Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Receiving a special gift this morning from an Achievement Ladder Enthusiast who works at a local hospital was an expression of love beyond all measure. This person daily radiates the love that Jesus Christ came to bring to this earth more than 2000 years ago. She shared her special verse that is worth sharing with many more prospective Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who believe in the Love that came down and that will continue to come down at Christmas for all of those honest, innocent, and dedicated persons who are givers rather than takers each year during the Christmas season. Here is the special verse:

"This Christmas....Let's give a little Jesus, a thoughtful word or deed, an act of generosity for someone who is in need. Let's give a little Jesus, to everyone we meet--the salesclerk or the server, the person on the street. Let's give a little Jesus, that's what really counts---not what is spent or bought, or for whom, in what amounts. Let's give a little Jesus to everyone large or small...For Jesus, the Messiah, is the GREATEST GIFT OF ALL!"

Thank you for sharing with all of your friends, co-workers, strangers, and the outcasts the TRUE MESSAGE OF CHRISTMAS....Yes, LOVE DID COME DOWN AT CHRISTMAS...and LOVE CONTINUES TO RADIATE EACH DAY THROUGH THE COMING YEAR with a simple commitment to LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I HAVE LOVED YOU...GOD IS LOVE!

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