Sunday, June 6, 2010

'Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity': The Miracle and Gift of the Most Holy Eucharist - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online

'Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity': The Miracle and Gift of the Most Holy Eucharist - Living Faith - Home & Family - Catholic Online

1 comment:

Matt said...

What a wonderful gift that Jesus Christ left us prior to His Resurrection and His Ascension into Heaven for all eternity! He gave us Himself in the Eucharist...His body and blood through transubstantiation...a mystery of the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ. He gave us His life to flow through our bodies every time that we encounter Him in the Eucharist at the Eucharistic Celebration at daily Mass and Communion. "Do this in Memory of Me." Thank you, Jesus, for the gifts of life and love...You are the Only Way, the Only Truth, and the Only Life that really matters. Keep us pure, O Lord Jesus, in mind, in heart, and in body. Help us to love one another as You have already loved us. Amen!