Thursday, December 31, 2009


Although this is the last day of 2009, Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts worldwide will remember the many changes that have occurred during 2009 that will have impact for the future generations of Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts. Some of those changes were in governments around the globe that have emerged as catalysts for reformation rather than for transformation. More and more governments have seized control through power hungry enhanced leaders who wanted total control over all of the individual choices made by their constituency. Many of the elected representatives have decided to choose selfish returns and deals in order to appease the masses of uninformed and misguided elitists. Many have sold out their ethics and morals to gain a "worldly" gain at the expense of the "innocent" victims of social injustice and apathy. However, on a lighter note, 2009 indicated a surge of "grass roots" commitments to turn a 360 degree on the truths that have made humanity free from tyranny for many generations. The dedicated "underground" Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts will continue their vigilance in making "freedom" from unwanted terrorists, both domestic and foreign, a reality in days and years to come in spite of the lack of effort by bureaucrats.
The positive thrust into 2010 is a renewed challenge for all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts. The focus on the holistic intelligences that have made countries throughout the world worthy of honor, respect, dignity, and courage will be encouraged and enhanced by a new dedication for growing as a total person to maximize the effective use of time, talents, and treasures to bring about a transformation in multiple dimensions. The world, the flesh, and the demonic presence will be challenged by a networking, partnering, and collaborating entities that will seek a stronger and solid transformation that seeks the Way, the Truth, and the Life for the Kingdom that is not of this world. This Kingdom will last forever. The Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts will intensify their daily efforts to grow in holiness, to enhance their formation, and to rediscover the evangelistic opportunities that metanoia encourages from each dedicated A.L.E. The weekly groupings and the monthly perseverance opportunities will give the momentum into a new enlightenment that will transcend the mundane and will focus on the transformation process.
May each Achievement Ladder Enthusiast throughout the world rediscover the Eucharistic presence that has always been in evidence but has been overlooked for the transitory distractions. The allegiance will again be focused on the eternal and on the divine presence within our midst. "I will be with you always until the end of time." This assurance is one promise that is always trustworthy going into 2010. Let us live as He lived in 2010!

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