Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Many years ago, a famous author by the name of Shultz wrote a book regarding the infiltration of individuals in controlled governments and economies. His title for his book was, "You can trust communists to be communists." His premise is that when someone has an agenda and a total dedication to that agenda you can expect that person to achieve their goals because of their total control of all facets. These dedication leaders will overwhelm the opposition.

In the next two weeks, the American people will again witness in many varying ways the ways political lawyers running for public office stay the course of their controlled agenda. Yes, "you can trust lawyers to be lawyers." The final outcome of their adventure will be well calculated to achieve a successful conclusion. Control and power are their tools to make the difference. Sometimes manipulating facts and agendas to meet their own purposes solves their thinking of "the ends justifying the means." Say YES when you mean Yes and NO when you mean NO. However, we need more information to state a better case.

In this election year, two presidential candidates are vying for the same goal: TO BE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FOR THE NEXT FOUR YEARS. For a seasoned diplomat, the approach is to disarm the advantages that a Ivy League Educated Lawyer has as a smooth, eloquent orator and debater. In obtaining close to ONE BILLION DOLLARS IN CAMPAIGN FINANCING, THIS ILLINOIS SENATOR is buying his way into the minds and hearts of the duped public by his charm and grace. This freshman Senator politician knows how to SPEND other peoples' money by his advertisements in all types of media including the internet, direct mail, phone calls, door-to-door visits, and expensive television advertisements that are misinformation, misconceptions, biases, prejudices, and stereotypes. He avoids anything that would be libel or slander, but that goes with the territory in political circles. If he is elected, this freshman Senator from Illinois will OWE many people for his opportunity to further his liberal, socialistic, secular-humanistic agenda that is shared by many of his colleagues in Congress.

Remember, America, you get what you pay for and what you listen to. Jim Jones was able to lead many people to their unfortunate demise because they were gullible, apathetic, ignorant, and overly committed to the CAUSE of Jim Jones. THEIR FAITH, HOPE, AND LOVE for their own lives and the lives of many innocent human beings was eroded by the lies of a MESSIAH that promised them many things, but were unable to deliver the most important promise of all...ETERNAL LIFE. There has ONLY BEEN ONE MESSIAH that has come to this earth to die for all of us; but HE ROSE AGAIN ON THE THIRD DAY and NOW SITS AT THE RIGHT HAND OF THE FATHER ALMIGHTY...HE IS KING OF KINGS...LORD OF LORDS...and HIS KINGDOM WILL NEVER END. Yes, we can depend on HIS PROMISES because HE SAID: "I WILL BE WITH YOU ALWAYS UNTIL THE END OF TIME." HE IS THE ONLY WAY, TRUTH, AND LIFE!

Remember to vote your conscience on November 4 or before, if you are voting early. REMEMBER TO RESEARCH YOUR CANDIDATES FROM ALL ASPECTS BEFORE MAKING YOUR CHOICE. If what you hear on television, on the radio, read in an email, or receive in the mail is TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, then IT IS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. YOUR LEGAL VOTE WILL COUNT FOR THE POLITICAL CANDIDATES OF YOUR CHOICE. YOUR LIFE MAY DEPEND ON IT!

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