Saturday, June 12, 2010


To many persons who are preparing to celebrate Fathers' Day next Sunday, let us all be reminded about the persons who have truly committed their lives to be the BEST POSSIBLE DAD that a son or daughter would be proud to call DAD. Yes, any adult, responsible man could be a father, but the attributes and the attitudes that best qualify a man to be a DAD means unconditional love to his children and most importantly, to his spouse. In today's definition of family, the challenges that the world, the flesh, and devil pose to a young family are extremely demanding. Finding a "true role model" for a Dad in the secularistic, humanistic society is limited at best. Things become more important than being a living, human being who has made a solid commitment and who persists in living the marriage vows in all of its holistic intelligent challenges.
Many Dads who have lived a good life with their family have earned an eternal reward for their giving of their time, their talents, and their treasures in a very unselfish manner that gives them a special title of being a JUST MAN. We remember in a very special way all of the Dads who have died and have been rewarded a heavenly reward for their persistence and their untiring energies to make a family, a true family worthy of that honor. Having self-respect as well as respect for their spouse and for their children creates an atmosphere of total learning in all aspects. Yes, we know that some fathers neglected their responsibilties and their committment to know, love, and serve their families. Many families have been "broken" apart by the apathy, the ignorance, the selfishness, and the greed of many men who have abdicated their duties as a father, a daddy, a provider, a lover, a role model by being a power-hungry individual and a disgrace to their very personhood. Many domestic violences could have been averted if the man had self-respect and respect for the dignity and the sacredness of other human beings who deserve and expect respect for all reasons and under all conditions. Culture can be a "blind-fold" for many men who escape the reality of being Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who rise above the baseness of ideology and the traditions that are solidified in greed, in lust, and in ambition. Happy the man who really trusts in God, their Heavenly Father.
For all true Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts, let us encourage all men who seek the title of DAD to be sincere, to be positive, to be living examples of sound moral and ethical principles, and to be a Light shining in the darkness that the world, the flesh, and the devil destroys. Climbing up and down the Ladder of Achievement in a family setting requires a positive value system that considers all of the Holistic Intelligences that a human being is expected to develop. To grow into a positive influence in a world that is looking for a LEAVEN in their environments, DADS are expected to answer the following questions: Who am I? What am I doing here? and Where am I going? In addition, DADS serve in a capacity of SERVICE to their families and to their communities. When the DAD leaves the picture, the family is asked to fend for itself at a disadvantage that was not preordained by God, the Father and Creator of the Entire Universe. When human values are given a loftier position than divine values, the end results could be very devastating for all concerned. Creating the balance in the Universe in all holistic intelligences anticipates a sound relationship with the Uncaused Cause of all persons, places, and things. IN GOD WE TRUST needs to be the preamble for all DADS who seek the BEST for their families even in challenging times and events. Since we are all made in the image and likeness of God, true Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts focus on the blending and the uniqueness of each human being as being worthy of dignity and respect at all stages of development from conception to natural death. DADS need to step up to their responsibilities and to show what unconditional love is all about after the eternal example of a God who has unconditional love for each and every creature on the face of this Earth. What DADS accomplish does make a difference! What DADS are does make a difference! Who DADS love makes an eternal difference beyond mere human words. Actions speak louder than words!

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