Thursday, August 12, 2010


Remember the excitement of the first day that you experienced when you voted in your very first election? My experience was fifty years ago with an absentee ballot. Three years later, my choice for President of the United States was killed in Dallas, Texas, at the hands of an assassin. Although this experience was beyond words, the American People responded with an array of emotions appropriate for a Leader who was gunned down for being an American. Even to this day, a coverup of the circumstances surrounding this tragic death of a President lingers on. Yes, only in America do the American People respond to a tragedy with courage, with faith, with wisdom, and an understanding that we may have to die to prove our basic principles in American freedom.
Only in America have the minority thinking impacted the silent majority as in the case in 1973 when the Supreme Court ruling interpreted the 14th Amendment to give women only reproductive rights and allowed the killing of an innocent unborn baby (embryo, fetus, little child) as a legal status. This changed the original thinking of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution with a new challenge that has continued to this very day when more than 4,000 innocent, unborn babies are legally killed daily through elective abortion. The time has come for the reversal of such an heinous act on an American person because of residence, age, and gender discriminations. Only in America are we trying to overturn a human law that contradicts divine law.
Only in America have so many persons become addicted to the new technologies of the cell phone, the internet, and texting for whatever reason. Also, the social web sites have become a haven for finding friends and wasting valuable time and energy. The excess rather than the use has become the challenge for so many persons who are alone and make themselves vulnerable to all types of personalities that love to prey on the innocent and the unwary. There is a time and a place to use communication technology effectively and efficently. Becoming "a blanket" to carry around becomes a crutch to a real human life.
Only in America does everyone have an opportunity to attend school and learn skills that could be productive in a career choice. Only in America are more and more persons turning to home-schooling and internet courses to avoid the unwelcome social atmospheres that are a waste of precious time and energies. Also, the values and the sacredness for human and divine principles have encouraged many Americans to find an avenue to grow in their learning endeavors. Making good choices determines the future for many persons.
Only in America are we finding the loss of traditional jobs and careers going to other parts of the globe. Discovering the learning dynamics that will best meet the individual's learning styles and untapped skills is an every day challenge. Going to prestigious colleges and universities may be very costly in more ways than one. Many PHDs are working in fast-food restaurants because of the nature of their degrees and the "sheepskins" that were very costly in student loans. Vocademics has always been around through the community colleges that have responded the best in economic crisis and deep recessions. The experiences are priceless and cost effective. Only in America do we recognize the value of the community college education that provides a learning environment that brings out the best in every American who comes back to school after ten, twenty, thirty, or more years after their high school or their GED experiences.
Only in America do we find the increase in drug addiction, in alcohol addiction, in sexual addiction, in gambling addiction, and in many other crippling addictions. Yes, Americans has found outlets for recovery from effective private sources for years even for the "down and out." Homelessness is a plague on our American way of life because of many reasons. Again, many private sources have met the challenges better than any government programs that are bureacratic in nature with excessive paperwork.
Only in America can Americans speak out and to take action by voting in the primaries and the general elections. The silent majority responds effectively when push comes to shove. Critical and creative thinking gives all Americans an opportunity to express independent thinking that is to be respected and admired. Your vote as an American citizen gives you the opportunity to express your civil rights as well as your citizen rights. Getting involved with the process is what the "hippies of the 60s" discovered when they attacked "The Establishment." Read, research, reflect, and respond by voting for the candidates of your choice when given a choice. This is the mission of the Achievement Ladder Enthusiast who wants to give back to America what America has offered its citizenry. Your vote always counts in more ways than one. Yes, only in America are you able to make a difference without permission.

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