Friday, December 4, 2009


Have you ever considered the every day "problems" that life brings to be really "opportunities" to prove your unique skills? Many persons seem to be slowed down by "problems" because they view life's ups and downs in a negative manner. Giving up rather than getting up requires a mindset that seeks the positive rather than dwelling on the negative. Some individuals see rain as drowning in their own sorrows; yet, other individuals see the rain as a necessity to growing and nurturing the fruits and vegetables for life's dinner table. Negative thinking begets negative reactions. Positive thinking creates positive proactive decisions. To strive to be the best in any given field of careers means to develop a positive attitude that reaches for the unreachable. For example, a long jumper often extends the desired distance with a "towel" to achieve a new mark; yet, other long jumpers who miss the mark throw in the towel and give up.

In an economy that often runs aground because of many factors that are unexplained and misunderstood, the creative achievement ladder enthusiast brainstorms the many options that will be successful in the long run rather than seek a "bandaid" solution that will temporary at best. Entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs consider "problems" as "challenges" to be accepted and resolved with critical and creative thinking that brings about long range success. To throw "money" at any economic crisis or to place "blame" on other opinionated foes of the past is a way of placating the "challenge" with rhetoric and spin that run come back to haunt all of us in the future.

Deficit financing has been the way of thinking for many economists who like to use the leverage of others' resources to bring about a selfish and greedy gain that is disasterous for the future generations who will need to absorb the "buy now pay later" philosophy that has no merit. Using credit effectively and efficiently means to bring about a TRUST that belongs to each buyer and seller. In addition, the CONFIDENCE that is acquired by this trust multiples itself in resolving the supply-demand complex of every economic and political challenge. All human resources are required to be respected, admired, and accepted in bringing about a long range solution to the many humanist challenges that life deals each one of us.

To maximize each person's time, talents, and treasures to the benefit of the common good, each person has to be respected from the very moment of conception to the very last moment of natural life. In addition, each person deserves to be considered sacred as living temples of the Uncaused Cause who dwells in each one of us from the first moment of human life until eternity. To develop a sense of values, traditions, and customs that are consistent with natural law and in tune with divine law creates the greatest of all challenges.

TO BE ONESELF AND TO ACCEPT OTHERS AS THEY ARE. To be your BEST FRIEND rather than your WORST ENEMY is the first step in creating HOPE in a world that loves despair and depression. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts consider each day another opportunity to climb the Ladder of Achievement and to learn what was learned from past experiences. To grow as a Confident Learner in a world that ignores uniqueness unless there is profit to be made from selfishness means that numerous traits and characteristics of the unique individual must be cultivated and nurished and respected. To say, "We Made It," or "I made it," means that a person is on their way to a humble yet truthful relationship with the Creator of their environments. Positive growth and development maximizes the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts' desire to achieve the unachieveable and the impossible. "For nothing is impossible for God." In God we Trust!


mkass said...

This seperates the weak from the strong! People who are willing to work with problems to move forward instead of hiding from them will go further in life.

C.Garrett said...

I LOVE this post. I've commented on a couple other blog posts of yours, and this is pretty much exactly what I was saying.

You can look at things positively, or negatively, and it's your own choice which. There are people who assume that they have terrible lives, despite many good things that they have. & There are people who love the life that they live, simply because it's the only thing they have.

In the same respect, when difficulties arrive, there are people who look for the causes of the problem, and those who instead look for solutions to the problem. Although, as I'm saying this, I would like to make it clear that I find that both contribute to society.

We need people to look at what went wrong so that hopefully we can see similiarities and prevent the same mistakes from happening in the future. But we also need people to not worry about how we got to where we are, and to focus on getting us out of the problems that we're in.

Like I was saying before, both the pessimist and the optimist contribute to society. Optimist invented the airplane. The Pessimist, the parachute