Thursday, April 22, 2010


Today, many persons are celebrating Earth Day 2010 learning the What and the Why we should be more aware of our responsibilities to be better stewards of this wonderful Earth. The animals that have been accentuated as endangered species and the natural resources that are considered limited in supply are given the greatest attention by the Environmentalists. Also, the many examples of How the natural resources may be recycled to respect the limited resources are a plus to this Earth Day 2010 celebration. Waste does cost the average person billions of dollars per day for the misuse of our natural resources. For more than 40 years, the ecologists and the Green Movement have emphasized the need to be better stewards of our Natural Resources and the many animals that roam our Earth on the land, in the air, and in the water. However, WHAT has been done to focus a genuine effort to respect and to care for the Human Resources who are the stewards of our environment.
In the United States of America, the law of the land has been to ignore the "personhood" for the MOST endangered homo sapiens, the more than 50,000,000 unborn babies that have been selected for disposal because of where they reside, where they are nourished, and where they may be inconvenient. The focus is on reproductive rights by the mothers who are the guardians of the most vunerable and most innocent victims of "ecological disposal." The Zero Population Proponents seek to limit the number of persons who will inhabit the Earth to make room for the animals, the plants, the sea life, and the natural resources that take precedent over the very stewards with potential to care for Mother Earth. The Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts understand the value that each human being on Earth is expected to receive--Priceless Care and Guidance. The Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who have their priorities in the right focus accept the sacredness of all human life from conception to natural death. Even one culture recognizes the existence of all human life at conception by indicating that when a baby reaches full gestation at birth, they are already "NINE MONTHS YOUNG." Until the persons responsible for bringing human life into this World accept the ultimate value of each human life, the Earth will be "empty" of the most valuable resource of all ....Human Resources. Why are we stewards of human resources blind?
If we can make the claim that animal lovers should honor the value the existence of pets, the claim can also be made that those stewards of animals should not own a pet if they are unwilling to properly care for those pets. In addition, if we can make the claim that those persons who "ravish and rape" the natural resources for their own greedy purposes, these stewards should answer in the public forum for the destruction and for the misuse of natural resources that bring harm to the human inhabitants in any way. Social justice demands nothing less for those persons who ruin the face of Mother Earth by their imprudent and careless attitude. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts are aware of their responsibilities and their rights to "air, care, share, and bear" the burden to enhance the value of animal resources and natural resources by their prudent decisions at all levels of the ecological and environmental challenges.
Yes, Earth Day 2010 needs to be a time to reflect on all that the Creator, the Uncaused Cause of this wonderful Earth, has offered the stewards of Earth to understand and to show true wisdom. To discover and to rediscover the priceless attributes of natural resources as well as human resources is a mandate for all stewards of this Universe. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts are the leaders who are making people aware of the challenges that Ecology and the Environment have on all of its inhabitants. Yes, we have come a long way with our technological advances in ways of effectively using our animal and natural resources. However, we are in the "infancy stage" of learning the value and the dignity of each human being from conception to natural death. Human laws that are contrary to divine law are suspect at best for whatever underlying agenda that is distorted and misguided. "The beginning of Wisdom is the Fear of the Lord." The Creator of this wonderful Universe has been very patient with the stewards of this World; but beware of the wrath of a patient person. Let us all remember the more than 50,000,000 souls who have been eliminated from this Earth by the stewards who should have known better. However, these souls are now experiencing the eternity that is a blessing to their immortal souls. "Suffer the children to come to Me." On Earth Day 2010 adopt a soul that may be destined to be the victim of elective abortion during the next nine months. Imagine, January 22, 2011, would be 38 years that "babies in the womb" lost their "personhood" because a decision was made using a human law.

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