Saturday, March 27, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Today is just nine months from the Christian celebration of Mary Christmas on December 25. Today commemorates the time in history when an ordinary teenager of strong moral and ethical values gave her consent to be the Mother of the God-Man who would lay down His life for His friends for all time. Mary is the Virgin-Mother who lived her life in tune with the will of God, her Creator. She said "Yes" to God to conceive in her womb the Incarnate Word of God, Emmanuel, God is with us. This special miracle of God was through the Power of the Holy Spirit. Mary became the Co-Redeemer of the entire race for all time. As a human being, Mary was given the special graces to cooperate with the plans that God had in mind to send a Messiah as promised in the Old Testament Scriptures. There is nothing that is impossible for God, our Creator. Mary is an Achievement Ladder Enthusiast who provided the womb for her unborn baby who would eventually be born, live, die, and then rise again as He had promised.
Starting on March 28 with Palm Sunday, the entire Christian world will celebrate the most memorable event in the Salvation History of all persons for all time. As Christians we are reminded of the Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday with people chanting "Hosanna...blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, the I Am, the loving Father of all Creation. During Holy Week, we read and witness the turning point that oftens occurs for many Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who are on the top of the Ladder of Achievement and then find themselves at the base of the Ladder after many successful failures. Jesus Christ, the God-Man, showed how that memorable first Holy Week was lived and the courage of a loving God-Man to lay down His life for His friends. We are His friends if we follow HIS WAY, HIS TRUTH, AND HIS LIFE. When we live as He lived on a day to day basis, we discover and rediscover the need to make a TRANSFORMATION rather than a reformation. We become a New Creation that is molded by God's designs rather than by the world, the flesh, and the devil's fateful influence on our lives up and down the Ladder of Achievement.
Holy Week is our opportunity to pray, to fast, and to give alms for the well-being of our brothers and sisters in this world who are limited with their gifts. Our time, our talents, and our treasures are diverted to the workings that God deems fit to encourage moral and spiritual growth in a world that lives in deceit and lies. The focus of 2010 Holy Week is to pray for our family, our friends, our neighbors, and our communities to grow morally and ethically into new creatures of faith, hope, and love. The transformation of each individual will make a vital difference in bringing about peace and harmony where hate and violence currently exist. Just reading the daily headlines, in listening to the edited news media, and in our various networking opportunties demonstrates a tremendous need for living an ordinary life in an extraordinary way as expected of Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts. Let us pray for our state and national legislators, our leaders in government, and our working people to understand the true value of the sanctity and the value of each human life (unborn and born) from conception to natural death. Choosing life was Mary's response to her invitation to bring about the Messiah, the Incarnate Word, the Word made Flesh, who dwelt among us and gave His life in death so that we might be able to live as a result of His Glorious Resurrection on the first Easter Sunday. For many Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts, the Good Fridays will exist before they will appreciate an Easter Sunday. May our Transformation be for the glory of God, the honor of Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ, and the salvation of all souls especially those entrusted to our care and guidance. ALLELUIA! AMEN!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
During this Spring weekend, a decision will be made in Washington, D.C. by the elected officials of the House of Representatives and eventually by the United States Senate regarding the subject of affordable Health Care for all Americans. Although the thought is worthy of pursuit, the tactics and the strategies that are being used by non-elected officials to "force the issue" on the American People is dubious at best. The leadership appears to be flawed in its integrity and its morals and ethics. The Nation is divided over the many issues that are coming down the pike from the Nation's Capital. We encourage all Americans of moral fortitude and courage to pray for the guidance of these Legislators who are about to affect the future of the United States of America in uncharted waters.
Here is the Prayer for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to assist those elected officials who want to be Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts that really desire to make a difference by their public service in an appropriate moral and ethical manner. This is the Prayer for the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
"O Lord Jesus Christ Who, before ascending into Heaven did promise to send the Holy Spirit to finish Your work in the souls of Your Representatives and Senators in the Nation's Capital deign to grant the same Holy Spirit to them that they may perfect in their actions the work of Your grace and Your love. Grant these elected officials the Spirit of Wisdom that they may despise the perishable things of this world and aspire only after the things that are eternal; the Spirit of Understanding to enlighten their minds with the light of Your divine truth; the Spirit of Counsel that they may ever choose the surest way of pleasing God and gaining Heaven; the Spirit of Fortitude that these elected officials in the House of Representatives and the Senate in Washington, D.C. may bear their crosses with You and that they may overcome with courage all of the obstacles that oppose their salvation; the Spirit of Knowledge that these unique leaders may know God and know themselves and grow perfect in the science of the Saints; the Spirit of Piety that they may find the service of God sweet and amiable; the Spirit of Fear that they may be filled with a loving reverence towards God and may dread in any way to displease Him. Mark them, O Lord, with the sign of Your true leaders and animate them in all things with Your Spirit. Amen."
For all Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts who are watching the actions of their elected officials in Washington, D.C., always remember what you have learned. Your education is your life. Guard that education well as you climb up and down the Ladder of Achievement every day of your mortal life as preparation for your eternal life that fosters a solid faith, hope, and love beyond the grave.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Today is the Solemn Feast in honor of Saint Joseph, the Foster Father of Jesus Christ and the Husband of the Most Blessed Mother Mary, Virgin and Mother. Information about Saint Joseph is recorded in the infancy narratives of Saint Matthew and Saint Luke. "Saint Joseph is of royal descent from David. Joseph's family came from Bethlehem in Judea, but he had moved to Nazareth in Galilee, where Saint Joseph was a builder. He was betrothed to Mary, became alarmed when he found Mary was pregnant though she had not lived with him, and was dissuaded from divorcing her by the angel of the Lord who told him her pregnancy was "by the power of the Holy Spirit." Joseph was with Mary at the birth of Jesus and the visit by the Magi at Bethlehem. He took Mary and the child to Egypt to escape Herod's massacre of the infants, and after Herod's death brought Mary and Jesus back to Nazareth. Joseph and Mary had Jesus circumcised and presented to the Lord in the Temple in Jerusalem. When Jesus was twelve, Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem, lost him, and found him discoursing with the doctors in the Temple. Thereafter, the name of Joseph is absent from the New Testament except in Luke 4:22, where he is mentioned by name as the father of Jesus. Joseph was probably dead by the time of the Passion and death of Jesus Christ." (Dictionary of Saints by John J. Delaney)
Although Saint Joseph was never quoted in the Scriptures, his actions spoke louder than any words could project about the personality of Saint Joseph. He was quoted as being a "Just Man." He definitely was a family man who protected his family from many harms and dangers. He was a devoted husband to Mary, his wife. He was a good Daddy to his foster child, Jesus Christ. Joseph taught Jesus the carpentry trades, and listened to his son, his foster son, in many moments of working together. Joseph was a patient and loving father. Joseph was a humble man, a true gentleman, who knew how to accept fatherhood with full commitment. Also, his respect for his wife, Mary, earned him many titles throughout the centuries because of his concern for the spiritual beauty of his wife and her total dedication to motherhood. Yes, this is the Holy Family that is an exemplary example for all families to emulate and to admire.
Saint Joseph was declared the Patron of the Universal Church in 1870. In 1889, Saint Joseph was exalted to be the Model for Fathers of Families by Pope Leo XIII, who confirmed that his pre-eminent sanctity places him next to the Blessed Mother among the Saints. Pope Benedict XV recognized Saint Joseph as the Protector of workingmen and workingwomen. Pope Pius XI awarded Saint Joseph with the honor of being the Patron of Social Justice; and in 1955, Pope Pius XII established the Feast of Saint Joseph the Worker, celebrated every May 1. Saint Joseph, the exemplary example of Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts, was the "Renowned descendent of David, Light of Patriarchs, Husband of the Mother of God, Chaste Guardian of the Virgin, Foster Father of the Son of God, Watchful Protector of Jesus Christ, Head of the Holy Family, Most Just, Most Chaste, Most Prudent, Most Strong, Most Obedient, Most Faithful, Mirror of Patience, Lover of Poverty, Model of Workmen and Workwomen, Glory of Home Life, Guardian of Virgins, Protector of Families, Comfort of the Distressed, Hope of the Sick, Patron of the Dying, Terror of Demons, and Protector of Holy Church." Thank you, Saint Joseph, for your Ladder of Achievement Legacy!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
In recognition for all of their years of dedicated and devoted service to the Educational Environments, we honor and recognize ALL EDUCATORS as our IDES OF MARCH 2010 Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts' Recognition Award Recipients. The first Educators for all children are the PARENTS who unselfishly give their children for their first formal and informal experiences in the Learning Arena. As the PARENTS prepare to give their children to the FACILITATORS in the Day Care and Elementary School Systems, we recognize the PARENTS continued commitment to providing the most effective and the most efficient preparations for their children in learning the basics in reading, writing, arithmetic, thinking, and etiquette lifestyles. As their children continue through the middle schools and the comprehensive high schools, these PARENTS continue their cooperation and their networking in fostering quality educational environments that are conducive to effective learning. In many cases, the PARENTS accept the roles of home school facilitators as a matter of personal choice even though they continue to pay taxes for the public sector without any refunds or rebates. After their children graduate from secondary schools, the PARENTS continue to support their children's efforts in post-secondary challenges of educational pursuits. THANK YOU, PARENTS, for your desire, dedication, determination, discipline, discernment, and diplomacy in caring for your children's lifelong learning dreams, goals, and visions.
In addition, we honor all EDUCATORS at all levels of the educational environments for your selfless and proven dedication to molding our future leaders of our America. What you do as Educators does make a difference in our Nation that encourages young persons to find ways of being a Confident Student and a Confident Learner. Even though as Educators you may face challenges at all levels in your chosen profession, remember you have a responsibility to do your utmost to be enthusiastic in creating an effective learning environment that will have lifelong learning consequences. However, you may also realize that you are "planting the seeds" for lifelong learning developments that may be beyond your control. As Educators "always remember what you have learned. Your Education is Your Life. Guard it well!" Your motivational skills will enhance your past, present, and future students to find their way up and down the Ladder of Achievement as they continue to discover and to rediscover the beauty of the their uniqueness in multiple holistic intelligences.
Congratulations to all EDUCATORS as our IDES OF MARCH 2010 Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts' Award Recipients. WE ARE VERY PROUD OF YOU!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
What is the reason that elected officials assume their new responsibilities? What are the motives that give career elective officials the inner drive to carry on their lifelong public service ambitions? Have the current national elected officials pondered the leaven that they are to be and are to live in their respective environments? Are the current elected officials at the state and at the national levels living examples of service to their constituents? Why are so many citizens concerned about the quality of leadership that permeates at the local, state, and national public office levels? There are many more questions that may be asked by the American people but the answers may be unavailable in the present state of affairs locally and nationally.
When we view the Ladder of Achievement steps from the zero percent to the 100 percent, the negative responses to the positive responses require a commitment that is beyond the casual. For public officials who may say, "I won't consider any other views except my own" creates an agenda that is obviously extremely negative in a bureacratic climate. When public officials say, "I can't waste my time in learning what other points of view may exist," the crunch begins in an adversarial atmosphere in the American peoples' minds. When local, state, and national politicians say "I don't know how we can live within our means," the floodgates open for bankruptcy with extreme deficit financing consequences. Even some public officials may give a glimmer of hope with the expression, "I wish I could help you find an adequate answer to your challenges," suddenly seek a more negative response than to carry on to a more positive solution. Once in a great while, we find individuals who want to give rather than to take from others by saying, "What is it that would make your life more liveable?"
The bridge between the negative and the positive thinking that encourages persons willing to serve their American constituency exists with "I think I might be able to assist you in providing a hand up rather than a hand out." With an enhanced intensity, the Achievement Ladder Enthusiasts support any candidate who says, "I might be able to serve your interests in the Halls of Congress by being an exemplar of fortitude, integrity, sound convictions worthy of honor." Yes, the Ladder of Achievement becomes a positive thrust when we listen to public officials who acknowledge that "I think I can accomplish greatness with your continued support and your trust especially when we trust in the Divine Creator and guidance of the Holy Spirit in political challenges." When we witness local, state, and national political candidates say "I can bring about change," hopefully the change will be TRANSFORMATIONAL rather than reformational. When these elected officials profess publicly that "I will represent the American citizens," the time will tell when actions will be louder than words. In the final analysis, the Ladder of Achievement will spell success when the committed public officials say, "I did and performed the responsibilities of my elected office with the assistance of the entire team of my American constituency." In other words, "We Did This for all of the American People who deserve the very best." The time has come to clean House in 2010 and the Senate in 2010 that will bring our American Heritage to a new face on an old and worn out facade. We need Transformation rather than Reformation!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Congratulations to all of the 2010 Winter Olympics participants who represented their respective Countries with dignity, with honor, and with valor. Whether these Olympians won a medal is immaterial to the outcomes that have far reaching lifelong memories. Every Olympian who participated in the 2010 Winter Olympics is a WINNER. They DID IT! They choose to compete in their speciality with desire, dedication, discipline, diplomacy, and determination that truly marks each unique Olympian a special person indeed. Coming together with varying cultural diversities, these Olympians shared their uniqueness with their counter parts from other parts of the world. Even with intense competitiveness, these Olympians showed how sportspersonship may be handled in a positive and effective manner. We are proud of all of the Olympian participants, their coaches, and their families and friends. All of the Olympians have given the world an example and a preamble: "Let there be PEACE ON EARTH...and LET IT BEGIN WITH ME."
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