Friday, May 28, 2010


To effectively remember the many dedicated souls who laid down their lives in the line of battle for the cause of FREEDOM, all of us must humbly request pardon for the times when we overlooked the bravery, the candor, the valor, the heroism of the many men and women who sacrificed their lives for us to enjoy FREEDOM. For all of the world wars of the 20th Century and now in the 21st Century, these devoted men and women served their Country above and beyond the call of duty and are buried in various locations throughout the world. Many who served our Country are still POWs on foreign soil somewhere waiting to be released from their imprisonment. Many brave men and women are MIAs and have yet to be found to be properly honored and respected for their heroic bravery. On this Memorial Day weekend, 2010, let us all stop and pray for those who now live eternally with their Creator for all eternity.
These brave souls cared enough to give the very best for the honor of their Country. These proud Americans should never be forgotten for serving their Country even when the Congress and the American people turned their backs on their honorable services. The Korean War and the Vietnam War had little support because of the propaganda that was promoted to undermine the reasons for these Wars. A few patriotic Presidents acknowledged the bravery and the heroism of those men and women who gave their lives on the field of battle especially during the 1980s and early 1990s. Restoring a patriotism in the United States of America was the best solution to all of those who willingly paid the ultimate price for being an American...they were willing to give their very life to give life to other Americans for years to come. Yes, America, each time we honor our fallen heroes we are STANDING UP to the very reason this Nation was founded in 1776. We are proud to be Americans and to give honor and praise to those who give service to their Country on a 24/7 basis and even after they are gone.
Remember to stop to pray for a moment of silence for the Americans who gave of their lives in battles throughout the world to proclaim the value of FREEDOM!
Today, let us remember those who are still serving on a volunteer basis in some armed services throughout the world. They will appreciate the words: THANK YOU for being a TRUE AMERICAN willing to die to save our FREEDOMS. May the divine peace, the joy, and the love that is beyond all human understanding be the motivating force for all American Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who care enough to do the very best for all those who cherish this U.S.A.
Eternal Rest give the heroes of past wars and current wars and may perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God, REST IN PEACE! AMEN!

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