Monday, December 7, 2009


On December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor was attacked by enemy aircraft as a way of saving face from an oriental point of view. Many men and women died on that "Day of Infamy" and that propelled the United States of America into World War II in Asia as well as Europe. We proudly salute all of those heros that gave their lives for their Country in the face of limited resources but with a courageous spirit unparelled on United States soil. On another occasion, September 11, 2001, another attack brought about a sense of true patriotism when more than 3,000 Americans were killed in plane attacks in New York, Washington, DC, and Pennsylvania by 19 terrorists and their many supporters throughout the world. When we wave the flag today, we honor the men and women who bravely offered their innocent lives by both attacks that occured on American soil by enemies of the United States of America. "Let us always remember that true freedom demands sacrifice, honor, bravery, and total dedication to the cause that America will always stand for and be counted as heroic."

May the lessons that we learned in both attacks keep us ever vigilant to those who want to take away our God-given freedoms that have come at such a price. Let us reevaluate our priorities and our belief systems that require a total respect for the dignity and the sacredness of each human being not only in the United States of America but also throughout the whole world. Let us join all of our Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts International Association members in bringing about a peace, a joy, and a love that is above the human level. "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me."


Angela Eward-Mangione said...

What a beautiful and inspiring post. Thank you!

vsbryant said...

My hope is that today all Americans would be thankful for their free country. It seems that sometimes we are all to easy to forget those who have died for us. Thank you for the refresher.

mkass said...

This really helped me remeber what our country is all about, and the sacrifices people have made so we can live this way. Generations today take many of our freedoms for granted. Thank you

Ladder of Achievement...Ladoach... said...

Ironically, on September 11, 2001, more than 4,000 unborn babies were killed by elective abortion in the United States of America. However, there was no news report of these innocent unborn babies who were victims of "terrorists of the womb." Some day, Americans will understand what they have done to the future of America by there actions 37 years ago. In God we trust is our rallying cry for the innocents who were unable to cry for the whole world to listen. CHOOSE LIFE and all will soon earn peace of mind, of heart, and of body.