend for itself at a disadvantage that was not preordained by God, the Father and Creator of the Entire Universe. When human values are given a loftier position than divine values, the end results could be very devastating for all concerned. Creating the balance in the Universe in all holistic intelligences anticipates a sound relationship with the Uncaused Cause of all persons, places, and things. IN GOD WE TRUST needs to be the preamble for all DADS who seek the BEST for their families even in challenging times and events. Since we are all made in the image and likeness of God, true Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts focus on the blending and the uniqueness of each human being as being worthy of dignity and respect at all stages of development from conception to natural death. DADS need to step up to their responsibilities and to show what unconditional love is all about after the eternal example of a God who has unconditional love for each and every creature on the face of this Earth. What DADS accomplish does make a difference! What DADS are does make a difference! Who DADS love makes an eternal difference beyond mere human words. Actions speak louder than words!

Monday, May 31, 2010


"Mary set out, proceeding in haste into the hill country to a town of Judah, where she entered Zechariah's house and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the BABY leapt in HER WOMB. Elizabeth was filled with the HOLY SPIRIT and cried out in a loud voice: "BLEST ARE YOU AMONG WOMEN AND BLEST IS THE FRUIT OF YOUR WOMB. But who am I that the MOTHER OF MY LORD should come to me? The moment your greeting sounded in my ears, the BABY leapt in MY WOMB for JOY. BLEST IS SHE WHO TRUSTED that the Lord's words to her would be fulfilled."
"Then Mary said:
My being proclaims the greatness of the LORD, my spirit finds JOY in GOD, MY SAVIOR, For he has looked upon his SERVANT in her LOWLINESS; all ages to come shall call me BLESSED. GOD who is mighty has done great things for me, HOLY IS HIS NAME; His mercy is from age to age on those who fear Him."
"He has shown might with His arm; He has confused the proud in their inmost thoughts. He has deposed the mighty from their thrones and raised the LOWLY to high places. The HUNGRY He has given every good thing, while the RICH he has sent EMPTY away. He has upheld Israel HIS SERVANT, ever mindful of His MERCY; Even as HE promised our fathers, promised ABRAHAM and his descendants FOREVER. Mary remained with Elizabeth about three months and then returned home." (Luke 1: 39-56)
The preceding verses from St. Luke's Gospel are revelant today in greeting those who are expecting a BABY whether their first or their twenty-first. A Baby brings JOY to all of those Mothers who accept the responsibility of Motherhood as typical of all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts. Responsible parenthood will be in tune with the divine plan even with human challenges that face every family. Hopefully, the Daddy will give total commitment to raising a Baby in cooperation and in partnership with his spouse. Remember, any one can be a Father, but the truth is that there are special qualities that makes someone a DADDY. With all of the challenges that face a young family, the couple needs to understand the selfless requirements in bringing about a New Human Life into this world in cooperation with the Creator of all human life. In God we trust was the song of Mary as she shared her inmost thoughts and feelings about being the Mother of the Savior of the World for all time. Her "Yes" to God brought about eternal life for all of us and she shared that humbly with her cousin, Elizabeth. Joy brings about New Eternal Joy, an inner Peace, and a Love that is unconditional. The God of all Human Life is Love personified in all humans who accept the invitation to maximize their Achievement Ladder potentials with their time, their talents, and their treasures. Where your treasure is THERE IS YOUR HEART. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for the gifts of Life and Love...IT IS GREAT TO BE ALIVE AND FEELING FREE AND TO HAVE EVERYONE IN OUR FAMILY. OH, HOW GREAT IT IS....TO BE ALIVE!

Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation

Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation

Friday, May 28, 2010


To effectively remember the many dedicated souls who laid down their lives in the line of battle for the cause of FREEDOM, all of us must humbly request pardon for the times when we overlooked the bravery, the candor, the valor, the heroism of the many men and women who sacrificed their lives for us to enjoy FREEDOM. For all of the world wars of the 20th Century and now in the 21st Century, these devoted men and women served their Country above and beyond the call of duty and are buried in various locations throughout the world. Many who served our Country are still POWs on foreign soil somewhere waiting to be released from their imprisonment. Many brave men and women are MIAs and have yet to be found to be properly honored and respected for their heroic bravery. On this Memorial Day weekend, 2010, let us all stop and pray for those who now live eternally with their Creator for all eternity.
These brave souls cared enough to give the very best for the honor of their Country. These proud Americans should never be forgotten for serving their Country even when the Congress and the American people turned their backs on their honorable services. The Korean War and the Vietnam War had little support because of the propaganda that was promoted to undermine the reasons for these Wars. A few patriotic Presidents acknowledged the bravery and the heroism of those men and women who gave their lives on the field of battle especially during the 1980s and early 1990s. Restoring a patriotism in the United States of America was the best solution to all of those who willingly paid the ultimate price for being an American...they were willing to give their very life to give life to other Americans for years to come. Yes, America, each time we honor our fallen heroes we are STANDING UP to the very reason this Nation was founded in 1776. We are proud to be Americans and to give honor and praise to those who give service to their Country on a 24/7 basis and even after they are gone.
Remember to stop to pray for a moment of silence for the Americans who gave of their lives in battles throughout the world to proclaim the value of FREEDOM!
Today, let us remember those who are still serving on a volunteer basis in some armed services throughout the world. They will appreciate the words: THANK YOU for being a TRUE AMERICAN willing to die to save our FREEDOMS. May the divine peace, the joy, and the love that is beyond all human understanding be the motivating force for all American Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who care enough to do the very best for all those who cherish this U.S.A.
Eternal Rest give the heroes of past wars and current wars and may perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God, REST IN PEACE! AMEN!

Friday, May 14, 2010


Even as the United States of America and the Global Communities meet the challenges of a downturn in economic and political events, the many Academic and Career Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts are making strides now as they prepare for their futures. For many persons who have had to struggle in their learning process and to gain recognition for the uniqueness that is theirs, these persons have succeeded in completing a phase of their learning development that will affect their future career choices and lifelong learning dreams. For many persons in the educational environments, the spotlight often focuses on the top ten percent of academic achievers who "Did it" with the God-given talents that they explored for more than 17 years before graduating from a comprehensive public or private high school. For a growing number of exceptional learners, the choice has been to be home-schooled with the parents handling the professional responsibilities of enhancing the learning abilities of their children. For the lowest ten percent who may or may not have completed their high school experiences, the choices may be to complete the requirements for a general education diploma for whatever reasons.
For the 80 percent of the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who have completed their requirements for high school graduation, the future educational opportunities are open for their God-given talents to be enhanced by the opportunities of post-secondary education in whatever vocademic choices that may be available for each unique person. Lifelong learning is often accomplished by the "college of hard knocks" and the "college of on-the-job training" in the classrooms without walls. The advanced trainings may be afforded by the "college of effective experiences" that are achieved by working with multiple human resources that "make a difference" in any environment. Although elitism is used to attract the "top ten percent," the 80 percent club is given opportunities for quality education at affordable investments for those focused on community colleges and privately endowed schools who contribute to the communities where they are based. Often the lowest 10 percent are neglected and ignored because these wonderful human resources are not "college material," but they are excellent candidates for effectively using their learning styles that best meets their aptitudes and interests on a personal level.
Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts applauds all of those unique individuals who have completed their high school, their G.E.D, and their college degree requirements to earn their diplomas and certificates to continue their lifelong learning journey. The Ides of May 2010 recognizes the accomplishments of all graduates of whatever "vocademic" programs in the secondary and the post-secondary areas that initially prepares persons for the world of work. We are looking forward to seeing these individuals expand their "entrepreneurial" and their "intrapreneurial" skills to further the climate of creating jobs in the private and public sectors of our recovering economy. These confident learners are flexible, self-motivated, independent thinkers, enthusiastic, responsible, self-managed, holistically intelligent, studios, committed, persistent, assertive, active on-going learners, active readers, and future oriented. Hopefully, all learners will remember: "Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life. Guard it Well!"

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mothers Day: Mother, 'Queen of the Holy Ordinary' - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online

Happy Mothers Day: Mother, 'Queen of the Holy Ordinary' - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online


Mothers' Day 2010 is very special this year because of the many Mothers who have brought love, respect, and honor to themselves and to the children that they nurtured with full responsibility, dignity, and morally spirituality. The Mother is the first teacher of her child; and yes, motherhood is the oldest profession of special distinction. Many women have positively accepted their reproductive privilege with all of the creativity, the resourcefulness, and the discretion that comes from saying, Yes, to motherhood. We also honor all women who have adopted children at all ages to give those children an opportunity to grow holistically with the trustful guidance of a Mother's care and guidance. We also honor those women who effectively support with their wisdom the challenges that motherhood gives to each woman especially those women who have been neglected, misguided, misinformed, abused, and culturally deprived of an informed choice in being a mother at any age.
One of the most admired Woman of all time is the Mother of Jesus Christ, true God and true man. Mary accepted the challenge of motherhood at a very early age with her "Yes" to God to be the Mother of the Messiah, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. Jesus lived with his Mother for 30 years before entering His public life. Mary became pregnant with Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit to retain her virginity. Nothing is impossible for God and His Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Mary witnessed the growth of Her Son as He prepared for His Mission to save all souls, once and for all. Mary gave Her time, Her talents, and Her earthly treasures to being the Co-Redeemer of the entire human race in union with the will of the Father. Jesus died on a cross and was laid in the arms of His Mother before burial. But Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to His Mother and to His friends and followers before returning to His eternal home. Mary was instrumental in supporting the early Church as the followers of Jesus became stronger through their faith, their hope, and their love of God and love of their neighbor. Mary nurtured the early Church with her total positive attitude in support of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church founded by Her Son.
Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ, is the Model of strength, gentleness, trust, courage, patience, risk, openness, and perseverance. Mary is the Mother of the liberator, the homeless, the dying, the nonviolent, the widowed mothers, the prisoners, and the condemned. Mary is the Liberator of the oppressed, comforter of the afflicted, cause of joy, sign of contradiciton, breaker of bondage, political refuge, first disciple, sharer of Jesus's ministry, participant in Christ's passion, seeker of God's will, and witness of Christ's resurrection. Mary is a Woman of mercy, of faith, of contemplation, of wisdom and understanding, of grace and hope, and centered in God.
A prayer for all Mothers on this Mothers' Day 2010 comes from the inspiration of the Blessed Mother of all time, Mary Immaculate by the power of God:
"Mary, Queen of Peace, we entrust our lives to you. Shelter us from war, hatred, and oppression. Teach us to live in peace, and to educate ourselves for peace. Inspire us to act justly, to revere all God has made. Root peace firmly in our hearts and in our world. Amen."
Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts applaud, respect, and honor all Mothers throughout the world. Thank you, Mom, for the gifts of life and love. It is great to be alive and to serve everyone in our family. Happy Mothers' Day 2010!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Eagle Forum Blog

Eagle Forum Blog


Today is a day set aside to remember to Pray for the United States of America and for the spiritual transformation that is needed to really give honor and glory to the Creator of all of the Universe. With the continual rise of anti-religious sentiments from God's children, we who believe in the Creator, in the Uncaused Cause, in the Messiah, in the Kingdom of God, and in the commitment to give total Love to God and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves are given an opportunity to offer our prayers of faith, hope, and love to those who need the graces the most and for those who think they need the graces of God the least.
In God we Trust still reigns in the minds, the hearts, and the actions of men and women of good will who make every day a blessing back to God, our Friend and our Father. To realize that the power of prayer is priceless, we are reminded that Jesus encouraged us when He lived here on earth that whatever you ask in My name will be given to those of good will and good heart. Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you. The definition of God is Love. Where there is love, there is God. Let us replace the anger, the hate, the ignorance, the oppression, and the secularistic attitude with the words of St. Francis: "Lord, make me an instrument of your PEACE...."
Remember, we are always in the presence of God whether we want to acknowledge that fact or not. Remember, God loves us unconditionally; and we wants us to be happy in this life as we prepare for the eternal life to come.
Be Not Afraid, JUST BELIEVE!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

NARAL's President Admits: Abortion Supporters Aging, Pro-Lifers Young and Zealous - U.S. News - Catholic Online

NARAL's President Admits: Abortion Supporters Aging, Pro-Lifers Young and Zealous - U.S. News - Catholic Online


Today, many persons are celebrating Earth Day 2010 learning the What and the Why we should be more aware of our responsibilities to be better stewards of this wonderful Earth. The animals that have been accentuated as endangered species and the natural resources that are considered limited in supply are given the greatest attention by the Environmentalists. Also, the many examples of How the natural resources may be recycled to respect the limited resources are a plus to this Earth Day 2010 celebration. Waste does cost the average person billions of dollars per day for the misuse of our natural resources. For more than 40 years, the ecologists and the Green Movement have emphasized the need to be better stewards of our Natural Resources and the many animals that roam our Earth on the land, in the air, and in the water. However, WHAT has been done to focus a genuine effort to respect and to care for the Human Resources who are the stewards of our environment.
In the United States of America, the law of the land has been to ignore the "personhood" for the MOST endangered homo sapiens, the more than 50,000,000 unborn babies that have been selected for disposal because of where they reside, where they are nourished, and where they may be inconvenient. The focus is on reproductive rights by the mothers who are the guardians of the most vunerable and most innocent victims of "ecological disposal." The Zero Population Proponents seek to limit the number of persons who will inhabit the Earth to make room for the animals, the plants, the sea life, and the natural resources that take precedent over the very stewards with potential to care for Mother Earth. The Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts understand the value that each human being on Earth is expected to receive--Priceless Care and Guidance. The Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who have their priorities in the right focus accept the sacredness of all human life from conception to natural death. Even one culture recognizes the existence of all human life at conception by indicating that when a baby reaches full gestation at birth, they are already "NINE MONTHS YOUNG." Until the persons responsible for bringing human life into this World accept the ultimate value of each human life, the Earth will be "empty" of the most valuable resource of all ....Human Resources. Why are we stewards of human resources blind?
If we can make the claim that animal lovers should honor the value the existence of pets, the claim can also be made that those stewards of animals should not own a pet if they are unwilling to properly care for those pets. In addition, if we can make the claim that those persons who "ravish and rape" the natural resources for their own greedy purposes, these stewards should answer in the public forum for the destruction and for the misuse of natural resources that bring harm to the human inhabitants in any way. Social justice demands nothing less for those persons who ruin the face of Mother Earth by their imprudent and careless attitude. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts are aware of their responsibilities and their rights to "air, care, share, and bear" the burden to enhance the value of animal resources and natural resources by their prudent decisions at all levels of the ecological and environmental challenges.
Yes, Earth Day 2010 needs to be a time to reflect on all that the Creator, the Uncaused Cause of this wonderful Earth, has offered the stewards of Earth to understand and to show true wisdom. To discover and to rediscover the priceless attributes of natural resources as well as human resources is a mandate for all stewards of this Universe. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts are the leaders who are making people aware of the challenges that Ecology and the Environment have on all of its inhabitants. Yes, we have come a long way with our technological advances in ways of effectively using our animal and natural resources. However, we are in the "infancy stage" of learning the value and the dignity of each human being from conception to natural death. Human laws that are contrary to divine law are suspect at best for whatever underlying agenda that is distorted and misguided. "The beginning of Wisdom is the Fear of the Lord." The Creator of this wonderful Universe has been very patient with the stewards of this World; but beware of the wrath of a patient person. Let us all remember the more than 50,000,000 souls who have been eliminated from this Earth by the stewards who should have known better. However, these souls are now experiencing the eternity that is a blessing to their immortal souls. "Suffer the children to come to Me." On Earth Day 2010 adopt a soul that may be destined to be the victim of elective abortion during the next nine months. Imagine, January 22, 2011, would be 38 years that "babies in the womb" lost their "personhood" because a decision was made using a human law.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Created, Then Destroyed: An American Tragedy - U.S. News - Catholic Online

Created, Then Destroyed: An American Tragedy - U.S. News - Catholic Online


Although today is April 15, 2010, many responsible taxpayers across America will be filing their Income Tax Returns to be sent to the Internal Revenue Service. With the undergroup economy booming at the rate of more than one trillion dollars per year, the faithful taxpayers offer their meager earnings to support the work of the United States of America. We salute these Patriotic Americans as our IDES OF APRIL 2010 Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts Award Recipients for the continual desire, dedication, and determination to make this Country of OURS our OWN once again. However, we strongly encourage the recipients of these hard-earned dollars from the American Public to listen to the people who pay for your careers. We have had enough of wasteful spending over the years from all of the political elitists who care less about the American People and more about their lustful, lavish, and greedy misappropriations of "honest" money from hard-working American taxpayers.
YOUR VOTE ALWAYS COUNTS, AMERICAN TAXPAYERS. Remember the special date of November 2, 2010, to cast your vote for those Representatives and Senators in Congress and who aspire to Congress as newly elected. If America has to start over and "CLEAN HOUSE," then so be it! We are a Republic not a Dictatorship! As American taxpayers, we will give our fair share of our hard-earned funds for the Common Good not for those who are "stealing" from the American Public. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts are interested in having a Transformation Evolution to recapture the ownership of American jobs, American commerce, American Resources, American Capital, American Entrepreneurship, and American Intrapreneurship. Let us live within our means, America. Wasteful spending throughout the Globe is part of the deficit financing programs that have been perpetuated by one administation after another since 1935. Buy now and pay later has brought about an enormous American Debt that will eventually exceed 20 trillion dollars if we are unable to STOP the flow of wasteful spending by each bureaucrat in multiple agencies at the federal level. As one president once said, "The Buck Stops Here."

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Throughout the Universal World, we observe persons of all cultures, traditions, values, mores, languages, customs, and spiritual commitments. Yet, in all of these differences, a common thread unites all International Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts...they are living, loving human beings with a mission to make a difference here on earth before they meet their Creator in the eternal sanctuary.
Here is the rallying cry for all True Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts:
"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."
"Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted."
"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land."
"Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied."
"Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God."
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called CHILDREN OF GOD."
"Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."
"Blessed are they when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you because of Me,
"Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in Heaven." (Matthew 5:3-12)
The Spiritual Transformation for all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts encourages all human beings to listen to the Alpha and the Omega, the Risen Lord, for their ULTIMATE CHANGE to LIVE AS HE LIVED! On this International Day of Renewal and Prayer, let all human beings of Good Will join the Spiritual Transformation that will make a difference in their daily lives and prepare all those who choose the positive for their eternal destiny. Alleluia!