Tuesday, March 16, 2010


In recognition for all of their years of dedicated and devoted service to the Educational Environments, we honor and recognize ALL EDUCATORS as our IDES OF MARCH 2010 Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts' Recognition Award Recipients. The first Educators for all children are the PARENTS who unselfishly give their children for their first formal and informal experiences in the Learning Arena. As the PARENTS prepare to give their children to the FACILITATORS in the Day Care and Elementary School Systems, we recognize the PARENTS continued commitment to providing the most effective and the most efficient preparations for their children in learning the basics in reading, writing, arithmetic, thinking, and etiquette lifestyles. As their children continue through the middle schools and the comprehensive high schools, these PARENTS continue their cooperation and their networking in fostering quality educational environments that are conducive to effective learning. In many cases, the PARENTS accept the roles of home school facilitators as a matter of personal choice even though they continue to pay taxes for the public sector without any refunds or rebates. After their children graduate from secondary schools, the PARENTS continue to support their children's efforts in post-secondary challenges of educational pursuits. THANK YOU, PARENTS, for your desire, dedication, determination, discipline, discernment, and diplomacy in caring for your children's lifelong learning dreams, goals, and visions.
In addition, we honor all EDUCATORS at all levels of the educational environments for your selfless and proven dedication to molding our future leaders of our America. What you do as Educators does make a difference in our Nation that encourages young persons to find ways of being a Confident Student and a Confident Learner. Even though as Educators you may face challenges at all levels in your chosen profession, remember you have a responsibility to do your utmost to be enthusiastic in creating an effective learning environment that will have lifelong learning consequences. However, you may also realize that you are "planting the seeds" for lifelong learning developments that may be beyond your control. As Educators "always remember what you have learned. Your Education is Your Life. Guard it well!" Your motivational skills will enhance your past, present, and future students to find their way up and down the Ladder of Achievement as they continue to discover and to rediscover the beauty of the their uniqueness in multiple holistic intelligences.
Congratulations to all EDUCATORS as our IDES OF MARCH 2010 Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts' Award Recipients. WE ARE VERY PROUD OF YOU!

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