Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts are well aware of the loss of innocent human life every day in the United States of America and in the World. An unknown number of innocent unborn human life is estimated at 4,000 elective abortions in the USA alone. Imagine what the number is for the rest of the world! In 2010 alone, the USA will have electively aborted about 1,500,000 unborn babies because it is legal. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts also wonder how many elderly, disadvantaged, dependent, homeless, and medically ignored there are in the USA alone during this past year. The number may be more shocking than we want to imagine. Why is this happening in a free society and a more tolerant society? Have we lost the value of sacredness and dignity for all human life because of our legal system that allows an unborn baby to be electively aborted for semantic reasons? How many children have been exploited by pornography because of human depravity and low morals?
Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts remember the time when more 2000 years ago a King heard about the Birth of the Messiah in Bethlehem and ordered all male babies under two years old to be killed. Why? This King was afraid that he would lose power to the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. The Messiah was born to die for all human beings as an act of love to give us eternal life through the life of God available to each human being for all time. Yes, we celebrate the Christmas Season with Peace, Joy, and Love; but there are those who want war, sorrow, and hatred to run the daily lives of all human beings because of their selfishness and their earthly pride and greed.
As history has given us information that is repeated again and again, Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts welcome a return to selfless acts on the part of responsible adults who respect and cherish all unborn human life as a Gift from God. There are three partners in the procreation of human life: a man, a woman, and God, the Creator of all human life. When human law ignores divine law, human law has no value or sense of justice. Choosing Life takes more love than the "throw away mentality" that the secular world thrusts on its citizenry.
Although the "providers of elective abortion" may kill the body, the spirit lives on through all eternity. If you want to spiritually adopt an unborn baby, choose a name or names and begin praying for the safety of that unborn baby while being carried by a loving mother destined to cooperate with bringing about a birth in about nine months. Choosing life is a better choice that killing an innocent unborn baby. Join the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who respect the dignity and the sacredness of all human life from conception to natural death. The life you save may be your own. CHOOSE LIFE TODAY!

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