Saturday, June 12, 2010


As the Worldwide Year of Prayer for Priests ends, let us all be reminded of the dignity and the sacredness of the Services that Priests throughout the world have given to their various dioceses, churches, and missionary outposts. Although some individuals want to focus on the "negative" aspects that some priests have been accused of in the past and currently through their inappropriate actions, nevertheness the overwhelming vast majority of dedicated priests have given their time, their talents, and their treasures to bring the salvation message to many persons worldwide by their words and by their exemplary examples. Yes, there is a shortage of priests throughout the United States and in many other parts of the world. The spiritual atmosphere that has usually been generated in the family traditionally has been attacked and assailed with the images of the allurements of the world, the flesh, and the secularistic, humanistic messages from the opponents of the divine appeals. We wish to see a conversion and a transformation that will eventually bring back the positive attitudes in the holisitic, spiritual tendencies of Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who desire to serve and to give their lives to the most needy.
During the past 40 years or more, the attractiveness of the priesthood as a profession and as an opportunity to serve the "faithful flock" and to "shepherd" the lost and the lonely has been overlooked by the marketing of worldly ambitions and greedy accumulations. "If you want to be my disciple, you must denounce yourself, take up your CROSS, and FOLLOW ME." Jesus' way of the Cross means suffering, ignorance, apathy, hatred, loneliness, and death. Jesus showed the Way, the Truth, and the Life; but the people would not have any of that commitment. Yes, Jesus said "if they have hatred for Me, they will have hatred for you because you follow Me." We need to pray for all of our priests who have taken upon themselves a life of total service to their parishes and their missionary assignments. Yes, these priests have been ordained to bring the "Bread of Life" to us every day in the Eucharistic celebrations that happen in over 400,000 locations throughout the world. "Corpus Christi" ....the Body of open to all who profess that "Jesus Christ is Lord." The power of prayer assists all of the priests throughout the world to be dedicated to their priestly commitments at all costs. Our prayers sent to God, the Father, on their behalf, will empower these priests to live a life that is totally dependent on the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Love, in their lives. Let us also remember all of those priests who have persevered to the end even to the point of martyrdom to give that we may all receive...His life in us...our spiritual existence. Thank you, Father, for giving us so many dedicated priests to serve your and in eternity. "His Kingdom come, His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." Remember to do this in remembrance of Me!

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