Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Let us properly give honor and respect to the many men and women who provide public service on a 24/7 weekly basis. On the international field of honor and bravery are the multitude of men and women who serve in the armed services of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, or National Guard agencies. All of these persons are trained to protect, to defend, and to keep freedom alive in the United States of America and in all parts of the world who seek self-determination rather than terrorism and tyranny. In addition, we salute the many men and women who give of their time, their talents, and their treasures to serve in the law enforcement agencies throughout our freedom loving America. We honor the many firefighters who literally put their lives on the line in protecting and preventing unnecessary lose of life because of fires out of control. In addition, we recognize the many men and women who are ready, willing, and able to respond as first responders as EMTs and as Paramedics when emergencies happen in a community. Also, we recognize the many public servants who respond voluntarily when natural disasters occur because of weather related or community crisis because they care about their Country.
Congratulations to all of the brave and courageous men and women who serve our American communites in whatever capacity as our IDES OF JULY 2010 ACHIEVEMENT LADDER ENTHUSIASTS' RECOGNITION AWARD RECIPIENTS.

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