Saturday, May 8, 2010


Mothers' Day 2010 is very special this year because of the many Mothers who have brought love, respect, and honor to themselves and to the children that they nurtured with full responsibility, dignity, and morally spirituality. The Mother is the first teacher of her child; and yes, motherhood is the oldest profession of special distinction. Many women have positively accepted their reproductive privilege with all of the creativity, the resourcefulness, and the discretion that comes from saying, Yes, to motherhood. We also honor all women who have adopted children at all ages to give those children an opportunity to grow holistically with the trustful guidance of a Mother's care and guidance. We also honor those women who effectively support with their wisdom the challenges that motherhood gives to each woman especially those women who have been neglected, misguided, misinformed, abused, and culturally deprived of an informed choice in being a mother at any age.
One of the most admired Woman of all time is the Mother of Jesus Christ, true God and true man. Mary accepted the challenge of motherhood at a very early age with her "Yes" to God to be the Mother of the Messiah, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. Jesus lived with his Mother for 30 years before entering His public life. Mary became pregnant with Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit to retain her virginity. Nothing is impossible for God and His Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Mary witnessed the growth of Her Son as He prepared for His Mission to save all souls, once and for all. Mary gave Her time, Her talents, and Her earthly treasures to being the Co-Redeemer of the entire human race in union with the will of the Father. Jesus died on a cross and was laid in the arms of His Mother before burial. But Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to His Mother and to His friends and followers before returning to His eternal home. Mary was instrumental in supporting the early Church as the followers of Jesus became stronger through their faith, their hope, and their love of God and love of their neighbor. Mary nurtured the early Church with her total positive attitude in support of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church founded by Her Son.
Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ, is the Model of strength, gentleness, trust, courage, patience, risk, openness, and perseverance. Mary is the Mother of the liberator, the homeless, the dying, the nonviolent, the widowed mothers, the prisoners, and the condemned. Mary is the Liberator of the oppressed, comforter of the afflicted, cause of joy, sign of contradiciton, breaker of bondage, political refuge, first disciple, sharer of Jesus's ministry, participant in Christ's passion, seeker of God's will, and witness of Christ's resurrection. Mary is a Woman of mercy, of faith, of contemplation, of wisdom and understanding, of grace and hope, and centered in God.
A prayer for all Mothers on this Mothers' Day 2010 comes from the inspiration of the Blessed Mother of all time, Mary Immaculate by the power of God:
"Mary, Queen of Peace, we entrust our lives to you. Shelter us from war, hatred, and oppression. Teach us to live in peace, and to educate ourselves for peace. Inspire us to act justly, to revere all God has made. Root peace firmly in our hearts and in our world. Amen."
Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts applaud, respect, and honor all Mothers throughout the world. Thank you, Mom, for the gifts of life and love. It is great to be alive and to serve everyone in our family. Happy Mothers' Day 2010!

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