Friday, March 19, 2010


Today is the Solemn Feast in honor of Saint Joseph, the Foster Father of Jesus Christ and the Husband of the Most Blessed Mother Mary, Virgin and Mother. Information about Saint Joseph is recorded in the infancy narratives of Saint Matthew and Saint Luke. "Saint Joseph is of royal descent from David. Joseph's family came from Bethlehem in Judea, but he had moved to Nazareth in Galilee, where Saint Joseph was a builder. He was betrothed to Mary, became alarmed when he found Mary was pregnant though she had not lived with him, and was dissuaded from divorcing her by the angel of the Lord who told him her pregnancy was "by the power of the Holy Spirit." Joseph was with Mary at the birth of Jesus and the visit by the Magi at Bethlehem. He took Mary and the child to Egypt to escape Herod's massacre of the infants, and after Herod's death brought Mary and Jesus back to Nazareth. Joseph and Mary had Jesus circumcised and presented to the Lord in the Temple in Jerusalem. When Jesus was twelve, Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem, lost him, and found him discoursing with the doctors in the Temple. Thereafter, the name of Joseph is absent from the New Testament except in Luke 4:22, where he is mentioned by name as the father of Jesus. Joseph was probably dead by the time of the Passion and death of Jesus Christ." (Dictionary of Saints by John J. Delaney)
Although Saint Joseph was never quoted in the Scriptures, his actions spoke louder than any words could project about the personality of Saint Joseph. He was quoted as being a "Just Man." He definitely was a family man who protected his family from many harms and dangers. He was a devoted husband to Mary, his wife. He was a good Daddy to his foster child, Jesus Christ. Joseph taught Jesus the carpentry trades, and listened to his son, his foster son, in many moments of working together. Joseph was a patient and loving father. Joseph was a humble man, a true gentleman, who knew how to accept fatherhood with full commitment. Also, his respect for his wife, Mary, earned him many titles throughout the centuries because of his concern for the spiritual beauty of his wife and her total dedication to motherhood. Yes, this is the Holy Family that is an exemplary example for all families to emulate and to admire.
Saint Joseph was declared the Patron of the Universal Church in 1870. In 1889, Saint Joseph was exalted to be the Model for Fathers of Families by Pope Leo XIII, who confirmed that his pre-eminent sanctity places him next to the Blessed Mother among the Saints. Pope Benedict XV recognized Saint Joseph as the Protector of workingmen and workingwomen. Pope Pius XI awarded Saint Joseph with the honor of being the Patron of Social Justice; and in 1955, Pope Pius XII established the Feast of Saint Joseph the Worker, celebrated every May 1. Saint Joseph, the exemplary example of Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts, was the "Renowned descendent of David, Light of Patriarchs, Husband of the Mother of God, Chaste Guardian of the Virgin, Foster Father of the Son of God, Watchful Protector of Jesus Christ, Head of the Holy Family, Most Just, Most Chaste, Most Prudent, Most Strong, Most Obedient, Most Faithful, Mirror of Patience, Lover of Poverty, Model of Workmen and Workwomen, Glory of Home Life, Guardian of Virgins, Protector of Families, Comfort of the Distressed, Hope of the Sick, Patron of the Dying, Terror of Demons, and Protector of Holy Church." Thank you, Saint Joseph, for your Ladder of Achievement Legacy!

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