Friday, March 26, 2010

R.I.P.: Fr. Paul Marx, the Apostle of Life, Died a Holy Death - Catholic Online

R.I.P.: Fr. Paul Marx, the Apostle of Life, Died a Holy Death - Catholic Online

1 comment:

Ladder of Achievement...Ladoach... said...

Father Paul Marx lived his human life as Jesus lived His human tune with His Heavenly Father. Father Marx is a tremendous, exemplary example of a Champion for Human Life from conception to natural death. His legacy will live on with those of us who are encouraged by his heroic efforts to resist and to fight the wave of violence to the unborn, the elderly, the handicapped, the homeless, the neglected, the unwanted. God created all of human life to be respected from conception to natural death as Father Marx lived and preached by his Saintly actions. Let us continue to do battle with the ignorant, the intellectual elitists, the worldly, the godless, the Pro-Choice for Death Advocates, and the civil religious deceiters who have sought an agenda of death to the innocent unborn children with their propaganda of lies and deceit that is selfish, greedy, and heinous. May God have mercy on all of these lost souls who are agents of hate, violence, and greed. May the transformation of each enemy of life be for the repentence of their actions to once again respect human life at all stages of development and growth. CHOOSE LIFE!