Friday, December 24, 2010


Yes, we celebrate Christmas Day 2010 as the day when "the Word became flesh and dwelt among us...He is Emmanuel...God is with us..." The Savior of the World, the Messiah, came into this world as a baby born of a Virgin through the Power of the Holy Spirit....For nothing is impossible for God...who Loves us eternally and every day of our lives. Jesus is the source of Peace, Joy, and Love that the world is incapable of giving in the secular world. The greatest gift that the human race received more than 2000 years ago was the "Yes" of a Virgin who would be the living tabernacle of the God-Man who would prove what LOVE really is. Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ, said "Yes" to God's proposal to bring the Messiah into this world through the power of the Holy Spirit. Mary's spouse, St. Joseph, was a Just Man who was willing to be the Foster Father of Jesus Christ as explained to him through God's special messenger. Thus, the Holy Family, Joseph, Mary, and Jesus, were brought into being saying "Yes" to the work of redeeming all human beings of all time with the greatest love expressed beyond the human level. The Incarnation became reality as was foretold by many prophets and heavenly messengers. "For God so loved the world that He sent His only Son...." Jesus is the only Way, the only Truth, and the only Life that leads all of us to eternal life with God forever if we say "yes" to God's will.
As Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts we are fortunate to live in a free society that allows us to live our faith if we choose to make that choice. Saying "yes" to God's mission for each Achievement Ladder Enthusiast is the continuation of the mission that Jesus began with His twelve Apostles to be leaven for the spreading of the Kingdom of God. To be a follow of Jesus Christ has its challenges. If we are arrested for being a follower of Jesus Christ, would there be enough evidence to convict the followers? Each Achievement Ladder Enthusiast needs to resolve to be willing to allow a transformation of their holistic intelligences to evangelize their environments with the message of faith, hope, and love as requested by the Master, the Teacher, the Priest, the Prophet, and the King...Jesus Christ. Yes, the celebration of Christmas every year is another opportunity to focus our attitudes toward the eternal rather than the transparent and the transitory.
May all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts commemorate this Christmas 2010 with the resolution to "bloom where they are planted" so that His Kingdom will come on earth as it is in Heaven. Mary Christmas and a Holy and Happy New Year 2011. "What does it profit to gain the world world and suffer the loss of your soul for all eternity"? Jesus, Mary, and Joseph intercede and pray for us!

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