Thursday, May 6, 2010


Today is a day set aside to remember to Pray for the United States of America and for the spiritual transformation that is needed to really give honor and glory to the Creator of all of the Universe. With the continual rise of anti-religious sentiments from God's children, we who believe in the Creator, in the Uncaused Cause, in the Messiah, in the Kingdom of God, and in the commitment to give total Love to God and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves are given an opportunity to offer our prayers of faith, hope, and love to those who need the graces the most and for those who think they need the graces of God the least.
In God we Trust still reigns in the minds, the hearts, and the actions of men and women of good will who make every day a blessing back to God, our Friend and our Father. To realize that the power of prayer is priceless, we are reminded that Jesus encouraged us when He lived here on earth that whatever you ask in My name will be given to those of good will and good heart. Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you. The definition of God is Love. Where there is love, there is God. Let us replace the anger, the hate, the ignorance, the oppression, and the secularistic attitude with the words of St. Francis: "Lord, make me an instrument of your PEACE...."
Remember, we are always in the presence of God whether we want to acknowledge that fact or not. Remember, God loves us unconditionally; and we wants us to be happy in this life as we prepare for the eternal life to come.
Be Not Afraid, JUST BELIEVE!

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