Friday, March 5, 2010


What is the reason that elected officials assume their new responsibilities? What are the motives that give career elective officials the inner drive to carry on their lifelong public service ambitions? Have the current national elected officials pondered the leaven that they are to be and are to live in their respective environments? Are the current elected officials at the state and at the national levels living examples of service to their constituents? Why are so many citizens concerned about the quality of leadership that permeates at the local, state, and national public office levels? There are many more questions that may be asked by the American people but the answers may be unavailable in the present state of affairs locally and nationally.
When we view the Ladder of Achievement steps from the zero percent to the 100 percent, the negative responses to the positive responses require a commitment that is beyond the casual. For public officials who may say, "I won't consider any other views except my own" creates an agenda that is obviously extremely negative in a bureacratic climate. When public officials say, "I can't waste my time in learning what other points of view may exist," the crunch begins in an adversarial atmosphere in the American peoples' minds. When local, state, and national politicians say "I don't know how we can live within our means," the floodgates open for bankruptcy with extreme deficit financing consequences. Even some public officials may give a glimmer of hope with the expression, "I wish I could help you find an adequate answer to your challenges," suddenly seek a more negative response than to carry on to a more positive solution. Once in a great while, we find individuals who want to give rather than to take from others by saying, "What is it that would make your life more liveable?"
The bridge between the negative and the positive thinking that encourages persons willing to serve their American constituency exists with "I think I might be able to assist you in providing a hand up rather than a hand out." With an enhanced intensity, the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts support any candidate who says, "I might be able to serve your interests in the Halls of Congress by being an exemplar of fortitude, integrity, sound convictions worthy of honor." Yes, the Ladder of Achievement becomes a positive thrust when we listen to public officials who acknowledge that "I think I can accomplish greatness with your continued support and your trust especially when we trust in the Divine Creator and guidance of the Holy Spirit in political challenges." When we witness local, state, and national political candidates say "I can bring about change," hopefully the change will be TRANSFORMATIONAL rather than reformational. When these elected officials profess publicly that "I will represent the American citizens," the time will tell when actions will be louder than words. In the final analysis, the Ladder of Achievement will spell success when the committed public officials say, "I did and performed the responsibilities of my elected office with the assistance of the entire team of my American constituency." In other words, "We Did This for all of the American People who deserve the very best." The time has come to clean House in 2010 and the Senate in 2010 that will bring our American Heritage to a new face on an old and worn out facade. We need Transformation rather than Reformation!

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