Sunday, October 26, 2008


During the next nine days prior to November 4, 2008, ELECTION DAY, our prayers and sacrifices will be offered for the conversion of the United States of America to come back to the moral and ethical values that once made our Country the best in the world. With all of the negativism during the last two years of the Presidential Elections and the inactions of the leadership in the Congress of the United States of America during the last two years, our attention needs to come back to the basic moral and ethical values that our Declaration of Independence embodies. The change that some want in our Country is NOT really a change but a deliverance and a retreat. YOU SHOULD FEEL PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN! There are those who want to take away our basic freedoms and enslave our rights to ownership by controlling the basic factors of production that makes our American enterprise prosper and flourish. OUR PROBLEM IS THAT TOO MANY LAWYERS ARE PROMOTING THEIR OWN VISION IN THE PUBLIC ARENA AND TAKING GOD OUT OF THE PICTURE WITH THEIR OWN AGENDA.

The American People deserve a better representation to encourage the process of proceeding with the challenges that the daily LADDER OF ACHIEVEMENT requests and demands of all Americans. On one hand, we may say we don't won't to change for the better; and on the other hand, after much thought and positive attention, we find the means to achieve a 100 percent achievement level. TOO MANY PUBLIC OFFICIALS ARE SELFISH AND ARE FORGETTING THEIR CONSTITUENCY. PRAY THAT THESE OFFICIALS WILL FIND THE ERRORS OF THEIR WAYS AND REPENT AND REFORM THEIR WAYS.

Pray for the Conversion of the United States of America to live the way our Creator designed for us to live in His peace, joy, and love. GOD HAS ALREADY BLESSED AMERICA...NOW THE TIME HAS COME TO BLESS GOD...IN GOD WE TRUST...not in secular humanism, not in liberal socialism or worse, not in destroying innocent human life at the rate of 4,000 unborn babies a day, not in ignoring the poor, the handicapped, the oppressed, the lonely, the forgotten, the homeless, the elderly, the youth, the sick....

OPEN YOUR ARMS AMERICA AND START TO SHOW THE LOVE THAT YOU ARE CAPABLE OF SHOWING BY BEING THERE FOR OTHERS IN THEIR TIME OF NEED. Stop supporting so-called agents of change who have their own self-interest at heart. PROMISES, PROMISES, PROMISES...ALL EMPTY PROMISES...HISTORY SHOULD BE OUR REMINDER. There is nothing in this world that is free; freedom comes with a price...sometimes a serious deadly price...sometimes with deception to even the gullible and the most intelligent....ONLY GOD HAS MADE PROMISES THAT HAVE BEEN KEPT OVER THE MANY CENTURIES. HIS PROMISE: "I WILL BE WITH YOU ALWAYS UNTIL THE END OF TIME." IN GOD WE TRUST IS OUR RALLYING CRY TO TRUE FREEDOM, TRUE PEACE, AND TRUE LOVE.

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