Friday, December 25, 2009


Before we close the date of December 25, 2009, on this wonderful Christmas Day that is celebrated by Christians throughout the world, let us recognize the humility, the courage, and the heroics of the many Christians in parts of the world that suffer persecution for living their Christian heritage. Many Achievement Ladder Spiritual Enthusiasts are questioned about their faith and their traditions and are often put to death in martyrdom for their living faith in Jesus Christ, our Messiah, our Redeemer, our Emmanuel...God is with us! For the freedom to express our living faith in the written Word of God through the Sacred Scriptures and in living our Christian Traditions and Customs that have roots to the Birthday of Jesus Christ more than 2000 years ago. There have been many martyrdoms over the centuries for our Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who were unafraid to express and to live their faith through their actions. The saying goes, "If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?" In being followers of Jesus Christ down through the centuries, Christians have had to "hide" their opportunties to expressing their faith in action because of "human respect." Today is a reminder that Jesus Christ came that we might have LIFE and have that LIFE in abundance. Jesus Christ is the Only Way, the Only Truth, and the Only Life that we can count on because of His Promises during His lifetime and throughout the centuries. "By their fruits you shall know know who is with Jesus and who is against Jesus. You are either with Him and you are against Him. You and I are unable to serve TWO MASTERS. CHOOSE JESUS...ACCEPT JESUS...JESUS IS COUNTING ON US...AND WE ARE COUNTING ON JESUS. For all Achievement Ladder Spiritual Enthusiasts who live their 100 percent commitment to their faith, their hope, and the LOVE OF THEIR LIFE...PERSEVERE TO THE END....HIS KINGDOM COME, HIS WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!

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