Wednesday, December 9, 2009


In a season that focuses on the needs of children throughtout the world, we salute the innocent children of the world as they face challenges beyond their expectations. As dependent children count on the adults in their various communities to provide for their daily needs, these same children seem to be at the mercy of selfish adults who consider these children as unwanted. Yes, many adults should refrain from caring for innocent children since these adults avoid responsibilites at all costs. However, many of these naive adults use innocent children to satify their own cravings and unbridled appetites that are sub-human at best. We observe innocent children who are handicapped, homeless, neglected, sexually abused, orphaned, and enslaved. These same innocent children are surrounded by irresponsible adults who overdose on drugs, on alcohol, on gambling, on sexual addiction, and on greedy appetites to "keep up with the Js."
Many responsible adults really do care for the most vunerable children when they give full attention to their homeschooling, to their day-care selections, to the chronically ill and terminally ill, to the gifted, to the exceptionally talented, and to the many other challenges that innocent children are faced with every day of their precious lives. The message that these faithful adults give to the children in their care is a message of love. In assisting these children as they climb up the Ladder of Achievement, these loving adults air, care, share, and bear with these priceless, innocent children who count on these mothers and daddys, on these professional educators, on these professional medical personnel, on their adult leaders in all walks of life, and on their spiritual leaders who live a life of integrity, honor, and courage. Innocent children learn from their adult supervisors, from their traditional parents, and from the many holistic individuals who bring about an aura and an atmosphere of loving considerations.
We applaud all of the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts International Association members who are currently innocent children waiting for their opportunities to make their mark on the legacy that they wish to leave for others. We are saddened by the loss of more than 50 million innocent unborn children since 1973 in the United States of America. These legions of souls may have been the anticipated leaders that would have discovered better ways to live in a holistic intelligent society that respects the dignity and the sacredness of each human being. For those who escaped the "holocaust of the womb," may these innocent children grow up to be the leaders that this County and this World urgently needs to rediscover and to transform themselves into human beings that honestly respect the human continuum of going from conception to natural death with pride in living faithfully their ethical and moral values and that focuses on a faith, a hope, and a love that transcends the human to an eternal dimension.
Congratulations to all the Children of the World who we honor as our Ides of December 2009 Recognition Award recipients. "A child is born to us...Emmanuel...God is with us."

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