Saturday, July 3, 2010


As we celebrate our Country's 234th Birthday on July 4, 2010, let us remember the reasons why we celebrate our revolutionary beginning. Freedom was won at a tremendous price and the lives who have been sacrificed for those freedoms are priceless. The American Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who envisoned the future of the United States of America signed the Declaration of Independence and formulated the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights for all times. Since 1776, many misguided individuals have misinterpreted the Spirit of America's Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts by instilling a compromising and a secularistic slant on the original intent of these original documents of our Freedom. Since the "enemy within" has continued to pick away the very freedoms that have been won by American loving freedom fighters, our resolve today should be to return to the original spirit that was desired by True Patriots.
There are certain "inalienable rights" that have non-reconcilable differences based on moral and ethical principles; namely, LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. When one part of our Country is attacked, the remaining parts of this wonderful Country should be ready to STAND UP and TAKE BACK what is essential for the social justice and solidarity of all of its citizenry. Yes, there are irreconcilable differences that need to be respected and honored without question; namely, LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. The checks and balances of the United States Constitution and its numerous Amendments plus the Bill of Rights were enacted for a reason that should still exist today. When human laws attempt to supercede DIVINE LAWS, the human laws need to be transformed and reconciled with DIVINE LAWS.
We are looking forward to a Transformation and a Renewal of the Spirit of 1776 as originally intended by our Founding Fathers and Mothers of this Great Republic. IN GOD WE TRUST must reign in our hearts, in our minds, and in our actions every day of the year until our next Happy Birthday Celebration for the United States of America. God has already blessed America; now is the time for America to BLESS GOD! Where are the PROFILES IN COURAGE? Who are the MASTERS OF DECEIT? Is it true that you can trust the "terrorists" to be "terrorists."? Is it true that you can trust AMERICAN ACHIEVEMENT LADDER ENTHUSIASTS to be models and exemplary champions of the AMERICAN DREAM? "We pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands...ONE NATION, UNDER GOD, indivisible with LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL, BORN AND UNBORN!"

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