Saturday, December 26, 2009


Today is the 70th Birthday of a special Achievement Ladder Enthusiast who makes the most of each day by giving to others his special time, talents, and treasures. He is the marketer's marketer who knows how to market any product or service with exemplary precision and innovation. His creative talents gives him an edge over many competitors who think they know how to get attention, create the desire, develop the interest, obtain the conviction, and then pursue the action that will complete any challenging sale. He is an entrepreneur and an intrapreneur who has developed transfer skills that benefit each and every customer and client that makes his acquaintance. He has worked with many managers and owners over the years. These managers and owners often saw the value of his desire, dedication, and determination in giving only the BEST and the MOST POSITIVE approach in satisfying returning clients and customers. He is a tremendous sports enthusiast in his region, and an avid music critic and entertainer who knows the values of the music spectrum in multiple dimensions. His exceptional concern for the American public would be seriously wasted in the realm of politics because his ethics and sound judgment would avoid any disdain for the common person whom he values to the maximum. He is a gentleman and an honorable person who respects the values of others even when they differ from his own values and judgments. Today we wish my brother, Rich, the happiest and best BIRTHDAY EVER...May God continue to bless you and keep you in His loving care and and forever. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RICH. GOD LOVES YOU!

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