Thursday, December 10, 2009


Twenty-one years ago, my brother, Paul, went to his eternal reward at the age of 33. Although at the time my brother's passing was extremely difficult for all of those who knew him well, the death was a blessing in disguise. No longer would he be plagued about the separation of himself and his mother who went to her eternal reward when he was in high school. The loss of her motherly concern was most profound on my Dad who went to his eternal reward eleven years ago. Although Dad gave his 100 percent in providing for the needs of my brother, grieving over a loss was most difficult for a very talented young person. Paul learned how to play the banjo while still in high school, and he participated in many Philadelphia Mummers Parades in two different string bands and one fancy division. The Fralinger String Band was his pride and joy and he played well for his fellow band members and for the general public in many parades.
His children carry on his name and his tradition even with challenging aspects in their lives. Paul may you rest in peace for all eternity. You will always be remembered for your radiant smile, your friendly attitude, and your courageous attention in bringing peace, joy, and love to others.
Paul, you have earned the ACHIEVEMENT LADDER ENTHUSIAST AWARD for just being you!

1 comment:

C.Garrett said...

I want to send my love & prayers to you and your family. The loss of a loved one is something that we each deal with differently, and I'm glad to see that you are looking at things in such a positive light.

I'm sure your brother loves you dearly still, and he is waiting patiently for you and the rest of his family to meet him again on the other side.

I lost my father almost two years ago now, and I understand being able to see the struggle of your parent losing their spouse. I watch my mother go through it every day. I pray for her strength every chance I get.

May you and your family have a safe, blessed holiday.