Friday, October 17, 2008


With all of the hype on the outcome of the National Election on November 4, the national news media is already gearing up for a short election night because they have endorsed a presidential candidate that they have decided will be the President-Elect. Imagine how these individuals can sleep each night knowing that they have swayed the National Election in their favor since they basically control the Eastern Establishment of the United States of America and in other areas of our Great Nation. Are we, as Americans, going to be in for a "rough ride during the next four years?" With a Democratically controlled Congress and a Democratic President in the White House, the presumption is that all of the socialistic policies that were shortchanged during the past eight years will be become reality by a "rubber stamping" that would make the Roosevelt era seem like ancient history and un-eventful especially during his reign during the "Great Depression." His promise to keep Americans out of the war in the late 30s and early 40s became a matter of history.

Time will tell whether an inexperienced and untested, first term Senator from Illinois will be able to survive the challenges of the next four years. With very little military know how in actual participation and combat experience, this Senator will have his credibility tested often by the veterans and the current leadership of the military. Again, even Harry Truman stated that "if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." Lee Iacocca simply put it bluntly: "Lead, follow, or get out of the way." With more and more nationalization of private ownership in many sectors, the socialist liberals will have a field day in expanding their taxing methods to accomplish their socialist, liberal philosophies at the expense of the American taxpayer. LET THE VOTER BEWARE....LET THE BUYER BEWARE....IF IT IS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, IT IS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. BY THEIR FRUITS YOU WILL KNOW THEM.

Now is the time for all good men and women to come to.....God has certainly blessed this wonderful country of ours even in difficult times and circumstances. However, this Nation has drifted away from respecting the gifts that God has blessed this Country over the years. Unless we get down on our knees in prayer, our Country is in for a "rough ride" if we continue to listen and to respond to the atheistic and apathetic atmospheres that we have allowed to occur because of tepidity, greed, lust, avarice, and all of the deadly vices that have been allowed to exit because we lost our pride and patriotism over economic challenges.

America needs to BLESS GOD especially during our most challenging dilemmas that are unraveling in this United States of America. We need Faith, Hope, and Love...and the greatest of these is LOVE...GOD'S LOVE which is beyond all human understanding and comprehension. WE NEED PRAYERS TO REQUEST FOR THE CONVERSION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in the days and years to be a fitting witness and example of what it means to live the Golden Rule. LOVING GOD AND LOVING OUR NEIGHBOR AS WE LOVE OURSELVES takes prayer power beyond our current one hour a week. We live 168 hours of our week in GOD'S WONDERFUL PRESENCE. FOR HIS KINGDOM, HIS POWER, HIS GLORY...NOW AND FOREVER...AMEN!

Let your conscience be your guide when you cast your vote this November 4. Ignore the hype, the biased news media, the misinformation, the polls, and the prejudiced commentators...USE YOUR OWN JUDGMENT....THINK FOR YOURSELF...LIVE WITH WHATEVER CHOICE YOU MAKE...FOR BETTER, FOR WORSE, FOR RICHER, FOR POORER, IN SICKNESS AND IN HEALTH, UNTIL DEATH DO YOU PART. The life you save may be your own and your neighbor's.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Have you seen the latest ad regarding a first-time Senator from Illinois who is running for President of the United States indicating that he is approves issuing driver's licenses for illegal and un-documented immigrants? Remember the 19 terrorists who were issued American driver's licenses before they brought about 9/11 killings of innocent persons in New York City, Washington, D.C., and a small town in Pennsylvania? Why are we allowing this to happen in America? How LIBERAL ARE WE GETTING in allowing non-citizens of the United States to getting the full benefits of what is expected of full-fledged American citizens? It is about time that we stop this LIBERALISM AND SOCIALISM TO RUIN OUR WONDERFUL COUNTRY. AMERICA...LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT!...