Wednesday, October 8, 2008


From the World Almanac, grim statistics give us the picture of what the American War Casualties have been over the years. They include the following:

Revolutionary War 25, 324
Civil War 498,332
World War I 116,708
World War II 407,316
Korean War 54,246
Vietnam War 58,655
Iraq War ????
Afghanistan ????

The war casualties represent all American combat-related deaths.

WAR ON THE UNBORN.....Since elective abortion was legalized in 1973, more than 60,000,000 babies have been killed to date. THIS IS A CIVIL RIGHTS ISSUE THAT NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED BY CONGRESS AND THE STATES.

Imagine what the number of deaths are worldwide for elective abortions...what is your guess? More than 5,000 per day? More than 6,000 per day? More than 7,000 per day? REMEMBER...ONE INNOCENT, UNBORN'S ELECTIVE ABORTION IS ALREADY TOO MUCH! There are better ways to show and give RESPECT FOR THE MORE VULNERABLE HUMAN BEING ALIVE! WHEN WILL WE EVER LEARN? The lives y0u save by your pro-actions will make a mark!

When will this WAR ON THE UNBORN come to a conclusion. No one seems to care, but with a throw-away mentality that still exists in our Country....THE NEED FOR DRASTIC CHANGE IS NOW! Pray for all of the mothers who willingly or unwillingly allowed their babies to be taken from them through elective abortion. Today these mothers may be seeking healing for their past actions through programs like PROJECT RACHEL. God is a God of mercy and forgiveness. Choosing Life rather than certain death takes more COURAGE AND LOVE than allowing others to dictate your decisions under emotional conditions.

OCTOBER IS RESPECT HUMAN LIFE MONTH. Be there for someone who needs assistance for pre-natal and post-natal care and guidance. IT'S A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH! CHOOSE LIFE AND ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO CHOOSE LIFE!

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