Tuesday, August 24, 2010


To exercise a person's right to vote in a free society means a privilege and a responsibility to gather the information prior to casting votes for candidates. All candidates are expecting the registered American voters to take their civic duty serious in spite of any challenges that could derail a voter's good intention to actually vote. "Your vote always counts" means a free person ignores apathy and procrastination in making time to cast their vote for their favorite candidate who has indicated a willingness to "actually represent" their constituency in all of their future deliberations in a public office.
Today, my opportunity to cast my vote was accomplished in spite of a dreary, rainy day at my local polling location. To be "thanked" by the volunteers at the polling place for exercising my right to vote was graciously accepted and appreciated. Now the time has come to wait for the results this evening or tomorrow morning to determine the candidates for the general election on November 2, 2010. This is my 50th year voting in local, county, state, and national elections, which on many occasions was a "losing candidate" in my selection process. However, my encouragement to make my civic duty more than a routine process had deeper implications. Given the information that was received and available through the media and other reliable sources, my selections were made on reflecting and on understanding the philosophical and ideological principles that each candidate espoused. Although much of the political rhetoric is basically spin and "pie in the sky" promises, the voting records and the actual accomplishment of the candidates in serving the public unconditionally had high priority in the selection process.
In a Country that has prided itself on its uniqueness and its respect for the value and dignity of each human being, the time spent to exercise my vote was more than just a choice of this candidate or that candidate. My voting practices mean my vote does have significance in declaring a candidate a "winner" or an also-ran. Hopefully, the day will come when the expense of running for public office will be reduced to an affordable budget in order to encourage more reliable and honest persons to seek public office without having any stings attached to the outcome. All Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who truly believe in our system of being a Republic and responsible to the American People will reconsider their opportunity to run for public office to make a real and significant difference in serving the American People with PRIDE, with COURAGE, with HONESTY, and with FIDELITY to the principles that have made the United States of America great during the past 234 years of Independence from foreign intervention.
Transformation Day for all American Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts is coming on November 2, 2010. Can we count on your active and total participation from now until that decisive day? Your vote always counts!

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