In today's emphasis on purchasing whatever you can with credit even to the maximum, many families have been overwhelmed with a credit crunch that has been pushed by satisfied, political-socialist-minded individuals. To create a welfare state to satisfy the coffers of federalism, many individuals are finding out the costs of losing their homes, their possessions, their dignity, their jobs, their integrity, and their ethical values that they once thought worthwhile. Because of the easy money available through financial markets supported by government entities, the American Public has been duped into submission to say that free enterprise does not work because of current economic conditions. Who are really the culprits in all of this financial mess? Who are the monsters who have put a death wish on the initiative and the ingenuity of the entrepreneurs and the intrapreneurs? Look no farther than the Washington corridor of corruption, unethical conducts, greed, avarice, and disdain for the American public brought to their knees. FREEDOM COMES WITH A PRICE TAG!
Being brought to one's knees is a good omen in many ways. IN GOD WE TRUST is better than IN CONGRESS WE TRUST! Congress under its present leadership has continued to overlook the value and the beauty of the American taxpayer who trusted their Representatives to act in their best behalf. With a DO NOTHING CONGRESS except when the chips are down and nowhere to go, the American voter will have an opportunity on November 4 to voice their CIVIL RIGHT TO ELECT RESPONSIBLE REPRESENTATIVES. Yes, we, as Americans, will get out of this current financial crisis and economic crunch when we put our minds and hearts together to find solutions to the challenges that we are now facing. IN GOD WE TRUST and the guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT, new initiatives will be presented from the most unlikely sources to resolve over time the challenges that we are facing today.
GIVE AMERICANS CREDIT FOR COMING TOGETHER WHEN THE CHIPS ARE DOWN! AMERICA HAS BEEN BLESSED BY GOD WITH MANY TALENTS AND TREASURES. Learning how to become better stewards of our time, our talents, and our treasures will come with new ideas and better ways to get the rugged individual and the creative talents of all Americans to make that happen. We can do without the greedy politicians who are wasting our time, our talents, and our treasures through their incompetence and inaction when push comes to shove. Americans are really looking for a HAND UP rather than a HAND OUT!
Yes, the American Family is the cornerstone of our Nation; and the respect for all Americans at every stage of development has always been our greatest asset until some individuals decided to change that dignified value. Imagine how the minority have ruled the majority by their insistence on misinformation and misinterpretation of the Constitution of the United States of America. These radical, liberal minded, and extremist individuals have convinced a few judges on the Supreme Court that their ideas where better than what had prevailed from the inception of our Great Nation. The Hippocratic Oath was ignored to promote a socialist agenda and a feminist mystique that had more value under the 14th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.
Pray for the families that are suffering because of the greedy actions of financiers and money-hungry politicians who wanted to resolve their own personal agenda rather than REALLY REPRESENT THEIR CONSTITUENCY.
Human life is still a continuum from conception to natural death, which is learned in most biology and human anatomy classes. STAND FIRM ALL YOU FAMILIES THAT HAVE ENDURED THIS LATEST TEST ON YOUR ETHICAL STANDARDS AND VALUES. STAND TALL AND SHOW THE COURAGE THAT A WELL-KNIT FAMILY GIVES AS AN EXAMPLE TO OTHERS WHO ARE SELFISH AND WHO THINK THAT THEY HAVE ALL OF THE ANSWERS TO TODAY'S CHALLENGES! What Americans families believe does make a difference!
Being brought to one's knees is a good omen in many ways. IN GOD WE TRUST is better than IN CONGRESS WE TRUST! Congress under its present leadership has continued to overlook the value and the beauty of the American taxpayer who trusted their Representatives to act in their best behalf. With a DO NOTHING CONGRESS except when the chips are down and nowhere to go, the American voter will have an opportunity on November 4 to voice their CIVIL RIGHT TO ELECT RESPONSIBLE REPRESENTATIVES. Yes, we, as Americans, will get out of this current financial crisis and economic crunch when we put our minds and hearts together to find solutions to the challenges that we are now facing. IN GOD WE TRUST and the guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT, new initiatives will be presented from the most unlikely sources to resolve over time the challenges that we are facing today.
GIVE AMERICANS CREDIT FOR COMING TOGETHER WHEN THE CHIPS ARE DOWN! AMERICA HAS BEEN BLESSED BY GOD WITH MANY TALENTS AND TREASURES. Learning how to become better stewards of our time, our talents, and our treasures will come with new ideas and better ways to get the rugged individual and the creative talents of all Americans to make that happen. We can do without the greedy politicians who are wasting our time, our talents, and our treasures through their incompetence and inaction when push comes to shove. Americans are really looking for a HAND UP rather than a HAND OUT!
Yes, the American Family is the cornerstone of our Nation; and the respect for all Americans at every stage of development has always been our greatest asset until some individuals decided to change that dignified value. Imagine how the minority have ruled the majority by their insistence on misinformation and misinterpretation of the Constitution of the United States of America. These radical, liberal minded, and extremist individuals have convinced a few judges on the Supreme Court that their ideas where better than what had prevailed from the inception of our Great Nation. The Hippocratic Oath was ignored to promote a socialist agenda and a feminist mystique that had more value under the 14th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.
Pray for the families that are suffering because of the greedy actions of financiers and money-hungry politicians who wanted to resolve their own personal agenda rather than REALLY REPRESENT THEIR CONSTITUENCY.
Human life is still a continuum from conception to natural death, which is learned in most biology and human anatomy classes. STAND FIRM ALL YOU FAMILIES THAT HAVE ENDURED THIS LATEST TEST ON YOUR ETHICAL STANDARDS AND VALUES. STAND TALL AND SHOW THE COURAGE THAT A WELL-KNIT FAMILY GIVES AS AN EXAMPLE TO OTHERS WHO ARE SELFISH AND WHO THINK THAT THEY HAVE ALL OF THE ANSWERS TO TODAY'S CHALLENGES! What Americans families believe does make a difference!
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