Monday, December 28, 2009


Yesterday, my adventures gave me an opportunity to view a recent movie entitled, "Blind Side." This movie was based on a real life story that eventually had a successful path for an Achievement Ladder Enthusiast who assisted an abused young man from the terrors of the "extreme ghetto atmosphere" that often claims many innocent human lives through numerous illegal activities. Imagine the impact if more Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts would STAND UP and be their BROTHER'S AND SISTER'S friend without any strings being attached to the charity donated. In the news every day we hear of the HOLY INNOCENTS who are victims of WAR, DOMESTIC ABUSE, STARVATION, PERVERSION, AND ELECTIVE ABORTIONS.

Unfortunately, these HOLY INNOCENTS do not have a voice in what is happening in their lives unless COURAGEOUS ACHIEVEMENT LADDER ENTHUSIASTS TAKE A STAND AND SPEAK UP FOR THE HOLY INNOCENTS. How many innocent children are starved to death because their legal guardians are unwilling to live up to their responsibilities of being a parent? How many domestic violent situations impact the innocence of children who are unable to defend themselves from the horrors of parental abuse and are scarred for life? How many innocent children are orphaned because of war torn areas that take away their loving parents and neighbors? How many innocent children are tricked by unscrupulous adults into performing acts that are animalistic in nature and heinous at best? How many innocent babies are killed in the womb because their mothers received inadequate information and misleading pressures by multi-billion businesses that make PRO-CHOICE a PRO-DEATH decision? How many innocent children are deprived of an opportunity to receive quality education because of the laxity and the lack of any dedication by uncaring professionals? Yes, the HOLY INNOCENTS of our current generation deserve much better care and understanding than the extreme situations that have been cited. If Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts really want to MAKE A DIFFERENCE in their unique environments, let each A.L.E. be an adult model that airs, cares, shares, and bears the "wounds" that innocent children are carrying as unnecessary burdens in their life.

Today is the tomorrow that we thought about yesterday. Let us begin NOW to take on the responsibility of being Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts that will be the authentic leaders that these HOLY INNOCENTS have been waiting to find in their lives. "Always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life. Guard it well!" (Proverbs 4:13)

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