Thursday, March 25, 2010


Today is just nine months from the Christian celebration of Mary Christmas on December 25. Today commemorates the time in history when an ordinary teenager of strong moral and ethical values gave her consent to be the Mother of the God-Man who would lay down His life for His friends for all time. Mary is the Virgin-Mother who lived her life in tune with the will of God, her Creator. She said "Yes" to God to conceive in her womb the Incarnate Word of God, Emmanuel, God is with us. This special miracle of God was through the Power of the Holy Spirit. Mary became the Co-Redeemer of the entire race for all time. As a human being, Mary was given the special graces to cooperate with the plans that God had in mind to send a Messiah as promised in the Old Testament Scriptures. There is nothing that is impossible for God, our Creator. Mary is an Achievement Ladder Enthusiast who provided the womb for her unborn baby who would eventually be born, live, die, and then rise again as He had promised.
Starting on March 28 with Palm Sunday, the entire Christian world will celebrate the most memorable event in the Salvation History of all persons for all time. As Christians we are reminded of the Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday with people chanting "Hosanna...blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, the I Am, the loving Father of all Creation. During Holy Week, we read and witness the turning point that oftens occurs for many Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who are on the top of the Ladder of Achievement and then find themselves at the base of the Ladder after many successful failures. Jesus Christ, the God-Man, showed how that memorable first Holy Week was lived and the courage of a loving God-Man to lay down His life for His friends. We are His friends if we follow HIS WAY, HIS TRUTH, AND HIS LIFE. When we live as He lived on a day to day basis, we discover and rediscover the need to make a TRANSFORMATION rather than a reformation. We become a New Creation that is molded by God's designs rather than by the world, the flesh, and the devil's fateful influence on our lives up and down the Ladder of Achievement.
Holy Week is our opportunity to pray, to fast, and to give alms for the well-being of our brothers and sisters in this world who are limited with their gifts. Our time, our talents, and our treasures are diverted to the workings that God deems fit to encourage moral and spiritual growth in a world that lives in deceit and lies. The focus of 2010 Holy Week is to pray for our family, our friends, our neighbors, and our communities to grow morally and ethically into new creatures of faith, hope, and love. The transformation of each individual will make a vital difference in bringing about peace and harmony where hate and violence currently exist. Just reading the daily headlines, in listening to the edited news media, and in our various networking opportunties demonstrates a tremendous need for living an ordinary life in an extraordinary way as expected of Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts. Let us pray for our state and national legislators, our leaders in government, and our working people to understand the true value of the sanctity and the value of each human life (unborn and born) from conception to natural death. Choosing life was Mary's response to her invitation to bring about the Messiah, the Incarnate Word, the Word made Flesh, who dwelt among us and gave His life in death so that we might be able to live as a result of His Glorious Resurrection on the first Easter Sunday. For many Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts, the Good Fridays will exist before they will appreciate an Easter Sunday. May our Transformation be for the glory of God, the honor of Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ, and the salvation of all souls especially those entrusted to our care and guidance. ALLELUIA! AMEN!

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