Sunday, December 27, 2009


In a world that prides itself on the value of family life, there seems to be an inconsistent movement to discredit the priceless value of anything that resembles the true meaning of a family commitment. Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts focus on providing a genuine support of all family concerns that would in any way undermind the common thread that keeps families together. In some families the answer is "a family that prays together, stays together." In other families the answer is "open communication at all levels" to bring about a sincere understanding of the nature of each member of the family. In yet other families, the concentration on "rugged individualism" with modern technological devices divorces family members from really listening to one another with compassion and with sincerity.
Why are there so many attacks on family life? Why are there so many challenges to the functions of the family members to reach harmony rather than be disfunctional in critical areas of basic endeavors? The answers are different for various reasons depending on the makeup of the basic unit of society: THE FAMILY! Even when individuals are asked about the meaning of what it is to be a family, the different notions are mystifying to say the least. Are we losing the value of what a family is?
More than 2000 years ago, a small family was noticed in a very small town by those who work in the fields as shepherds. These shepherds were given directions by following a star shining in the East as revealed to them by heavenly angels. In far off lands, royal persons were reading the stars and they were attracted to follow that same star to the same locations as the shepherds. These royal ambassadors brought gifts to honor the presence of a HOLY FAMILY who were seeking shelter in a stable since there was no room for this SPECIAL FAMILY in the Inn. The HOLY FAMILY were greeted by songs of angels, honored and reverenced by royalty from the East, and respected by the local shepherds attending their flock in the fields. There were prophets that had foretold the coming of a Messiah, of a Redeemer, of a God-man, of a Friend who would save His people by His Love. His HOLY FAMILY was Mary, Joseph, and himself, EMMANUEL, GOD IS WITH US! He came as a tiny baby, grew to be a young man, and then spent three years evangelizing about the COMING OF THE KINGDOM, HIS KINGDOM! "If you Love Me, you will also Love My Father who sent me to you." "My Kingdom is not of this world. My Kingdom will never end. I will be with you all days until the end of the world."
With all of the committed Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who believe in the essential value, unique dignity, and sacredness of each family unit in society let us STAND UP and be PROUD OF OUR FAMILY that gave us life and love as we began our mission on this earth. In addition, let each family RENEW, REJOICE, RESPECT, RECONCILE, RECONNECT, AND REMEMBER the sacredness and the unique value of each family member from conception to natural death. Each innocent human life is priceless in all stages of development, born and unborn. Let us continue to value the value of each family member no matter what age, sex, national origin, race, religion, dependency, language, cultural diversity, and holistic intelligences. "Whatever you do to the least of Mine, you do to ME." Let our FAMILY SPIRIT CONTINUE TO GROW in the world of ACHIEVEMENT LADDER ENTHUSIASTS who want to maximize the potential of each family member. Let our rallying cry be: "THANKS, MOM AND DAD, FOR THE GIFTS OF LIFE AND LOVE...IT IS GREAT TO BE ALIVE AND TO BE A SPECIAL GIFT TO OUR FAMILY." LET OUR SOCIAL JUSTICE CONCERNS PRESERVE THE FAMILY!

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