Friday, December 31, 2010


Thank God for the year 2010 and all of its accomplishments and all of its challenges! Let us be thankful for the priceless treasures of human experiences that have made 2010 a year to remember and a year to leave behind with its ageless memories. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts worldwide know the who, the what, the where, the when, the why, the how, and the how much that 2010 gave each of us to look forward to the future of 2011. The peace, the joy, and the love that 2010 gave the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts is the thrust that will encourage the positive transformations that are yet to be achieved through the guidance of the Holy Spirit...the Spirit of Love! The greatest treasures are the human treasures of faith, hope, and love that have indicated a sincere difference in the wake of historic and traditional values and morality. The pieces of the human endeavors are fashioned to complete the puzzle that each year presents as a significant step in the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts' treasured history. May 2011 bring a completed picture to each and every human being who seeks the Uncaused Cause of Creation, the Higher Power, the Supreme Being, the Holy of Holies, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, and the Eternal Kingdom that God has offered to each human being who respects the value and the dignity of every human creature. "Always remember what you have learned in 2010. Your Education is your Life. Guard it well in 2011!" Choose Life, Choose Love!

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